The Chain Mail Bikini

For what. Hunters fight in forests. See you no now the game I k now good game hunter need leathe armor. hunter no go to party. they forest people.

Slinky party dresses are the native garb of the goblin female.

If I can buy a chain mail slinky party dress in real life, they should be in the game.

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Huh? what? No no no. Oh i get it you are a heritec. an get real no shiny dress stop arows that plain silly.

Wait a minute i just caoht that. no you cant buy chain mail party dress no more that was only in the times og king arther and the round table.

Even in times of robin hood made marion no wher chain armor dress only robe

Just friendly advice. Did you notice red wavy lines under some of your words when you type in the text window?


Yeah I was wunderin why tha red lines. what they fot?

If you right click on the words that are red lined. The spelling correction program will show you a list of probably correct words. And it means that word isn’t spelled correctly so that you can fix at least most of your spelling. Hope that helps.

Oh thanks. That so cool.

Not really sure. Wowhead seemed to think they were a possible Trading Post item at the time. Could have gotten shelved, but also might be meant for something special.

There are craftsmen who make chain mail party dresses by hand using the same techniques that were used by medieval craftsmen.

I have seen such armor recreations at conventions. There are people that actually have learned the armorers trade and they have blacksmith shops that they hand make everything from chain mail to full plate armor. It’s all so amazing.

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Need more sexy mogs for my ladies.

You know, this could be great. Hide pants. Have Tabard of choice, thigh high stockings.

I would like to address a particular criticism levered against the Chain Mail Bikini concept.
Some military enthusiasts will quickly point out that it would be impossible for any human to go into battle wearing only a loin cloth or bikini. I will acknowledge this to an extent that during the medieval era where armies of heavily plate armored knights went into battle Bikini armor was not ideal. Most fantasy fiction is set in a pseudo medieval setting. So I hope the Military enthusiasts can make an exception for the Fantasy part element of gaming.

Although there is an exception to be examined here; During the time of the Conquistadors in the Americas, 1400s-1500s. Spanish soldiers fought Native American tribes such as the Aztecs. The Conquistadors wore breastplates, helmets and half leather/plate armor and used swords,pikes,crossbows and muskets. While the Native armies wore cloth only and the levies wore loincloths. And fought with flint embedded war clubs spears and arrows. So it is an example of medieval warfare vs tribal warfare.

And throughout history. People have done just that. There was a time in early human history that there was no armor. Even clothing was a rarity. People used whatever scrapes of animal skins in cold climates to cover up. In hot climates people wore no clothing.
Then came the ancients when weaving become widespread and togas, robes and tunics were worn. And leather and metal armor was created.

But there have always been warriors that fought without much clothing or non. For instants Celtic warriors who painted there bodies blue and ran at the enemy wearing nothing else. Native tribes around the world that fought with minimal clothing such as even in relatively modern times 1700s to 1800s African tribes that fought the rifle-equipped British troops. And the Native Americans Who battled practically with just a loin cloth on during the summer in the 1800s. And they were not only facing arrows but also bullets.

So although I wouldn’t recommend people going to war irl, in skimpy bathing suits. As far as fantasy fiction is concerned I must say, Game characters wearing chain mail bikinis look great.

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If they could have gotten away with not even those modest coverings I’m certain they would have.

A gem from my childhood

It has always annoyed me on my warrior characters that i can’t go for the full barbarian look. There’s basically no loincloth options, outside of that blood troll set from the trading post that you can transmog as a warrior. I wish they’d add more “cosmetic” items to fit that look at the trading post or even just add something like a loincloth option to the barbershop with the ability to undisplay pants.

I don’t know what the big (pants ) controversy at Blizzard is. If you ever watched Disney’s Tarzan and Jane cartoon you will realize that even Disney had no problem with Tarzan and Jane being dressed in loincloth and bikini. Blizzard grow up.

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Up with miniskirts! :smiley:


One compromise option is to make “Griftah’s Aithentic Troll Loincloth” :smile:

YEah I find it weird that the female draenei wears a strapless bra initially. Kind of funny considering how much athleticism they do you’d think they’d wear a halter-type like a Sports Bra or at least something with straps