The cat is officially out of the bag, its time to balance more specs

I’m weary from arguing with idiots/liars who not only don’t remember what OG Wrath was like, but also for some reason actually want to see some specs remain in a broken state because they’re selfish and or disingenuous people who look at the class balance as a zero sum game.

So yeah. makes obscene gesture!

inb4 Woopee comes in here and conveniently doesn’t remember not responding to me after I very easily dismantled their “evidence”. xD

We’re idiots because we question your fallible memory when you cannot provide any other proof. Selfish, disingenuous idiot liars. lol nice!

I’ve been banned for less btw. Hope the moderation is consistent.

No one in here is providing proof of anything. Including and especially you. :rofl:

Just totally making stuff up LMAO

I honestly think 0 class balance shouod have happeened. But here we are. The gate has been opened so they should fix other low performers, fix bugs like ignite munching, wild growth target priorities (even though this would make my pet die even more as a hunter main), and maybe nerf some extreamly high performers (like they did for dk).

It was literally never a meme spec in OG Wrath. It was until just recently in Classic.

et cetera

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It was never a meme spec in Classic Wrath, either. Still brought to most raids. Great utility and an amazing array of buffs.

And that’s not even what you said that I responded to, so… how is it functioning entirely unlike the original? Surely you can describe the differences.

I suppose they were buffed with a few ability reworks in 3.2. We could revert those so the spec functions closer to how it would have in original 3.1.

In principle, I’d agree with you, but this wasn’t a matter of standard class balancing. Retribution didn’t work the same way in Classic as it did in OG Wrath because they eventually relied on their T10 set bonus to provide a significant portion of the damage they were dealing.

This was fixing something that was broken, not just buffing a weak spec for the sole purpose of it being weak.

It was absolutely a meme spec until this fix. And very little utility that a Retribution Paladin brings is exclusive to the spec. Paladins are good in general and Retribution was weak enough that it made more sense to bring Holy/Prot Paladins because they don’t suck at their roles like Retribution does.

Or did. We’ll see how this buff affects Retribution overall. It won’t be a meme spec anymore at the very least, but this isn’t going to suddenly make them powerful. Which is fine. That wasn’t the point of the buff.

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Sone i agree with. Others not so much.

None of these are “useless” but they could use a bit of a bump.

Im okay with them touching fury, but dear god no, not the other three. Especially the hunter specs. Survival is totally fine, l2p.

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As a Feral Druid, Feral is literally just as strong as Balance; only slightly behind. Feral is outperforming Balance in raid, and in Mythic+ clearing 25/26 while Balance is clearing 25/26/a couple 27s. Feral also provides more survivability and passively acts as a second healer.

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Wait hunter is bad now? I do not feel this in the slightest can someone explain how we are now considered Warrior tier?

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Lmao imagine playing a dk in classic and crying about a paladin. This forum is consistently the hone to the worst takes on the internet

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This is Classic.


Nerf cat threat. Let omen proc off of feral FF. Thanks for listening to my Ted talk.

Take all this pent up class balance rage and channel it into a call for changes in a new Season of Mastery.

I don’t think the live versions need this (they didn’t need the ret one either but it’s not a big deal). Let them play out mostly as expected. But oh man, the appeal of Classic+ is so strong. Clean up class balance in a very tactical way, release some new content in the same style as Classic content, and embrace horizontal progression.

Preferably in the Vanilla style of the game, but TBC or WotLK would be fun too. People will dig it.

I hate that people use “oh prot and and holy are viable!” Yeah I really don’t care, I want to be viable as dps ret. The changes ret got barely help. Should be a flat 15ish % bonus damage or even better fix the scaling

How i would nerf cat threat. Remove the energy cost from cower. Let cower proc OoC (if it doesnt already, i am not a druid player) then do this

This means when the feral druid has an open gcd (and no energy to spend on it) they can cower or feral FF and still have the chance for omc procs off it. This adds a good threat reducer to feral that no longer costs dps to use and is used at energy starved moments.

Feral cat now has some of what it needs to perform better through threat reductions and more OoC procs to improve dps a little.

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The changes ret got is giving around 10-15% more damage and improves scaling…


This but in a general sense for everyone

Cool that you dont care… but Blizzards reasoning makes absolutely no sense.

To blizzard 2 god tier game breaking absolutely insane specs plus 1 bad spec = Must buff bad spec 20%
2 awful specs and 1 bad spec = No touch
3 garbage specs = No touch.