I think the whole “Fate” thing has been building since Legion, it at least has been on Blizzard’s white board for awhile now. (Threads of Fate, etc…)
Even at the end of Legion, we see Illidan say “Did you not see this Fate, Prophet?”
I am not sure how to have a meaningful conversation about this on forums right, without missing holes, etc…
But I feel as if our Titans, had been the “First Ones” (first born titans even?) this would make a lot more sense.
Sylvanas saying: This world is a prison.
- Is literally referring to Aman’thul secretly keeping Azeroth in a Prison.
Zovaal saying: My final prize, what the First Ones sought to hide. (Runecraver cinematic)
- Again, literally referring to Aman’thul trying to hide Azeroth.
Zovaal being banished to a new realm, the Maw, created by Sargeras (Pre-corruption)
- Sargeras built a realm to imprison the demons he found before his fall.
Similar to Algalon the Observer, it would have all lead back to this false idea that we have pre determined destinies.
The Titans of Order wanted this for the cosmos, they wanted robots and machines to follow protocol, but due to all the experiences and influence us mortals have had, we have continuously shown that Fate does not exist.
Fast forward to shadowlands, and I think this is where the problems really start, the point of no return sort of speak.
Imagine if, instead of Zovaal’s dismissal, he was in full panic mode. Mortals within the realm of death?!? How?! Mortals interacting with the relic of the First Ones??? Okay, this is serious, wtf did you do Sylvanas…
Chains instead get launched to the other shadow realms and maw invasion happen and everything hits the fan.
Zovaal still gets the infinity sigils because whatever gameplay reasons, and we go to Zereth Mortis.
But again, it’s WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! No one is to see “behind the curtain.” And the Zereth Mortis robots go into full attack and defend mode.
None of this “foretold in the prophecies” crap.
But instead, you are breaking the chains of Fate. (what Zovaal/Sylvanas wanted to do in the first place)