The crown chemical co dungeon is horrible

Not due to blizzards doing. but due to the fact that we have people queuing as both tank and heals but coming in as dps… ive had a few groups wipe cause the healer was in dps spec… or the tank was in dps spec… but there’s no report option for it… just inappropriate communication or name… blizz come on…

The thread was made about role queuing and not filling the role you queued for.
Not the difficulty.


I don’t know of a rule that states they must run the role they queue for that would warrant a report.

You can try to vote kick them, though. Usually if people wipe, they’re grumpy and would probably agree that a reason box saying, “Wiped 'cause tank is in dps spec” is justified.

What people forget is this line in the news article:

During the Love is in the Air event, you can enter Shadowfang Keep for a new Heroic-difficulty fight with Apothecaries Hummel, Baxter, and Frye.


They probably got tired of the half-hour queues for a fight that has been over in less than 30 seconds every time I’ve done it this week and fudged the roles just to get in there and get it done.

The ONLY thing you have to do is watch your feet and mow down the apothecaries. If people drink a potion, it reduces the difficulty even further.

I mean, I don’t condone it. Truly. That’s frustrating, and I do the daily on my actual Restoration Druid and I actually put out heals during the fight.

BUT…I get why they’d do that.


my ques as dps haven’t been more than 5 minutes.
Ques as tank are less than a minute and
ques as a healer haven’t been more than 2 minutes.
as well as u can always go to the shadowfang entrance and find a group with one of the 500 players standing outside.


Never had a wipe doing Crown Chemical dungeon, and there have been times when the Warrior “tank” went Fury.


I did it on an alt today where the whole group was fresher level’d 80s so we ended up dying a lot

Turns out the healer was playing windwalker instead of actually healing anyone


I mean what u wanna ban them cuz they Qed as a wrong spec lmao

Stay out of the chemicals.


100% of people who die in that dungeon are standing in AoE. You don’t need a healer.

If you’re on an alt healer that isn’t geared it’s hard to even heal through the damage on people standing in puddles.

They deserve to die.


It’s called battle healer. Kill the enemy fast enough and heals aren’t needed.

And if you aren’t a left of bell curve than healing isnt needed…stop standing in bad

Melee have no choice, as the perfume DoT is a melee range aura. If they don’t have one of the perfume buffs, then they’re taking damage from both auras, possibly the sprays and puddles, as well. Not to mention, Volatile concoctions get thrown at anyone.

Learn how the fight works. It’s not just puddles.

My goodness, it amazes me how few people actually know this fight.


Pretty much this.

As a 622ilvl tank, I usually find about half my HP will get chunked pretty quickly into the fight due to the fact that the people who queue as heals don’t actually heal. So I have to both heal and tank at the same time. But then, I don’t bother with the perfumes on the table. I just keep kiting the bosses. So far it’s been working without issue.


The spray is a cone I believe, so the tank can face the first two away then it’s still a choice to stand in a puddle. You can stand in the color you pick of course, but 90% of them don’t even use a bottle.


i have yet to join a group where group even needed heals bosses usally die as soon as they are active lol, and most people are only running it once a day anyway so if they try after 12pm ques are longer bc most have already ran there main toons

I had a few runs this week where I was in shadow spec and with a friend when they decided to queue for the event, we get in instantly, and I don’t have time to switch spec and gain enough mana to heal.

I Heal in shadow and don’t feel too much guilt about it but it does look bad. I do wish they would force the spec change upon zoning into the instance. There simply isn’t time for me to do so myself. Not a single group I’ve had for it so far has spent any time prior to beginning the fight to ensure that everybody was zoned in and ready.

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I like how everyone’s solution to every problem is “ban everyone that plays in a way I don’t like!” Why don’t you just run with a pre-made five man party that’s suited to your liking?


Folks are under the assumption it’s still a joke in terms of difficulty- it’s actually reasonably hard now and you need an actual healer lol.

Though to be honest, they all run around crazily except Hummel, so I think it can be done without a tank.

I say this as a tank- there’s 3 dudes, and only one of them really gets tanked.

You can taunt the other two, but after the taunt ends, they’re gonna do their own thing regardless.

Heals though, I’d say are required now.

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Can you really blame them though when it has been a face roll for the longest time?


I’ve healed my last 3 Chem runs as Prot cus actual heals MIA.

Nobody died but it’s odd seeing this happen all of a sudden, I don’t recall last year being like this.

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Only one guy runs around like a headless chicken and that is the final guy. The first two have an aggro table.

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