Look I know blizzard has made many mistakes recently with how they handled wow, but the community needs to check its self if we’re ever gonna turn this ship around.
Right now it’s just developers vs players and both sides have their own share of crap.
So earlier today wowhead posted that the archivist gem slots and conduits upgrades were not account wide like venari’s.
People immediately started attacking blizzard every which way. Turns out blizz hot fixed it shortly after and it is now account wide.
Like come on guys… If venari’s upgrade were account wide then it’s obviously blizz would have done the same for archivist. It was most likely an oversight that was promptly fixed.
Again, I know blizz has made mistakes, some they haven’t fixed yet, but come on guys enough with the pettiness.
tauren are always the voices of reason 
How are we going to turn Blizz’s ship around?
It’s takes healthy player feed back and dev communication to improve this decade+ old game.
It doesn’t help when people reeeeeeeee at the devs for a minor oversight that was obviously an oversight.
That’s why I carry blooming moss clumps with me at all times
Let me ask you this, when was the last time a dev made any serious attempt at communication on the forums? I can’t remember the last time a Blue actually talked on here outside of “here’s the patch changes” or technical service.
And I get it, there’s a lot of toxicity on the forums but most of it can be safely ignored, if they can’t ignore it then maybe this isn’t the job for them.
On ion when you get over dying on the hill of covenant restrictions well stop being petty. Until then you reap what you sow.
It can be. Ive also seen people post about personal problems and get nothing but love thrown their way. Its a product of our times. We’ve become a very me centric people.
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Why did Blood of Sargeras get a vendor but Expulsom didn’t?
i prefer to spell it “twokesic”…
It wasn’t obviously an oversight though. Valor upgrades were changed from being account wide in 9.0 to character only in 9.1 with no announcement. It’s reasonable to assume if something else stops being account wide it’s intentional too.
Its significantly less toxic when the community is happy with the game. The tone of the players speaks for how well the game is going.
That’s hilarious coming from you.
There isn’t anything objectively wrong with so-called toxicity.
Indeed. This community is primarily made up of hooligans and ruffians, and some I admit, are fine people.
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They took until 7.3.5 to give us the ability to buy legendaries we wanted and help out our alts with them. They then released BFA where the spiritual successor to legendaries was Azerite Traits and took until 8.1 to put in a vendor for that.
Expulsom didn’t get a vendor like Blood of Sargeras.
No, it probably wasn’t even thought of then the community going absolutely nuts over it made them realize they should probably change it and act like it was a mistake. They did this a lot with Classic where the most prominent example was one patch the shop button appeared on character selection. People got defensive and outraged, Blizzard said “Oh it won’t be used, it was an accident don’t worry.” Hid the button. Then a week later was shoving paid character transfers down our throats. Wouldn’t surprise me if the datamining of the shop having Attunement Skips, Tokens, Name Change, Race Change, Faction Change, and Character Customization ends up being accurate either before the year is up. They’re all there in the game files just waiting to be enabled. Of this, name change was the only one that came with TBC.
We must continue to strive for positivity as a community. Ion and the devs are doing their absolute best and it is past time that we as the community stop tearing down our fellow human beings who are putting forth their best. Let’s be positive!
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They have honestly brought this upon themselves with years and years of miscommunication, and them creating a game they like and not what the players like.