"The class order halls overwhelmingly favored Alliance"

He’s obviously done something as I spotted him at Lordaeron unless he’s there as an alliance spy.

Maybe yes but he is not PVP marked as Horde so far so until Blizzard says something I stay keen on believing he is not red.

Faol said he was Forsaken. This was from the Before the Storm.

Doesn’t mean he is Horde. Calia claims too she was Forsaken but everyone with media literacy knows she has zero ties to any of the actual concept that makes up that specific faction.


And I made a second list with a stricter faction guideline but if we do it for the Horde, then the same should be done and it end with a tally of 15 Horde, 19 Alliance and 74 neutral

I hope Kayn and Voren’thal conncet back to Quel’thalas in Midnight. All the blood elves from all subfactions need to come back home. They have so much potential.

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The hunter one is a lodge built by both highmountain and night elves and you can even see that from the prominent eagle designs of the place(heck the way to get to the lodge from Dalaran is via an eagle).

The mage one is just, well Dalaran which has always had a human/Thalassian theming to it.

And how exactly is the rogue an “Alliance” coded place? The place is just a sewer in Dalaran, its not some high Alliance architecture. And if you are talking about the questline it is with you helping Garona/the uncrowned go and save Shaw/Stormwind.

And the named leader is a night elf still. Despite characters like Halduron and Rexxar existing it is once again an on paper alliance aligned person.

Kirin Tor are mostly humans.

Shaw is a human. The fleet captain is human. Lord Ravenholdt is human. Vanessa is human, Valeera is the personal spy of anduin. Garona and Voss alone can’t outmatch these well known and established characters. Becuase Blizzard failed in the world building department when thinking of an actual Horde aligned rogue organization who could have sent a representative. that is a common problem since the majority of Horde aligned character sin the current plot are from AFTER Bfa. Blizzard created it all with the blue team in mind and the red team being an afterthought when burning through all leaders whenever they needed new villains.


Emmarel Shadewarden is not the leader. She helped reform it but she got various hunters from Hauldron, to Vereesa to Rexxar et al to rebuild it.

Aside from Shaw, all of these mentioned are neutral.

Is this the new nonsense that the X fake news crowd is complaining about?

Actually, they’ve got it backwards, as per usual. The order halls are Horde-biased.

  • Dreamgrove: Neutral. The Cenarion Circle is comprised of two Alliance races and two Horde races.

  • Conclave: Neutral. While the aesthetic lean more towards the Draenei side, the main character and representative of that campaign is Alonsus Faol, a Forsaken.

  • Dreadscar Rift: Horde-leaning. The main characters of the campaign are an orc, a Forsaken, and a blood elf. The general aesthetic are reminiscent of the destroyed Orcish homeworld and the Undercity.

  • Heart of Azeroth: Horde-leaning. The Earthen Ring is primarily a Horde faction, with its HQs at Thunder Bluff, and with 4 Horde races compared to the Alliance’s meagre 2.

  • Fel Hammer: Horde-leaning. The aesthetic is once again reminiscent of the destroyed Oricsh world and the Undercity.

  • Acherus: Horde-leaning. Need I explain? It’s literally the Undercity but flying.

  • Sanctum of Light: Alliance-leaning. As the founders of the Paladin class on Azeroth, Humans naturally take the spotlight here.

  • Temple of Five Dawns: Neutral, as with all things Pandaren.

  • Hall of Shadows: Horde-leaning. The aesthetics are clearly reminiscent of the Undercity.

  • Hall of the Guardian: Neutral. Horde players constantly say that the Kirin Tor is a neutral faction and the Blood Elves have just as much right to it as Humans, so why now suddenly is Kirin-Tor Alliance-leaning?

  • Trueshot Lodge: Horde-leaning. The Horde and Alliance both have 2 groups of rangers each in the order, but the HQs are located in Highmountain, a Tauren region.

  • Skyhold: Neutral.

In conclusion, The order halls are Horde-biased. Half of the order halls clearly favour the Horde in terms of aesthetics and/or storyline, while the only Alliance-leaning order hall is the Silver Hand, due to the fact that Humans were the first Paladins on Azeroth.

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Still alliance races. The themes is what matters and the direction is obvious. Also lol Valeera neutral? When the literal high king of the alliance employs you for personal gain? Get real.

Then you end up with my original count, which is 30-38 favoring the Alliance. With various races that are at best surface level Alliance/Horde simply because of their race.

Valeera has been a go between by the Alliance for some time since BfA with her delivering messages for both sides.

Would valeera count as neutral, she’s about as neutral as alleria is imo


She specifically says she is not loyal to the factions. She certain has some loyalty to the Wrynn but with Anduin missing she basically is not loyal to anyone ATM.

The Night Elf lodge is located in the Tauren region. There is also a Tauren watch-tower at the entrance of it.

The Human sewers and Human tower are located in Dalaran, which Horde players constantly claim is as much of a Human city as it is a Blood Elf city. So now suddenly why is Dalaran just a Human city? Also, if anything, the sewers are much more reminiscent of the Undercity.

The Draenei temple had Alonsus Faol as the main representative. You know, an Undead.

The only Alliance-leaning order hall was the Human tomb, simply because Humans were the first Paladins on Azeroth.

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Not Horde.

Odyn is a titan watcher and titan races are usually part of the alliance. Just like the Vrykul are the ancestors of humanity in the game.

Kirin Tor are humans. Jaina rejoined the alliance too.

The only actual neutral order yes.

It is a necropolis. And Mograine and Tharassian are both humans who used to work for Lordaeron the original main kingdom of the blue team.

Most DHs on the ship are night elves infact.

Only in theory. Yet for some reason Nobundo got the most attention from the writers whenever they show up.

Kanrethad is a human. He was the one who came first with Jubeka in Outland.

It seems sometimes you can be honest. Great start. Work on that.

Moira and Velen are not Horde.

Malfurion i the race leader of the alliance so the CC is alliance too. Accepting outside help for a limited time doesn’t change the original allegiance.

  • Claims that the Earthen Ring is Alliance-leaning because Nobundo is “representing” it

  • Simultaneously dismisses the fact that Alonsus Faol, an Undead, represents the Conclave, as shown in the 7.2 trailer

There is nothing for Me to gain from this exchange. You are welcome to your false belief, but you would be wrong. :slight_smile:

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Yes I go by what Blizzad is actually showing to us when interacting with those organizations. And unless Faol actually proclaims proud to be Horde at any time he is neutral. Your dishonest arguments to bait people that disagree with your takes might work in MMO where you bribed Aucald to ignore those posts but on the official forum you have no power.

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When did Nobundo claim that he was “proud to be Alliance”?

He is standing in the Exodar and has the title of High Shaman. Not convincing enough for you? Until Thrall gets his powers back this debate is useless since all the evidence point in the opposite way of what you said before.

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