The caster experience in DF so far is BAD!

see above edit

Yeah, i agree with about none of what he’s said, hes making such broad stroke claims that apply to maybe 1% of the playerbase, and as far as i can tell dont apply to BGs at all.

To say that every single cleave comp that doesnt have ret is dead, that every setup comp is dead (LMFAO RMP will never die blizzard wont stand for it), that every caster with a dot is unplayable because of JoTP is silly (Boomy dots are pretty much there only to get astral power, please run JOTP into afflocks im begging you.) and then to go on to say that the only comps capable of anything are the ones with a ret on them is just blatantly untrue.

Even if half of what he said was true it literally would only apply to the top percentage of players 98% of players are not losing just because the enemy team has a ret on it.

This is what I mean when I say that high skill players play a different game than us, Im not losing RSS matches on my Boomy because the opponents are ret paladins, Im losing them for reasons far more plentiful than that. IF you play at that level you’ve got plenty of ways to deal with rets and I promise you high level players that don’t make their money from the wow pvp meta drama aren’t whining about rets.

I think Warriors are Warlocks are surviving this Ret meta.

Well, Rets probably don’t help your win rate.


Funnily enough, I struggle more with rets on my warrior than any other class I have, given I don’t play arms anymore, but still.

Do you know why it is that ret representation has skyrocketed up the ladder? Because they’re broken. The quality of competition has nothing to do with it when fotm’ers roll the latest broken spec and ascend easily. It’s an indicator of a broken spec.

It’s why Havoc was so heavily represented until they were nerfed and they’ve fallen down quite a bit.

To act like the issues are dependent on the rating bracket is just funny. I suspect someone in this thread just rolled a ret.

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I rolled a Ret.

I’m doing my part to force Blizzard to nerf Rets.

I hope they nerf Rets soon so I don’t have to finish leveling/gearing that toon.


Warriors are one of the most played classes in the game right now, Do you know what hard counters warriors playstyle? Frost mage, are frost mages the most played caster in the game? Not even close

Representation means basically nothing. The main thing ret has going for it is that its easy to learn/play, not that its overpowered.

I had my ret before the patch, Im currently playing a fire mage, fury warrior, and a disc priest.

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Good luck. They are only broken at the highest of the highest bracket. Or so I’ve been told.

Yep. Not shocked. And I bet it was benched until recently.

Clearly you only read what you want to, and not anything that remotely affects your narrative. Im higher rating on my Fury warrior than any class i have. Are fury warriors broken af?

I see someone with skin in the game. You confirming that you have a ret alt is pretty relevant but not surprising.

Saying representation means nothing when it has dwarfed 90% of the other classes COMBINED, I don’t think you’re arguing objectively.

Did you watch the video to see the amount of ret games vs the games of all of the other classes in the last 24 hours before his video?
Well over 6,000 for ret with like 4800 for everyone else combined. Yeah, that’s a huge indicator. And it has nothing to do with “ret’s easy to learn.” You’re arguing in bad faith. People are rolling it now because it is currently god tier. Just as players always do.


Its almost as if they were reworked(New draws people to it!), made easier to play(draws lower skilled players to it!), and had a large backlog of people wanted to play their previously weak spec(brings back old ret paladins!) :scream:

You’ve ignored 90% of what I’ve said, I cant think of a more bad faith way to argue than that.

I also have an enhance shaman alt, if they get buffed am I FOTM?

Edited for clarity

Riiiiight. I’m sure that’s totally it! lol

Point proven. Ty have a nice day

Ty. May you also have a ret of a day!

It (1vNs) happens quite a lot if you are actively trying to put yourself in those situations. 1v1s are a bit harder to get, ofc.

I don’t consider hunters as casters since they aren’t susceptible to interrupts. Also, I said casters that require set up and cast times. Frost mage with orb and lance spam doesn’t need that. Warlock is a bit of an exception because of all of the hard control (stuns/coil) they have for 1v1s.

That said, it’s generally easier to win 1v2s as melee than casters. Casters are more of an issue (2vNs) when there are two or more casters since they can spread out.

Also interesting to see that in the EU 3v3, it’s ret and arms by a MILE. There must have been a ton of backlogged players there too waiting for ret to be reworked.

Havoc and assassination fell off of a cliff. Surely because of the nerfs.

What caster has to cast a spell to do damage right now Van? I cant think of a single one.
Which caster doesnt have high power instant cast control? to follow up with a hard casted control (Shadow priest is the only one i can think of that cant just Poly/cyclone/fear someone)


So not only ret, but wars as well. 40% of 3v3 is palas and wars.

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Arms and Ret are pretty much the only viable melee right now.