"The class order halls overwhelmingly favored Alliance"

I didn’t say she wasn’t. But hindsight is something else. From her pov, her own people just abandoned everyone else to die.

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Being undiplomatic is just a core part of her character. She’s more like Illidan than she is her husband.

Illidan creates a well? Exile all wizards.

Shatterspear show up as refugees due to rejecting the Gurubashi’s brutality? Lock em all up for millenia.

Your neighbors to the south are being slaughtered because your local demigod’s kid had an ill advised booty call? Do nothing.

Refugees show up chopping wood? Shoot em!

The son of the guy who kicked your people’s butt a few years back comes to you offering to trade for food during his time of need? Tell him you hope he starves.

Horde PC shows up after saving your sister priestesses and your god’s holiest site? Threaten to murder him/her.

e: how can I forget her killing Wardens after they didn’t immediately release Illidan


Seems she needs a lesson from Kiro and the vulpera on how to solve problems. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


That was Malfurion and after Illidan almost murdered Jarod that tried to convince him not to do that.

Refugees that killed cenarius and consumed fel blood.

She was also the one that helped the alliance accept the draenei and the Gilneans, she is the first night elf to not judge Brox because he was weird.

She is also the one to accept mages back into their society.

Tyrande has her extreme momments, but she is also the night elf you want to talk to if you want to do something that might piss them off.

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If I had any artistic chops whatsoever I’d do a quick Goofus and Gallant parody with Tyrande vs other leaders

Thrall finds a friendly tribe of jungle trolls and helps them, making friends for life!

Tyrande finds a friendly tribe of jungle trolls and imprisons them, and is shocked when they aren’t friendly anymore when they break out!


That didn’t happen until after they started getting shot at. I think it was just meant to be an unfortunate situation where the orcs didn’t know the woods were owned and sacred, and the night elves jumped the gun.


Yeah, because he was raised by a Human, the most diplomatic, well-spoken, and eloquent race in Azeroth. Don’t think even for a moment that it’s because of his Orcish blood.

Yeah, because he was raised by a Human, the most diplomatic, well-spoken, and eloquent race in Azeroth.


Don’t think even for a moment that it’s because of his Orcish blood.

You’re aware of the alliance made between the Orcs and the Amani trolls in the Second War, right?


Also, no one tell Varodoc that it was the Kul Tirans that were attacking the Darkspear upon their isles unprovoked.


If you think Blackmoore, an non-functioning alcoholic who enjoys non consensual coupling is diplomatic and eloquent, that explains a lot about your views on the Alliance.


I dont recall my wc3 playtrough (and i never finished frozen throne tbf) but Didn’t the night elves whispered them to go away before shooting? But I don’t want to remove the night elf blame here, they did shot first asked questions second, but that has been their sacred duty at the same time, so it makes sense lorewise that they did that, and again, Tyrande comes in the picture later.

Don’t care about your fanfic. It’s literally a Canon plot point that Thrall is the way he is because he had a different upbringing compared to the rest of his race.

It’s the reason why he is the only orc with eyebrows and, for the longest time, upright posture. To highlight his Human upbringing, which made him superior compared to the other orcs.

They watched them for a bit and hoped they would just leave. But in the initial interaction they shot first and asked no questions.

They were a bit stressed because they thought the orcs were the ones emanating the demonic taint they were feeling, but ultimately they took the hardline option and it didn’t work out. Though like I said, I’m not claiming Grom would have actually left if asked.

If you want to claim that Blackmoore is an average example of WoW humanity’s ethics and demeanor, who am I to stop you?


Don’t care about your fanfic.

Waygs, unlike you is not posting fanfic. Blackmoore repeatedly :grapes: d Taretha Foxton, and the fact that you think that his diplomatic skills were because he was raised by Aedelas tells me all I need to know about you.

It’s the reason why he is the only orc with eyebrows and, for the longest time, upright posture. To highlight his Human upbringing, which made him superior compared to the other orcs.



I mean, we all know he’s a troll, but him thinking Blackmore, a racist drunkard who did terrible things to Taretha Foxton and forced her to basically be a slave(including the other kind of slave) is……

All I can say is okay than :dracthyr_nod:


Indeed, who are you to stop the Canon that endorses Me?

Blackmoore returned to his fortress, Durnholde Keep, with Thrall, and raised him as a gladiator — with all the savagery of an orc, but with the keen strategic intellect of a human.

The only reason why Thrall is so diplomatic and wise is because the Humans taught him “keen strategic intellect”, which overshadowed the “savagery” of the orc.

So, Yes, the only reason why Thrall is so wise, intelligent, and cunning, is because he was raised by the Humans. :smile:

Any average, “savage” orc could never…

Any average, “savage” orc could never…



Guys, don’t tell Vardoc how DOOMHAMMER nearly defeated the alliance in the second war and actually would have won if Gul’dan and those loyal to him hadn’t betrayed the horde at the last moment

Orcs are naturally brilliant fighters and tacticians.


This never happened.

Even with the full might of the Horde and Alterac’s treachery, Doomhammer could never hope to breach Ironforge, Gnomeregan, Kul Tiras, and Silvermoon.

That remains to be seen.

Even with the full might of the Horde and Alterac’s treachery, Doomhammer could never hope to breach Ironforge, Gnomeregan, Kul Tiras, and Silvermoon.

None of the above were his goals. The Alliance of Lordaeron would have lost the war if Capital City fell, none of the nations listed had the potential to carry on the war. Ironforge and Gnomeregan both were blockaded by the Bleeding Hollow, Kul Tiras couldn’t do anything against dragonfire, and Silvermoon itself was only saved by the Ban’dinoriel (not that they would have marshaled the Alliance of Lordaeron to begin with.)

That remains to be seen.

Only by you, because you don’t actually play the game or actually pay attention to any of the lore. You just make up headcanon after headcanon, fanfiction after fanfiction, false statement after another.