The Chain Mail Bikini

Since the inception of the fantasy genre people had been depicted novels, movies, tv shows, and games, in loin cloths half-armor and bikini fashion. From Conan the Barbarian to Red Sonja. And all manor of super hero.
In Wow we have some outfits for transmog that are kinda moderately skimpy already.

So I really question the Dev’s decision to not allow a character’s pants to be hidden. It’s the only equipment armor/clothing slot not to be hidden. Wow characters are all wearing trunks for males or a bikini for females. So no character is fully exposed anyways. So this makes no sense to me.

Further more what I suggest is that Blizzard make the base Trunk/Bikini outfit characters already wear at least customizable.

As for the Why of it. And when did the Chain Mail Bikini take it’s place in Fantasy Fiction. Well it all started with Pulp Fiction Stories back in the 1920s and lives on in modern fantasy fiction, comics, and cinima and games:
We can go back to the sword-and-sorcery tales from the days of pulp fiction. Much of this early fantasy, of which Robert E. Howard’s Conan is a prime example. These sorts of stories have worlds where men are real men, women are real women. The John Carter of Mars series from Edgar Rice Burroughs, though more of a space opera, has similar themes. The Martians wear next to nothing – stuff that would be beyond scandalous on Earth in the 1920s but is perfectly fine on Barsoom, and such fashion choices are common in either gender.

Artists later tried to recreate the primal worlds of Barsoom or Conan’s primordial Earth. Frank Frazetta is one of the best known of this time (though, of course, there were many more). We can easily find women in scanty armor if that, but there are plenty of men in minimal clothes as well; sometimes Frazetta’s heroes are protected with naught but a codpiece, helmet, and layer after layer of rippling muscles. Such art is a theme of his. Today it would still offend modern sensibilities in that the men are the primal brutes saving the beautiful and sensuous women but, make no mistake, the state of little armor was a common theme. To a certain extent this barbaric fashion style has become part of the realm of fantasy art.


… Sure? Couldn’t hurt I guess.

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Underwear is for Squares.


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I wonder what happened to the chain mail bikini tops that were datamined a while back.


99% sure we have chainmail bikini’s datamined for the Trading Post.


i mean they still haven’t given us a way to wear the cut-out-at-the-hip dresses the Trading Post is selling & have our characters actually look like the model.

no pants or bikini pants are actually needed to make some transmogs work, so they better have something lined up…


I’m 100% in favor of Hide Pants and underwear customization. I mean, the smelly, unloveable fashion-challenged evokers have it, so why not the rest of us?


Moon Guard is why we can’t hide pants.


No, Vulpera and Dracthyr players. They can barely keep it in their pants when they have them.

Furry characters go by cartoon rules. If you have thick fur, feathered, or scales then you don’t need to cover it up. If you’re lower area is larger than coconuts then you have to cover.

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If only guards attacked players who entered the city without clothes on :pleading_face:

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I didn’t read the thread, all that matters:

If they let me take my pants off, they should let me transmog my pants to be invisible. It’s the EXACT same thing.


do you want dead adventurers?!
Cause thats how you get dead adventurer’s!

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Customization for undies is a thing for drak’thyr’s visage form, so i don’t think the team is against it. Expect it as a possibility someday as the races customizations get updated over time.

There is a chain mail bikini transmog found in the files a patch or two ago, we’re not sure how it will be obtained yet, but it looks great.


I reckon they could have a Hillary Clinton suit in the trading post and maybe a Jackie-O coat and such, why not?

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I have been in favor of hiding pants ever since the BfA patch that expanded the invisible slots. Please let us hide our pants!


You guys have been hunting mogs for a decade for the purpose of hiding everything? Strange.

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Same thing that happened to the demonic motorcycles.
Absolutely nothing.


Actually in addition to hiding pants, cause… ok. Maybe actually ask for more bikini mogs.