My problem has been when I have queued as tank, was in tank spec, performed the tank role, but got absolutely no heals other than my own. The healer was in tank spec and basically stayed on the stairs for just about the whole fight. I know he was supposed to be the healer because every other group member was a dps-only class.
this thread was never intended as " OMG ITS SO HARDDDDDD " it was hey be mindful of the fact you aren’t a healer… and queued as one… or you aren’t a tank and still queued as one. The fight for years has been a cake walk yeah no argument there.
but the fact that people don’t see this kind of thing as an issue is egregious.
For example how would you like someone to come into your m+ Raid or dungeon saying they’re a healer or a tank and just try to dps their way through it.
it’s not about difficulty it’s about Being a TEAM PLAYER. and if you selected a role… Fill it.
Using that exact same argument, I’m gonna disagree here and point efficiency as the ultimate metric. Very few players are in an encounter like this for the gameplay, they only suffer through it for the reward(s).
If the group can succeed on the task without needing anything other than DPS, it’s a waste of time to play healers and tanks.
And that has been the case for this particular encounter for years.
However, people should realize that it’s not as “cake” as before and a healer is indeed required now for many groups.
OK, look, I have been playing long enough that I have seen this for over a decade and a half.
Not once have I seen anybody wipe ever. I honestly haven’t heard about any wiping either.
I really feel bad for players who can’t play
and that’s 100% fine… when u make a premade group with that understanding.
Not when you que and expect others to come in and fill the role they selected, same as you.
nah, It’s fine to show Blizzard that they should design better rewards otherwise players will use fast queue with wrong specs, also other players don´t give us time to change spec.
Part of the problem is many DPS don’t perform the role they queued for (doing damage).
I queue as healer on my 638 Pally playing Ret and can drop a lay on hands if needed but the boss dies before players do if just 2 people are doing over 1 mil DPS so doing this just makes it faster for everyone.
They design the game and rewards, they know how to do this properly but they keep pushing massive RNG that leads to this kind of behaviour, they could fix it by implementing good BLP, a 1 attempt per account with good drop %, so players will do only their main.
Remember even reward dev mentioned that the best approach “it’s in your best interest to repeat this event every day on as many characters as possible. That’s… mathematically correct, but not a great experience.”
A lot of players are doing that and they don’t manage all classes, the boss got buffed and other players don’t wait for a spec change.
I’m over here queueing as healer, actually healing the dumb, getting yelled at because they’re all standing in dumb and not using perfume buffs… and y’all are out there cheesing the system without issue.