The Dark Titan's Lesson + Photosynthesis

You couldn’t comprehend the context because you don’t push keys. You have no idea how much work it takes to heal an entire party using germination because you have no idea what real damage looks like.

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Maybe you can help us understand it if you spent more time trying to explain it rather that say things like “you wouldn’t understand”. Does everything one shot you at that level play?


At max gear healing throughput is not an issue unless you are playing with idiots who fail at mechanics. Your job is to heal and do damage. Obviously without photosynthesis your healing will underperform unless you germinate the entire party during aoe scenarios. So you need to spend a lifebloom and 10 rejuvs to heal more than the guy spending 5 rejuvs and 1 lifebloom. Thats nearly dbl the gcd. So while you are spending globals healing the other druid has already been dpsing . Again this isn’t a matter of “can I keep the party alive.” You can keep the group up with either talent. The issue is you arent helping time a key compared to the druid doing over 2x your damage and shaving minutes off the run. I’m telling you with complete confidence that if YOU run every dungeon at 15+ all season long you will notice it is way easier to play using photosynthesis. The reason you don’t think that is because you arent doing challenging content in which case you could probably just use regrowth as your only spell and still time keys.


Strange… I pug everything too. Carry bads on the regular, pass up gear to those who need, and I have lots of fun. Yet, I’m able to max out my weekly chest.


It doesn’t matter what talents you use at your level of gameplay. You could select none at all and still succeed. Your opinion is irrelevant.

At those levels, you don’t even need to play resto. You can heal a dungeon as feral/balance with resto affinity. That’s what the cool kids do :slight_smile:

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I’m not sure why I tried to get useful information from a WoW forum. I should of known better. Now I know why most people don’t post on the forums. I’ve flagged this topic for trolling. Hopefully it’ll get taken down. The community doesn’t benefit nor obtain anything of value from certain posters who turn threads into trolling farms.


So people who have raided and M+ at a much higher level then you tell you why talents are more beneficial than others you chalk it up to “trolling im taking my ball and going home.”


You did get useful information. You dismissed it out of hand because you didn’t like the response.

When you find problems and trolls everywhere, the best thing to do is set aside some time for a bit of introspection.


If you are only running +15 like most of us you can run either, I am not sure what your goal is. If its to run the best setup for pushing keys its for sure Photo with Dark titan. I like Germination mainly because it does more healing at the cost of damage, and healing is far more valuable to pugs than the damage in the +15 or lower zone. If you pug your runs in the +15 area I feel like you get more mileage from Germination, only because people make a lot more mistakes in pugs and germination will put out more healing at the expense of damage.

Hard to pull good DPS even with photosynthesis if you are constantly having to swap out cat form or moonkin form to save people. Sometimes its hard to do anything besides keep moonfire/sunfire out because people arent interrupting or just standing in fire for no reason. If you are pushing keys with guilds or a regular team it makes it much easer to dps and prepare for damage that you know is about to go out, vs that one dude in your pug that needs baby sitting because he is failing basic mechanics. Me personally, Id rather save the dude and complete the run than let him die because I wanted to add my 6% dps to the run.

I pugged about every dungeon in Beta to 13 to 15 key area and never failed to time a dungeon if people didn’t die. Never felt the damage I added in a +15 or less key mattered even when I ran photo/dark titan, but I for sure felt like I did less healing. DPS will matter a lot more if you are really pushing though. As people learn the dungeons pugging may improve where you can dps more, but pugs can be all over the place.

It’s early in the xpac, do what you like. In a couple months, you’ll have more legendaries in your bags than you’ll ever use.

People don’t even know how not to be dlcks on the Internet anymore. It’s like they never learned that putting others down to make yourself feel better is morally and factually bad. Honestly, I’m just sad for these people.

Remember, it’s never personal. It’s never about YOU. It’s about them, and the basic decency and heart and kindness that they lack. Don’t expend any thought on them, that’s what they want. Think instead about the decent, thoughtful people. There’s still a lot out there. /Cheers


Hi! I’ve been using the legendary and I’m a cat weaver so photosynthesis is always my go to.

I wanted to just add some input: this is a really mana efficient legendary. I would Def choose soul of the forest + improved wild growth conduit for more throughput. You’ll get plenty of clarity procs - so I would forgo the regrowth conduit personally for that reason (pretty redundant).

Anyway that’s all I have for now.

To expand on others: you can get away with using germination up to and maybe farther than a +15. But you’d have to optimize differently with conduits and talents since photosynthesis synergizes with a completely different type of build/play style. (I use a germination focused build in arenas for example)

Good luck season 1!

I’ve been raiding using this combo (Dark Titan and Photosynthesis). Despite people saying this is a bad choice, I like it.

It not hard keeping a LB on myself. I created a Weak Aura that creates a glowing icon whenever it falls off me. It’s just 1 GCD every 15 seconds, helps keep me alive, and applies a global increase to my HoTs.

Something people may not realize: with a LB on yourself, you are getting 20% faster healing not just from LB, Rejuv, and Regrowth ticks, but your Efflorescence, Wild Growth, Spring Blossoms, and the hots applied by Tranq also ticks faster. It is NOT a 20% haste buff, but is applied after haste. My Rejuv normally heals every 2.7 seconds, but with LB on me, it heals every 2.2 seconds (2.7 x 0.8).

This is not just a great throughput talent, but also a great mana savings. My two lifeblooms (tank and myself) each tick every 0.7 sec (reduced from 0.9). Which means I am getting 2.9 LB ticks per second instead of 1.1 per second. That’s nearly 3 times as many clearcasting procs for free Regrowths.

I enjoy the playstyle and its nice that I haven’t had to completely change how I heal when switching from raids to mythics, as Dark Titan’s Lesson is suggested for M+.


good to know. some of these legendary powers are entirely playstyle based…this is one of them. there are optimal raid encounter specific ones that i guess you could argue would give you better sustain/throughput, but that’s the beauty of being able to swap out a legendary for the encounter.

If you’re good at the double lifebloom uptime - i think it’ll be solid for some raid encounters too…haven’t raided yet, so i’ll take your word on it :slight_smile:

How much healing throughout do you really need? That’s the question you need to answer. If your group is taking so much damage you have to move Lifebloom around you’re either doing really really high keys, or they’re taking avoidable damage. I’m guessing it’s the former, in which case trying to heal through it is teaching DPS they don’t have to do mechanics.

It’s a powerful combo no doubt. Single target healing throughput is through the roof. This setup falls short on heavy AOE damage. In order to increase AOE healing output, I have to have a Lifebloom on myself, blanket Rejuvenation on all players and combo a Swiftmend + Wild Growth + Tranquility.

On occasion I can make this work. Most of the time, I have to triage and choose who gets to live and die by using single target burst healing tools. Lucky for Druids we can Resurrect during combat.

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