The crusade against Raiders has to stop

This is an issue because they have catered a lot of the game around this type of player. There are a lot of MMO gamers out there waiting for a MMO that deserves their attention again.

I see comments every where how they hate the state of a lot of MMOs and how they bend over backwards to cater to people that can only invest 20 mins a day into the game.

Did you ever wonder why all the time gates and rng gearing exist now? They needed a way to keep people interested in the game since progression without time gates would lead people to unsubbing faster. You can experience all the content so fast now.

Older MMOs as well as WoW was built on slow progression and required you to SOCIALIZE in order to see the content.

I’d like to also add that a lot of these people who complain about accessibility and lack of time spend a lot of time in the game, more so than some hardcore raiders.

The bottom line is they like the solo friendly, brain dead content.


lfr and normal lol

Please be crafting something afk. So i feel accomplished

I’d hardly call that a crusade but I guess I can’t use “literally” anymore :stuck_out_tongue:


And how many of that 20% are peeps buying carrys to get whatever shiny comes with AOTC?? Based on the numbers of carry groups spamming chat on my server I’d say at least 40%.
I’m all for blizz spending resources on raids as long as it’s not at the expense of stuff I like. So when the raiding community stops asking blizz to nerf my content, I’ll stop complaining about their content.


Literally all of your claims have the same amount of evidence backing them as mine. I’d say common sense and intuition go into some, but clearly not everyone has that.

You’re really going to argue that ZERO people were only doing non-queueable content because they wanted to see said content. And now that there’s an option to queue it, they just queue it and don’t bother with anything higher ? Really?!

And if you read what I wrote, I never said it’s not a minority. I said it’s not a miniscule or insignificant portion of the player base.

So if raiding was cut down to one difficulty you would have no reason to play this game? Next question, what the hell did you do from 2005 up til half way through Wrath? Ya know, when raiding had one difficulty.

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I doubt it’s that high. All you need AOTC for, outside of the final boss of an expac, is to get into the speedrun/farm heroic pugs that start popping up mid-tier.

End of the expansion final bosses have dropped neat mounts for the last few rounds, so I could see purchasing a carry there IF you couldn’t do AOTC on your own. But that’s about it.

Your own answer is a good answer. Expand your customer base and get current customers to try new content.

I’d hate to see you try and run a business.

I’m sorry, who’s making the claim that more people would raid if LFR didn’t exist? Oh wait, that’s you not me.

No because that’s not what I said. When you can understand the nuance between what you claim I said and what I actually said we can pick back up. There’s no reason for me to entertain a strawman.

I’m pointing at explicitly what you said. You said to stop acting like it’s a tiny minority. Except it is a tiny minority. Or do you think that the word tiny has some objective measurement threshold before it can be used? If someone is 1/5th my size are they tiny? What about my weight? I could go on but you get the point. Tiny is a descriptor that is relative, which means it’s not objective. And that’s if I grant you the absolute maximum possible it could be through alts and carries on the most popular tiers. Because it drops down to closer to 1/10th on some. I think that’s tiny. If you have a problem with that or that people who raid are a tiny minority, too bad.

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The problem is that it doesn’t work. It sounds like a good answer, but it’s just not.

It’s like the Children’s Week PvP stuff. People pretend it gets people to PvP, but all it really does is drum up a bunch of hate on both sides. Non-PvPers who get rofltstomped trying to do something, and PvPers being dragged down by a bunch of non PvPers trying to do something without any experience.

Alternately, consider the times when PvE players “had to PvP” to get gear. There was a time when PvP gear was competitive enough to be valuable to PvE players. Those PvE players lamented, a great deal, about having to do PvP to play PvE. There was also a time when PvP players lamented having to get raid gear to stand a chance in PvP. Notice how neither of those are really true anymore?

I don’t know what you think me running a business would have to do with this, exactly.


Holy Absolutes!

Good! Death to raiding and death to the living!

Raiding doesn’t bother me.

What bothers me is the mentality of the people that “hard-core” raid (if that’s even a thing now) and think that only raiding should provide the best gear and that anyone that doesn’t get gear like this is being given welfare epics.

There is no rule that states that a MMORPG can only have one method to obtain the best gear. thinking so, when only a small portion of the population of a game takes part in that method is selfish

I hope all raiders move to classic when it launches so they be be l33t again, when the world… made sense.


“If you’re talking mythic sure call it a niche but stop pretending it’s some miniscule percentage that raid.”

I guess if you consider 15-20% tiny or miniscule then I’m done worrying about trying to defend my post because you’re clearly the type to just keep arguing for the sake of arguing.

My claim was there are people that don’t raid above LFR but would if LFR didn’t exist. You replied saying I have no evidence to back this up. So you’re either implying it’s not true which you’re now calling a strawman, or you’re making a completely pointless observation and adding nothing to the conversation.

I would say it’s completely self evident because of course there are people that will take the path of least resistance since it’s human nature.

You talk about “crusade” as if there was some organized movement against raiding and not just different people with different opinions.

15-20% is a minority.


Again, not tiny, not insignificant, and again that’s counting AotC. Not even looking at people who raid normal.

If you go by that metric then literally everything in the game except leveling is “done by the minority of players”.

Yes but 15-20% (and I will ask for sources) is a fairly small minority for something that seems to be a focus of end game resources.

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Ironic, after years of the same people demanding that trivial tasks reward ever-higher gear, anything remotely challenging be nerfed, and render entire tiers of content worthless within a month (if not before they even drop), as well as demanding the removal of a loot option that was never even used outside of guild raid groups. Master Loot alone is proof that you’re not willing to live and let live, but with everything else I literally have nothing left to do but grind rep and raidlog.

Emissary gear invalidates all dungeon content short of M+10. Benthic is easy to get sockets and upgrade to 420, which often outperforms Heroic raid 430 (even before accounting for three effects that perform above 455) because raid gear secondaries are usually garbage.

I can at least sympathize with stuff like heritage and spirit beast being gated behind raid. That was a mistake. But I see no problem with story leading up to a raid, since stories tend to have climaxes, and LFR exists and is accessible to anyone with a basic sense of pattern recognition.