The Dark Titan's Lesson + Photosynthesis

I will most likely be crafting this legendary prior to obtaining Cycle of Life and Death from the Castle Raid. Visions of Unending Growth is a close second but seems to lack the throughput needed for Mythic dungeons.

It seems Lifebloom is much better than Rejuvenation even with a 10% reduction. I would craft the legendary just for the ability to apply 2 Lifeblooms for the increase in Clarities. Flash of Clarity conduit would provide some nice heavy burst Regrowths.

It seems like a chore to keep a Lifebloom on yourself for a 20% haste buff. It looks like a mana inefficient play style. The 4% chance to bloom does look appealing. Germination gives me the ability to run around casting 10x Rejuvenation in a group of 5 players.

How would you rank Photosynthesis versus Germination?

I wouldn’t use it for raids, but for Mythic+ it’s the strongest healing output lego we have.

Lifebloom is inherently Mana efficient, and whatever extra Mana you do spend you get back with extra free Regrowths.

Germination eats up too many GCDs.



Rejuvenate ain’t free bro.

But sure… one extra lifebloom is too much.


I have too much haste as it is. I’m with the Venthyr covenant and have access to a 20% haste buff in combat. Ravenous Frenzy is on a 3 minute cooldown but, it can stack up to 12x granting me an additional 12% haste.

So get this…

Thrill Seeker 20% + Ravenous Frenzy 12% + Time Warp 30% + Photosynthesis 20% + Haste from gear 10%, seems like too much Haste for me anyway.

Germination does cost more mana than Photosynthesis but, I do get more healing power out of it. If I chose Photosynthesis and had to make up the loss in healing power, I would have to hard cast Regrowth which reduces mobility.

It is a total chore to keep lifebloom on yourself for photosynthesis imo. I’d rather throw a heal on someone who needs it instead of myself. I used germination for a lot of the last raid tier because I liked it. I think you’ve convinced me to go back to it. I haven’t really “ran out of mana” so far in shadowlands anyway.


This thread makes no sense. Germination is so much more gcd heavy than photo its not even close. U dont need to photo yourself unless its group damage and if it u have to it takes 1 gcd on yourself as opposed to throwing out 8 rejuvs on the party to compensate. Once you actually start pushing keys and the group takes unavoidable aoe damage you are going to be spamming rejuvs all day long.


How on earth did you get to the point where 1 lifebloom yourself = 8 rejuvs? There is a lot more going on here. Its not like if you choose germination you can’t use wild growth anymore. Maybe there is just 1 guy taking damage and I want to put two rejuvs on him because I need to move. Germination is more flexible for my playstyle. I’d probably still use flourish for raid.

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If you think this thread makes no sense then it would make more sense for you not to post in it.

I could still take advantage of Photosynthesis by applying Lifebloom on any target other than myself. I would still benefit from the extra Clarity’s and the healing output of the second Lifebloom.

There are 3 other players in a 5 man group, including myself, assuming 2 players are tying up both Lifeblooms. Those 3 other players can only have 1 Rejuvenation on them, including myself. Cycling Lifebloom from a full health target to a lower health target is not a problem however, when all 5 players, including myself are taking heavy damage, I do appreciate the mobility that is possible with Germination. Otherwise I’d be cycling Lifeblooms more frequently and hard casting Regrowth/Wild Growth.

There are trade offs and I think Photosynthesis provides more overall throughput in certain situations. I’ll be testing them both to see which is better.

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Also, those extra rejuvs are going to attribute to our mastery too if there is major damage.


At the end of the day, Germination just is not really a thing right now.

Photosynthesis allows you to:
-Give the tank/a priority target some extra healing, or [unless running DTL, in which case you get to have your cake and eat it]
-Amplify any HoTs when applied to yourself

Flourish gives you:
-An extra cooldown that amplifies your HoTs significantly, functions as a short burst healing cooldown

Germination gives you:
-Rejuv stacking on targets, which while useful aren’t necessarily the best talent on this row for any given situation and adds GCDs unnecessarily compared to the throughput it can offer.

Photosynthesis is a better talent for M+. Flourish is a better talent for raid. Just kinda is what it is with the way things currently stand.


No offense but your 5 man healing experience is is basically non existent. Just because you can theory craft doesn’t make it at all accurate. Time some 20+ and get back to me.


A lot of people praising germination here haven’t even timed 15+… You can literally not even use talents and be perfectly fine if all you are running is 8’s and 9’s. Once you guys start the real difficulties you will know germination is very spammy gameplay that allows 0 time for dpsing.

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Yes. If you’re curious to know, Germination works with the talent Abundance as well. 2x Rejuvenation on a single target will get a boost from Mastery and increase the critical strike chance of Regrowth.

Yeah, I did some digging and saw a few the top 50 resto druids on Raider IO are using this combo.

That’s cool and all… but what are you going to do for the next 9 minutes and 20 seconds?

Like… is this a joke?

Easy there champ, we’re 2 weeks into this expansion and your wearing blues.

Sit down.

“Two much haste”


And in Other news… the sky is blue.
This thread hurts my head.
Youre reading off talent tooltips like you just cracked the code.
Just stop!


I have become so used to using Germination, at this point I can’t even imagine not being able to cast Rejuv on someone twice. Yes it does use more GCDs, but with careful planning (and a decent amount of haste) you can have a blanket of Rejuvs on most of the group before the damage even begins. Flourish is nice but I personally am not that fond of having to rely on cooldowns. I’d rather have more HPS come from my “normal” healing than have to juggle a bunch of different cooldown timers and hope that they match with the heavy-damage phases of the fight. Photosynthesis seems decent, but not worth giving up the 2nd rejuvenation. Rejuvenation (germination) is almost always one of my top heals, and I can’t imagine the benefit from Photosynthesis matching that.

Stop getting so worked up about what the “best” talents are, and focus on choosing talents that match your play style. A “bad” talent that you make very good use of will still be better than a “good” talent that you never use.


Thats not why you take it.

Theres no debate that germ heals for more than photo, (even with the lego).
Photosynthesis allows for more dps. Even more so in SL now that balance affinity is a contender. Moonkin form can cast regrowth. That means you can remain in form and dps while lifebloom(x2) ticks and procs free regrowths.

Pew Pew!

If youre running with poorly geared/experienced players who constantly stand in fire and require constant healing, by all means, Use germ. When youre ready to move up and play with the big boys, youll see why photo is far more efficient.

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Sorry I don’t care about 20+ keys. I play with strangers and meet new people in pick up groups. I like the challenge of carrying new and inexperienced casual players. Helping people get geared up. Having fun. That kind of stuff. I like to hang out with the cool people. No offence. :slight_smile:


Thats fine but don’t come on here pretending to be an authority of efficient gameplay. Germination is inferior to photosynthesis when it comes to maximizing healing and damage, aka doing difficult content. Your feelings and how you prefer to play dont change that.

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You shouldn’t come here pretending to know better or that your talent choices are better without adding some more context to your posts. If you want other players to game at your level you’re going to have to add some more compelling arguments to support your position.