Prove it. I think your opinion is nonsense. Many players using lfr on alts are already doing guild runs with their main. They use lfr because they don’t have time to schedule raids on more than one character. Those only raiding on one character that use lfr do it because their work or home schedule doesn’t leave them time to do guild runs. If no lfr they wouldn’t suddenly have time to run normal or heroic guild runs. Guilds aren’t suddenly going to tell their members that they’re no longer doing guild runs so just do lfr. None of these things happened in MoP last time and won’t happen in classic.
Even if there’s less guild runs with lfr in game, so what? If players prefer lfr, which most don’t, why should you care if they run with lfr. I played 5 expansions with lfr in the game and I never had any trouble finding guilds to do normal or heroic raids on my main.
There is absolutely no reason for lfr to share lockouts. You’re just worried your guild will require you to do lfr in addition to normal raids. You can’t complain about it in your guild because a majority of your guild members want to do lfr to more quickly gear up. Since only a couple players don’t want to do lfr you want blizzard to remove the option from the majority so every one has to play your way. You did the same thing when you posted against rdf. You wanted blizzard make changes to force the majority to play your way.
These entitled posters have zero logic in what they say. Yes, with a shared lockout LFR is an option. Without a shared lockout it’s an addition…which is much better.
Now players don’t have to pick and choose either raiding with their guild or doing LFR. They can do both. Who would ever want fewer people raiding with their guildies? That only happens with a shared lockout.
Sounds like you belong to a group of guildmates who are toxic. If you stay in the guild then you are part of the problem.
I personally would not be in any guild that dictated such things, and I also have been around since 2004 and I can assure you my guild (that I am still in) has never dictated things like this and if they did, I’d leave.
100% this.
Rotating alts in order to appear like it is someone else is not fooling anyone… especially blizzard who can see what accounts have what alts.
It amazes me that people rotate on an alt thinking they are being slick – they are not, they are being greasy.
Outside of the abuse of it (if its fully the cata version), the hyper gearing which disrupts the content consumption, and the toxic behavior it encourages (again, if it is the cata version).
Join lfr and got a guild group of 20ish people? They are there for the trinket you will likely want to roll on? Kicked.
There are a few ways of fixing the toxic behavior.
1 is personal loot. But it still leaves the issue of hyper gearing which causes its own issues.
Another is shared lockouts, which keeps the min max toxic behavior out of lfr because they will not give up normal or heroic gear for lfr gear. And it fixes the hyper gearing.
But one thing is clear, we shouldnt get the pure cata version of lfr. It needs some changes.
hope this ends up happening, this may break up the team comps so you aren’t rolling against 15 other people, and it lets 10m guilds queue up together for fun
There is such a simple solution that I mentioned to you a few times now. You’ve refused to respond to it. Don’t do lfr. You will then avoid all the toxic behavior. It’s so easy to find a guild that doesn’t require lfr. I played in 5 expansions with rdf and easily found guilds that didn’t require it. This is the same thing you obsessed over when you tried to stop rdf from being added. Yet as I posted and expected I’ve only been in one dungeon run with toxic behavior. One out of about 75 dungeons on several different alts.
Hyper gearing doesn’t exist. The benefit from lfr gear isn’t that significant especially in classic cata with the inferno dungeon gear. The only people who will care about it is the elite hard core guilds that want to min/max everything for even small benefits
There are two possibilities here and I don’t think anyone knows which is correct. One, there is a majority of hard core players who do not want to do lfr runs. If that’s the case they could easily form a new guild that doesn’t require lfr runs. The mere threat of creating a new guild by a majority of members would no doubt convince guild leaders to not require it.
Two, most hard core players like the simple means of getting the small benefit of lfr gear. If most hard core players like and want to do lfr then those few who don’t can easily find a guild that doesn’t require it. I played 5 expansions that had lfr and was in a few guilds over those years and none of them required members to run lfr.
Just have a conversation in your guild to find out what the majority wants. I was in a guild on Bloodsail and the leaders wanted to transfer to Mankirk. They communicated that to the members and we had a few days discussion to see what the majority wanted. The low pop of Bloodsail was a problem for the majority of the guild and they decided to transfer. I and a few others didn’t want to transfer so we stayed behind and found new guilds. It wasn’t a big deal. We had a civilized conversation where all the guild members had an opportunity to weigh in before a decision was made. Why can’t the hard core guilds do that?
That would be equivalent to saying “dont use rdf” at the start of the new expansion, essentially making you unable to do heroics in an even slightly timely manner. So thats vastly slower gearing and no valor. You would be so far behind you cant get into normal pug groups.
Lfr dragon soul has a similar issue at the launch of dragon soul. Not getting the new teir and trinkets quickly puts you vastly behind even if you have full firelands bis (especially for shamans whos teir is supposed to be being nerfed with dragon soul)
If you truely believe rdf isnt needed, make a fresh 85, try and do dungeons with self made groups (not carries, no buying gear) walking into the dungeon, and try to gear up to even be accepted i to a firelands pug (no gdkp, no guild group carrying you) and see how hard it is to get in.
It does, and it vastly increases content consumption on average by the raw numbers making players able to survive mistakes that would have killed them before and caused a wipe.
Lfr is completely different than rdf. It’s a separate mode from normals while rdf is just an easier way to get dungeons. Of course the vast majority will use rdf because it gets you a dungeon run easily and quickly and those who don’t like it will be too few to find groups. Most casual guilds didn’t require lfr. They just go about doing normal raids at their typical slow pace.
It’s just doesn’t. Casual guilds rarely require lfr and they do just fine going right into normals. I actually think that requiring lfr is one sign that it’s not a casual guild. And casual guilds are always far behind the hard core guilds and they just don’t care at all about being far behind. This is only an issue for some players in the hard core guilds looking for world firsts or doing speed runs.
A few weeks after firelands came out many pugs were requiring 378+ilvl which vastly makes it harder to join a pug.
But the prospect of gearing is the same. By not using the tool you have a high chance to fall behind the average ilvl of pug requirements, let alone slightly serious raiding guild requirements.
You’re clueless if you think casual guilds spend their time worrying that they’re falling behind the hard core guilds. We never even think about what you’re doing. While you’re showing off your gear in a major city thinking we’re looking at you in awe we run by you about our business and don’t even notice you’re there. You could be a level 5 in greys and we wouldn’t even notice the difference.
Worrying about falling behind is only something hard core players care about as they rush through the content. The casual players don’t care enough to even know if they’re falling behind.
I don’t know why you’re even talking about pugs. If you’re doing normals or heroics with your guild you can’t do them with a pug too. That’s just a strawman you brought up because you couldn’t rationally respond to my arguments.
Then those requirements are easy to meet without farming with lfr. I was in 5 expansions that had lfr and never did it on my main. Yet I was able to do normal raids on my main with my casual guild and there was no requirement to gear up with lfr. Like most things you post here I think you’re probably clueless what casual guilds require or do.