The cypher of the first ones [Spoiler]

Well, that explains everything :smiley:

The new page says “In the wake of the Legion’s defeat, the draenei now seek a new destiny in the blessed Light.” The Legion was defeated during Legion, of course, and the pages reflect the events of Bfa. This hints that something new is going to happen, unless the old page was also BfA-relevant?

I am pretty sure the pages were updated for BfA as well. I recall Saurfang was on the page at one point as leader for the orcs.

And honestly, that could still just refer to the draenei opening. That seems like it was deliberately made vague so a new player wouldnt know if this “defeat” refers to the one in Outland or Argus:

Ya know, I’ve never seen Lost, but this writing feels like I’m watching Lost.

It’s just frustratingly cryptic words that won’t mean anything until Blizzard makes it so years from now.


So… philosophy?

Oh gee. How exciting. very wow. much happy.

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Obviously, none of this was written by the actual First Ones, since they don’t exist. It was written by Blizzard’s writers, so of course it’s nonsense.

Danuser should stop taking drugs. It’s obvious he’s been imbibing in jenkem made of his own farts.

I think you’re on to the Big Reveal here.

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That made alot of sense.
Alot of NONsense.

I know its just flavor text but it should at least be interesting. Those are just words.


Got to give them a little credit though. Takes a certain level of skill to say so much but just barely be enough to make no sense whatsoever.


Not gonna lie, given Danuser and Golden apparently just learned about notable, salient parts of Black History (e.g. Tulsa massacre) this year (and not during peak BLM movement when copious amounts of essays, movies, talk shows, TV shows, and more were discussing it somehow???) I wouldn’t say it’s an impossibility they only just now started getting around to Actual Philosophy Written By Actual Philosophers That Are Historically Relevant.

This stuff reads like someone just got out of their Continental Philosophy 101 seminar last year.


Also them settling on “Everyone has a purpose”, heavily implying predestination, just lol


The fact that they are all philosophical mumbo jumbo, except for one passage, which is about Cervid, the new goat race, is just hilarious to me.


Orc: Me orc, me zugzug good. Me no not read.

Blizzard: You are the purpose, the purpose is you.


It will eventually be revealed that the ‘First Ones’ are nothing more than pawns of the Zeroth Ones, who are REALLY behind all the events Zovaal merely thought he was, and will be the Big Bads we have to fight in the next expansion, World of Warcraft: We’re Super Cereal!


You mean… the Eternal Travelers?!?!!

Blizzard: Those beyond the scope of Time have been built up for expansions!!!


That means the orcs drank Fel blood and genocided Dreanei and it was all part of The Purpose.

The Burning Legion destroying countless worlds, it too was all some grand “perfect” design.

Arthas destroying Quel’thalas, raising Sylvanas as a banshee, all part of her in-escapable destiny.

The Burning of Teldrassil? Yup! It was also destined to happen.

Maybe WoW God is the Demiurge after all. Azeroth is the Garden of Eden and Sylvanas is the serpent who leads everyone to reject the purpose for enlightenment. (I would cackle at the irony, it’s what I’ve been saying since she said “this world is a prison”)


The bronze dragons have outright enforced predestination for years.


I knew “Fate” was the real Big Bad of Shadowlands. It’s finally happening.

Zul prophesized in BFA: “Shadows twist the strings of fate” so there are manipulations to destiny. I imagine we will have to find out at some point who are these shadows messing with fate.

It’s probably the infinites and it will tie back to whoever tried to kill Chromie for her experiments on the Timeway because she was getting “too close” to discovery.

Bonus points to Blizzard if it ends up being us from the future trying to stop the Bronze’s for protecting Fate (which I speculate to be the case) we see our past self trying to protect Chromie and WoW has it’s “inception moment” that is bound to happen at some point with Time travel plots.

Yet that is the dialectic. The Purpose was a methodology used that was so rigid it comes into conflict the moment not everything lines up perfectly, and therefore dumb and should be rejected. We are using philosophy to reject philosophy. What what philosophical conundrum!

We better consult with Danuser. Surely someone of his intelligence and caliber can help with this.

The Purpose the attendants mention is a specific plan that’s only for the Shadowlands. This is different.