Do you guys know what it is?
i’ll give you a second
Its that they are full of bads just unmitigated bads who cant do anything by themselves
none of them can stand up to me 1v1 cause im far to superior
Do you guys know what it is?
i’ll give you a second
Its that they are full of bads just unmitigated bads who cant do anything by themselves
none of them can stand up to me 1v1 cause im far to superior
Me: 15 you: 4. Who’s bad? Sit down.
Again you missed the part where I said “1v1” and every single kill was a 4v1 sooo invalid arguement
I’d hope you could win 1v1s as a ret paladin.
Feral fury assassin and unholy are all leagues dumber then ret atm
Yes, 4 out of the 36 specs in the game.
I just listed melee only
Only caster you should have problems with 1v1 is lock.
Point is ret has been nerfed like 3 or 4 patches in a row and it’s looking to be far more terrible in dragon flight
this dude is trolling right???
are you retired and I’m just wasting my tax money on you?
What are u talking about. You’re taxes are probably going toward a government workers pension or to some gender program in another country. The chances of it going somewhere useful is slim to none
Son of a…
you’re right
When you realize what a vast majority of it gets spent on it makes it infinitely more infuriating seeing just how much they demand out of you to proceed to spend it on said dumb stuff. It’s like your kid asking you for money and then spending it on drugs
Smarter than you look, Mr. Pally!
Can you guys 1v1 and just record it from both your perspectives now to prove whose the better player ? I for one would love to see it <3
Shouldn’t take much to organise given the utilities available. But it means both of you have to show up… Ive found alot of these forum jockeys breathe hot air.
What do you expect in a bg? You think 3 out of 4 players are gonna stand around and watch you fight one of their teammates? Why come in here and complain about 4v1 in a battleground? We all get frustrated for sure but this is what a bg is.
When you’re in a pack of 3 or 4 in a bg and come across an opposing player do all of you but one stand back and watch? I didn’t think so.
Thats in a BG, myself I get found in those circumstances and rekt. This is two dudes wanting to juke it out 1v1 and I would love to see the winner
Jailing range DPS in Ashran and then killing us in the cramped space is unfair !!!
This is the battlegrounds forum.
I guess none of them are equally geared shadow priests or warlocks which you say beat you 100% of the time.