The Cataclysm Classic PTR is now Open

None of the characters under your same name have logs or parses posted.

you do not high end raid.

Good trolling though, 8/10.

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They have grey matter in their heads and plan implement it.

Also a great decision.

Only for mentally disturbed people that enjoy other peoples lack of subjective fun.

The game needs fewer people like you. I can’t imagine what it would be like to have an encounter (raid, dungeon, pvp, open world) with a person like you.


“Wah wah, I want to get all the gear so I can be an addict, but I don’t want to do the work required to get the gear. They should make it so no one can do it. Wah wah” - you.

I’m done… if you are going to keep pretending something doesn’t exist to support your stand point. You do you. I’m not bothering with this anymore if you can’t even acknowledge the entirety of this game and all its communities which I know you know of.

So you are still going to ignore that one of the things being suggested by this group is that Normal and Heroic not share lockouts? Which is what you want for people to be able to do LFR and other difficulties…

Which is by your own statement the not selfish thing? Alright then. Keep arguing in bad faith.

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Pretend what doesn’t exist? Gatekeeping freaks? I know they exist, but there are also people who aren’t gatekeeping freaks. Go join those people.

Yeah, I don’t swap characters to “Post on my main” for some clout… but great you didn’t want to continue the discussion so you decided to just try to discredit me somehow…

but lets go with your narrative of me not being a high end raider(Which I’m not by the way. At least not on the level of the group I’m supporting). Would I not then be in favor of LFR?

, but I guess it is better to you know ignore the part of my post saying the solution of LFR, Normal, and Heroic not sharing a lockout. Good on you champ.

and if you want to discredit me over my actual logs my main is Peridotto.

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What specifically is being gatekeep?

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Removing lockouts between heroic and normal would be harmful by speeding up the gear acquisition time, because normal gear is actually relevant to heroic raiding for a while. LFR has worse gear, and as Moistcrybaby has pointed out multiple times, you can get basically the same iLvl of gear from the psuedo-mythic dungeons (Heroic ++/Infernos). Are you suggesting adding a lockout between those and raiding? LFR is for gearing to get to normals, getting xmogs, and experiencing the content. It is not meant for you addicts.

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Content added by LFR.
Edit, misread/misunderstood; High tier raiding. If those addicts are gatekeeping groups, go to a group that plays at the same level but doesn’t gatekeep. Problem solved.

Things that make toxic gatekeepers upset make me smile. :grin:


Like how you dismiss anyone who disagrees with you? “head in the sand” ring a bell? You have been dodging answers left and right with dismissive comments, nice hypocrisy there!
And yes, logs are important due to you claiming high end for credibility. If you wanted that credibility to your argument you’d have logs, you did not.
Wanna support your stance about high end raiding? post with logs.

So why do you feel LFR is forced on you? If you aren’t being asked by your guild to do these things for high end progression how is this really affecting your play? It also makes your “there is no choice” argument sooooo much weaker.

Scroll up, I prefer NONE of the difficulties shared a lock out. I get it’s easier to make baseless claims though.

IDC what you parse.
Looking at them tho, you’ll be fine if you need to seek another guild due to feeling the, apparent, massive pressure of being asked to do LFR, which really doesn’t line up with your guilds mission statement that I read. Sounds like a neat bunch of people based on that.

You never wanted a discussion, you wanted to shout people down. If you wanted a discussion you’d have a back and forth and not make attacks or needless/incorrect assumptions of others.

More or less done here, you did say something right though: Its gotten entirely circular. Have the last word if you want, I know you do.


You dont? Well then why do you and the others always bring this up?

Is this not precisely what you and others have been doing to me? Approximately ten of you continually gang up on me, harass, and bully me solely because I hold an opposing view. Yet now, you attempt to portray yourselves as a victim?

Literally the first time I have brought up parses and it’s entirely valid in the case of someone pretending to be what they are not. You know, credibility?
IDC what their number is, but if the poster is claiming high end and the logs of that poster are empty, there ya go.

luckily though they cleared that up by saying they aren’t high end raiding. Their logs are good though, so I have nothing to say in that area.

I mean, you can out yourself as a hypocrite if you want to. You are nowhere near innocent in your posts to others or your level of obtuse replies. Might wanna avoid throwing those stones in a glass house there.
People gave you answers that were valid, you dismissed and belittled in response almost every time. Play victim somewhere else man, it’s getting old.
If you feel slighted, then report the posts that have offended you.

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It is not even close. You do realize that the dungeons are not available for testing. Who knows what bugs will be found in the raid and need to be fixed, and when they are fixed, how it will affect the code and the rest of the game. It is more likely that Phase 3 will launch in the last week of February, and the 1st or 2nd week of March will be the new raid. This also aligns with the fact that it would make the arena season around 18 weeks, which is on par with Blizzard’s current arena season time frame. The last arena season was 20 weeks, so this one being around 18 is more likely than it being 14 weeks.

That wasn’t added until SoO in MoP.

Yes they are. Raid soon to follow.

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Did you miss this?

This is why i said

Because they are not LIVE on PTR at this moment!!!

The raid testing starts tomorrow, but the other content is not live yet. Please go on the PTR right now and try to enter the three new DS dungeons; you cannot. Additionally, the inferno dungeons are not available either.
Conduct research before discussing a topic that you have not thoroughly examined yourself.

No, but I trust the Blue post that states the opposite more than I trust you. Mainly since you didn’t link me back anything that supports your point.

So the steam I am watching on discord is entirely fabricated? Interesting.

Oh hey look! the belittling is coming out!
Stay wrong.

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I quoted the blue post im currently on PTR and unable to zone into the Dragon soul dungeons

That same logic extends to LFR. Otherwise this would not be a discussion at all.

Yep, people also don’t like doing those. They don’t put up a complaint because there is no lockout on them. Granted they do constantly request that the amount of currency from them be increased so they have to do less of them.

They had lockouts at one point. Did they not, but no that is not what is being asked for. LFR is for gearing to get to normals. Just like normals are gearing to get to heroic. So why should they be treated differently?

You get xmogs in normals and heroics just like you do in LFR. Why should it be treated differently.

You experience the content in normal and heroic. Why should LFR be treated differently? In fact, heroics were made so that normals could be the difficulty that you experience the content in.

What is being asked is that all the difficulties are being treated the same. They share a lockout or they don’t share a lockout.

So I’ll ask once against since you ignored the question… What exactly is being gatekept by these “Elitist moistcrybaby gatekeeping addicts”.

I dismissing them because they act as if the elephant in the room is not in the room. That something that does not suit their argument does not exist or does not matter.

I say “High-End Raider” they go “You don’t need to do that complete the content” purposely ignore the group of players that “High-End Raider” refers to.

I never claimed high-end credibility. Nor do you need it for the conversation or everyone points here would be invalid and no longer matter. It would then default to only their opinion in which case this discussion is moot. It wouldn’t matter what the actual casual player wants. It woudln’t matter what the average player wants. “Credibility” servers no purpose here in a discussion about what is best for the overall community of everyone…

The goal should be that everyone benefits not only one side benefits and those are the other side are negatively impact because I don’t like them for some reason.

First, I never said LFR was forced on me. I never took that stance. I said LFR is forced on the high-end because it is either they do it and keep their raid spot or they don’t do it and lose their raid spot. That isn’t something new, and that has been a common issue at that high-end since OG Wrath at the latest.

It does not make my “There is no choice” argument so much weaker. My existence on that level does not change what goes on at that level. We all know how they work. Which is why they are so disliked by a majority of the community. Even more so in modern days when retail is designed around and for them.

Personally. I don’t care one way or the other. For me I play at all level except that high-end where you have to do that. Since I don’t have the time (Well I do, but then I couldn’t play at other levels). LFR could ship as it originally did and my current non-raiding character would enjoy it instead of just being left at Pre-BiS. While my raiding characters will continue to do normal and the occasional heroic… and my two character who have dedicated raiding teams will continue to do heroic. This does not in any way impact me… but I don’t care about me.

Then why are you arguing against what is being asked for? I guess you didn’t scroll up like you are suggesting I do?

The thing being requested by the group is that either LFR share a lockout with Normal and Heroic or Normal and Heroic not share a lockout. They want to either not have to do LFR (While having LFR exist as opposed to the anti-LFR group) or they want to go fully into what they like to do in min/maxing which would require the removal of the shared lockout between normal and heroic for maximum opportunity of obtaining the gear piece they need.

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The same one I did.
Where does it directly state dungeons aren’t available?

I am watching my guildies in Well of Eternity right now. Might be a you problem. I don’t mean that as a dig, it may legit be a player side issue.

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