The community disappoints

AoE threat absolutely matters, all tanks have AoE abilities to help them generate threat on more than one target at a time

Mechanics where you’re getting focused by a mob or boss are only fatal if you screw them up. The Grimrail Depot boss where he’s firing the cannon at you, if you die to that, you screwed up. If anyone in your group dies to that, either you or they screwed up.

Those are not good examples from you.

Basically the game gives them no consequences for acting this way and sadly now encourages this mindset through the M+ crowd always wanting to go faster.

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I wasn’t talking aoe threat rather mobs casting aoe abilities.

There is always the fact scaling in tw is screwey and can 1 shot you in random encounters.

Also very avoidable for the most part

Haven’t seen that yet for these specific mechanics you’re talking about, but sure, exceptions exist separate from the norm

Time to pull my under geared tank out and join content certain players think I shouldn’t be in :smirk:


Couple months ago there was an issue in Mana Tombs where a mob would sheild bash a random group memeber and 1 shot them , was brought up on the forums for a while before it was fixed.

I’ll DPS. Let’s both shove our faces where they shouldn’t be.

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Well that’s very clearly not the type of situation the conversation you joined was about

Brb rolling a Gnome Brewmaster.

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Sure but op is saying it is happening all the time.

I bet they’re just holding w through a couple of packs eating hits to the back leading to their healer pulling aggro and dying.

Oh I have to play with a Gnome? Never mind.


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As it was part of a problem from scaling , it sort of is as I stated scaling can be an issue in TW. There are level ranges where you can absolutely get wrecked , or hit like a wet noodle due to the scaling imbalances.

Highly unlikely since they also stated in the first post they go slow until told to go faster. So which is it they pull the whole room with no aggro or are they going pack by pack?

Why do you think OP is consistently kicked from queue content while tanking? Because I think it is because they’re being so slow and doing such a poor job that people kick him because it’s a waste of time to put up with it.

Which is separate from not getting aggro and having your healer peel threat off you, so again, not really relevant to the conversation you joined

Well we won’t know unless they post a log I guess.

Except it is as I’ve run into cases where tanks constantly lose threat due to said scaling issues in certain level ranges.

Yes, to DPS who are either 10-14 or 70-72. Not to their healers who are simply healing them.

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Exactly. I can’t see your healer consistently dying while you set up the pull unless you literally do no damage on pull and eat a ton of damage.

This is great. Thank you. I did notice a post like this on some thread, but did not remember that it came from you.