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I can’t believe that awful face covering made it to live for the Darkspear Troll heritage armor. :face_exhaling:



“heritage armor”

i’ve got questing greens that look better than that.


Would have been a fairly easy fix too. All they really needed to do with it was move the cloth under the nose and cover the cheeks so it isn’t just between the tusks and fix the female chest clipping. If they wanted to go the extra mile they could make the wooden part not so boring and flat.


I have made characters just to pick up the heritage armor. I don’t think I’ll be in any hurry to pick up these…

Not a fan. And whoever complained about Khadgar’s head was right. The jawline is all wrong. I’d say I was disappointed but really it’s just all what I expected, lately.

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When are you gonna reveal the REAL Draenei heritage armor? Surely that one is a placeholder, right?

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The fact 6 new (bland, not even fun like pink, green, etc.) hair colors for the second least used race is a main selling point of a patch is sad.


So much of that Darkspear Heritage set is so bland. What a huge let down after such a long wait, I really hope they fix it. Why take creative liberties if this is what you’re gonna come back with? Where are the skulls? Please let this be the China version.


If you guys are gonna shoehorn this Troll set through despite how boring and bad it looks, you’re gonna owe us Troll beards. This set is wack. Why is it an actual elephant? Don’t tell me you didn’t notice. Free the nose!

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Guess this troll set is happening. Jfc…can we at least get an HD version of the ZA and ZG armor?


This stuff hasn’t been added to the game yet, it’s not too late to fix those heritage armors. Had high hopes for the Troll Heritage quest chain but after seeing the effort that went into that set I can’t imagine the quest will be much better.


The goat person set is not very good.


Sure would be nice if Draenei got a heritage set that was actually designed for Draenei.


Its not(the ending was nice but it no way preludes new visage forms)

So Draenei get unique shoes for their heritage armor and the Trolls (whom also can’t wear shoes) get a low resolution pair of boots from 20 years ago?

And there’s no favoritism in this game towards the Alliance… at all?

How does Blizzard create new models for the Alliance and use old assets for the Horde, and how are we OK with this?

The Troll set looks like stuff from Cata or TBC.

The Draenei set is almost all 3D, with glowing, floating crystals… the Troll set is literal 2D drift wood.


On the Blood Hunter Set, they literally fixed the feet for every race except for Trolls… they had to go back and fix it! And didn’t even fix it for the Trolls… this set was not made by someone that cares about the Darkspear.

G’damn that draenei armor set is so ugly. Maybe it’s just the helm and shoulders combo but good grief I’m truly disappointed with the work here.


Be honest, Xal’atath is going to possess Alleria, isn’t she?

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Either remove racials so I can race change or let us transmog feet on trolls. I don’t get it and it’s so freaking stupid.

As a man who goes barefoot almost everywhere most of the year, I’ve always liked the Troll no shoes gimmick. That said I can see why it’s a point of contention for some people, there are a couple boots in game that can go over them but they are truly massive. The Blood Hunter set is the perfect option because the feet are just dipped in blood, but they never fixed them for Trolls, I don’t understand why, we have the technology…