The costs to respec azerite traits are ridiculous

They don’t care about business, they only make decisions based on fun.


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My solution is better, the only reason youre against it is becuase your going through some elitiest complex.

There is nothing wrong with a azerite respec gold cap, no good reason to not do it. Its more player friendly and it creates a better incetive to try different roles.

I fail to see your argument as to why it would hinders the game.

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I don’t see how this is “punishment.” That sounds like hyperbole there. It’s a deterrent for consistent swapping, because they want you farming new gear. Deterrent is not punishment. Try out a trait for a day or two, swap it back. That’s hardly hundreds of thousands of gold or anything. There are only so many traits per armor piece. And you’re most certainly not trying them all out.

The cost resets and I find that a good compromise.

Do I hate AP and Azerite gear as a whole? Absolutely. I want my tier and my talents back. These lazy, grindy systems just tick me off. But I don’t see some huge issue with how they’ve handled it.


Okay. Fine. Make it 1k. Still well over what most players will see.

Nesosara next week

“Omg it took me 9000g to switch from tank to dps 3 times in one week!!!”


Still loads better than what we have now, thats for sure.

You have no argument as to why they shouldnt inplememt it.

Thank’s for wasting your time and mine.

Congrats for wanting to make this game better for everyone and getting WoW out of this whole known as BFA

Early Legion yes, end of Legion no. See every Xpac they try and fix the horror that failed in the previous version, but it always ends up at its core being the same thing just tired a little differently.

The problem is the entire system. Millions quit the game over the system as a whole. There is no good way to fix it, it should be tossed out and the old system that worked, that everyone liked, should replace it. Who was complaining about the old system? Only Blizzard, and why? Because they didn’t do good enough designing the game to deal with the freedom they gave us. FREEDOM that everyone loved and liked.

WoD failed as a whole, but it also had some of the best versions of a few systems that we ever had, or at least nearly the best. Gearing freedom and Tank spec design were at its pinnacle in WoD.

I mean tbh the only person’s time you are wasting is yours. You’ve been here for over an hour. Could’ve killed at least 3 heroic bosses in that time and probably gotten a new azerite piece.


Oh I agree. That’s why I said:

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I mean quite a few people here agree with me. You are the one so vehemently against getting gear.


I understand that, I mocked the notion earlier. Why does it have to reach such astronomical prices?

People who spend a mil on a respec are absolutely insane, the idea they can even get that far is even more insane.

I’m two bosses ahead of you, skip. Why are you on the forums defending this garbage when you should be killing Rastakhan?

Honestly I think the group that wants everything handed to them for minimal effort is a bigger issue personally. The sad part is the devs tend to listen to you more.

Is that a bad thing that we want the unnessasry hardships to go away? When we could be doing the actual content of the game?

I already have a rasta kill. Imagine looking at prog and not boss breakdown. Funny tbh. I rerolled hunter for Conclave because I get literally nothing from that boss on Warlock and we wanted an immunity for frog and raptor damage was low.

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You aren’t doing all the content of the game. You have never seen reaping and you have never killed jaina.

I mean I hope so. Might drop an azerite piece for you.

Would be more productive than you currently thats for sure

I used to carry 3 whole sets during MoP in order to raid.
Carrying only 3 more pieces of gear isn’t so bad. Both for my sanity, and my bag space.

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Ive already said my agrument, its fine if you disagree but i think theres a better way.

To shift this to something productive, the OP may be casual, but let’s be real: this issue affects high end players more, it doesn’t matter at lower points.

So I will ask again: how are such ludicrous talent costs on respecs without a cap fine as-is?

