is it just me or…do you think so too, somehow the first ones feel so…weird, i don´t feel “awe” or such things…from this retcon-story.
This sounds like the writers just discovered Philosophy.
Are these the things we grind to interpret? What a waste of time.
It’s just a massive word salad.
I don’t know, I don’t feel anything good about it somehow, the First ones are so…i dont know… such an unnecessary retcon that I don’t feel anything good about it no matter how they try to spin it.
It’s not even profound. Like Doness said, it’s just fancy words that don’t mean much of anything.
My issue is, who are the First Ones? Why did they feel the need to build Zerith Mortis and as been suggested, beat the other cosmic forces into submission and ordered them by building the other Zeriths.
It doesn’t make the world seem bigger. It’s doing the opposite, it’s making the world seem smaller and our live insignificant when these machine can just print new god tier mercenaries when needed.
I read the Reflections on Choice and instantly thought of the Everliving Statuette.
Hope. Betrayal. Sacrifice. Faces change. The tale does not.
All gibberish!
The problem with the way Blizzard writes their stories (I know, there is a lot of problems, but this is the most relevant to the thread), is that they create a mystery and immediately demystify it.
We are full on the triple echelon of the Gods. First was Elementals, Wild Gods, Naaru. Then Titans and Eternal Ones. Now First Ones.
Then we’ll get the “Those who came before” and then “Those beyond the scope of time.” Until they finally realize the folly of that type of storytelling (If they ever realize).
Warcraft was so much more enjoyable when Wild Gods, Naaru, Old Gods, Spirit Healers and Elune were far beyond the scope of Mortal understanding. The World felt more real, it felt bigger. It left open pathways of speculation and different interpretation. Just like how it is in the real world. The World of Warcraft feels so small now, despite there being far more within it.
I don’t mind mysteries being revealed eventually, as long as the payoff is decent.
Ah yes, “First Ones”
“A Meditation on Existence” mentions light and dark, hinting at a Light vs. Void expansion.
So does the Draenei page. Plus with the dragon sale going on. We might be seeing the dragon army that was in the Son of the Wolf comic
Do writers discover philosophy, or does philosophy discover the writer? When a writer writes a world, does not the world become the writer? And does this not also mean philosophy discovers the world in turn? When the world turns and no one is there to hear it, does it turn left or right?
These are the questions of the Porpoise.
So does the Son of the Wolf comic back in Legion. It’s coming! Eventually.
I AM my philosophy!
I’m with Ve’nari on this. The Purpose is dumb and we should reject it.
The Porpoise… IS your Density!!!
I still wanna know who these First Ones are. Are they nothing but machines?
Oh the draenei have been talking about the whole light and dark war for years. More specifically since Cata. I mean sooner or later it is bound to happen but assuming the change to the racial page is a hint of that being the next expansion theme seem coincidental at best. I am pretty sure it was also mentioned on the old racial page.
Their names are Larry, Curly and Moe.