@The corrupt Blizzard GM on Faerlina defending the horde

First time I’ve seen a GM in game in literally the entire history of classic and you logged in because horde were getting griefed from a mushroom? When they literally sit, and are currently sitting, above and below Naxx griefing all day long? Pretty obvious that the GM or one of his friends was among the horde being griefed.

Pretty disappointing that the one time I see in-game moderation it’s used for personal grievances.



Gm just logged into EPL in Faerlina to yell “Alliance get down off the mushroom or get banned.” Literally the first time I’ve ever seen a Classic GM and he’s specifically targetting Alliance for something Horde have been doing for a year or two. I’d just kinda resigned myself to there not being any actual moderation so this was pretty surprising…


I was wondering why this was posted here since I thought you were talking about a guild master but you mean an actual game master.

I’ve never seen any of them say anything in Classic. Interesting.

I guess the alliance were the ones getting reported.

Maybe. But has anyone, in the entire history of Classic, seen them respond to a report within minutes… much less in person??


It’s Monday afternoon, somebody was probably bored.

I mean, my natural inclination is to agree with your reasoning, though I doubt it rose to the level of corruption. More of an exasperated parent yelling at the neighbor kids to get off his lawn.

Lol, yea “corruption” was more rhetorical flair than anything. But still pretty apparent there was a personal motivation there

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As long as you didn’t get actioned for terrain exploiting, no harm, no foul.

Not true… I lost my beautiful mushroom spot… Now where do I have my picnics?

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Nagrand will be here soon.

How do you tell if it’s a GM toon or just someone pretending to be a GM?

Big ol Blizzard logo next to their name.

Hundred or so people in EPL just saw it. I’m sure someone will post a SS on reddit eventually

You obviously haven’t played this game for long. I’ve seen GMs in-game more than once, a GM even wiped my Ulduar raid once (on accident) after punting somebody into a boss.


You know how I know you have no idea what you’re talking about?


Vampire Clan was on a mushroom by Naxx, they wiped like 3 horde raids.

Gm saw it finally made an appearance and made the alliance get off the mushroom.

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They still out here moving people around. Kinda wild.

Its always VC stirring the pot…

Their name has the GM tag in blue on it when they type in chat.

So if I typed in /say as a gm it would be:


The GM would he blue

I mean good for them. Folding the horde, doing gods work.

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Except they all collude with most of the horde anyway and most have horde alts/mains. They’ll gank alliance just as readily as horde if they’re not part of their mafia which is why they’re so hated.