The Dark Crystal: Age of the Resistence

I would rather have Helena Bonham Carter as the Goblin Queen. She’s the master of playing the odd/strange female role.

She doesn’t have the raw sexual energy to live up to Bowie’s Legacy. Goblin Queen should be as big a sexual awakening as Jareth was.

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Hmm you must not watch many of her movies. Try one of her more famous ones “Fightclub.”

I play a Worgen. I was raised on Tim Burton. Trust me, I’ve seen every HBC film she’s ever done and not once could she make me as hot as Bowie did in the ballroom scene. :neutral_face:

Well, I think she’s very sexy and she’s played 10x more sexy roles as Lady Gaga. :woman_shrugging:t3:

I want a Fizzgig plushie. And a good SkekMal figure. And a Heretic/Wanderer set.

I’m tempted to roll a Gnome Warrior named Hup who dreams of becoming a Paladin.

This show is not for kids at all.

Skeksis are as creepy as ever. Wonderfully voice acted and performed. I can’t decide which one I’d want to dress as for Halloween.

It improves the movie.

EDIT: Well, well. Looks like my desires for some quality Dark Crystal merch have been answered.


i want to play a cursed arakkoa outcast after finishing this :drooling_face:


I thought the show was really well done.
They did a great job with the puppets and making the world seem very busy, vibrant, and alive.
I think Jim Henson would have been proud.


Yeah I think he would have got a kick out of the scene with the Heretic and Wanderer.


To me this show is how you TRULY do a prequel.


Interestingly enough despite presumably being full aware of how the Skeksis die by then the Skeksis in the Movie were still surprised by the Emperor’s death looking as it did.

The Emperor’s death did look different as he didn’t start smoking nor did he turn into grey ash but instead crumbled as he was. The Collector didn’t turn to ash either but instead exploded into Purple Slime.

The Darkening was giving the Emperor genuine flesh! It was filling the hole inside him that the loss of his Mystic counterpart AKA the Light took away.

Skeksis are shells and Mystics are Light. There was no representation of the Darkness at all since the Crystal was supposed to purge the Darkness which it did a fine job of until one of the Skeksis broke the Crystal which was subsequently drained of it’s Light by desperate Skeksis allowing the Darkness to come in.

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Normally I hate prequels, the Star Trek ones have been terrible, the Star Wars prequels I didn’t mind though accept that most people found them mediocre, but this prequel series is really one of the best ones I’ve ever seen…

I can’t understand what makes it so good, is it something to do with the lack of CGI? Perhaps it’s the fact that CGI for all its wonders, makes us an audience feel detached as it’s easier to put us in that world.

For me though, there was none of that identity politics that seemed to have creeped its way into modern movies and shows, I mean yeah the Gelfling society was matriarchal and that’s fine, but that was just a minor plot point that you barely even noticed.

I think it had a good combination between dark themes and humor, what are your thoughts?

Why is this series just SO good compared to much of the other garbage we’ve been getting the past ten years?


I don’t know why it’s better than recent shows although I’ve noticed that shows regularly fail to seek out their full potential. They fail to world build!

Age of Resistance is good at world building! The Skeksis feasts are better, the locales(Caves of Grot, Vapra Clan’s Library, the Crystal Desert, etc.) are beautiful!

The Crystal Desert of The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance is better than Guild Wars’s Crystal Desert in my opinion!

Interestingly enough the show doesn’t mention how the Skeksis learned not to attack the Mystics though there is a comic released before the show that showed one Skeksis named SkekHak(half of the urSek known as the Carpenter) attack 2 Mystics and kill them killing himself in the process(the second Mystic he killed was his other half)!


I think they figured out shortly after the Great Division that killing mystics was a bad idea

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Alas the actual event where it all happens is shown only in the comics which have been contradicted by the show…


“Amongst the division, a skermish arose.”

They coulda killed a Mystic there and learned how bad an idea that was. Or we see them learn it in season 2.

My favorite characters were…


2-The General

3-The Heretic and his mystic counterpart

4-The Chamberlain was even more interesting then in the movie, and man he was as evil as ever, in that scene where he pointed out to Ryan that ‘all things kill’ his argument was so logical that I almost felt convinced.

5-Watching Seladon try to negotiate with the Skeksis was actually hilarious especially when the Emperor said ‘uhh…no’ lol

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He was also horrified by what the other Skeksis drunk on Essence were doing too… Seems we know why he laughed when Jen was about to heal the Dark Crystal.

I wouldn’t be surprised if his brazen power play and attempt to grab the Gelfling while make sure she was drained rather than killed was all part of an attempt to recomplete the UrSeks(why else would he laugh when it was about to happen?)!

The other Skeksis were afraid of getting a conscience through merging with Mystics but I dare say the Chamberlain seeing the insanity and madness justified that by fixing things his recompleted UrSek self would have a clean conscience and be free to scheme as he always had.

The most cunning and ruthless of the Skeksis had won at the end of The Dark Crystal Movie.

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Deet is so precious! I have a mighty need for a good Deet plushie!

Kind of a shame what happened to her in the end…