But we’ll never be as wrong as someone posting as a MHP on the forums.
You’re just wrong about…well everything. Must be a terrible feeling to not have gotten one thing right so far.
Horde players didn’t make the game. I could side with either one during the war campaign. It wouldn’t mean I support what Sylvanas did.
Vardoc is still very much wrong. Odyn is a terrible being who did terrible things.
I find funny people trying to find the lesser evil when the evil thing was still evil.
Odyn enslaved Helya and the val’kyr and the storm dragons.
Sylvanas was raising undeads left and right, did a purge on night elves via teldrassil and the warcraft version of Geneva as a checklist.
It doesn’t matter which evil is the biggest.
It does matter when Horde players are yapping that they “had” to take quests from Odyn.
Why they don’t have a problem with taking quests from Sylvanas, who is much worse than Odyn?
Neither one is worse than the other. That’s what you keep failing to understand. You’re so desperate to paint Odyn as a good guy, that you strip any nuance from the terrible things he did
Sylvanas is objectively worse than Odyn. This exchange ends here. I am tired of wasting My time on ridiculous fanfic from Sylvanas apologists.
Opinion not based on reality. You fail to grasp how terrible Odyn is.
That means nothing. Horde players are not hypocrites for playing Horde and hating Odyn. We didn’t write the game, end of story.
Sylvanas’ actions have lead to the permanent destruction of the immortal souls of countless beings. As horrible as Odyn is, he can’t top that.
Actually, they are.
Hating Odyn for enslaving Helya while playing a faction that enslaved Dragon kind is peak hypocrisy.
Odyn is not a person worthy of praise. That’s it.
Neither is Sylvanas.
Before posting, it should be required for Horde players to declare whether they sided with Sylvanas or Saurfang. Required.
I presume becoming the heir to the Greymane throne disqualified her for further membership.
“I need to retain my Uncrowned membership!” shouts Tess as she throws herself upon a sword.
Having a queen as a member of one of the elite secret societies in the world feels fitting.
You’re a paladin. Tirion excommunicated for saving Eitrigg. You must be racist irl.