The cart is super frustrating

I managed it with the default car setup. Took a few tries each race - though oddly enough the reverse version of these races were easier on some of 'em.

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So much fun I logged out after 2 minutes of the mount. I won’t be using this. Why put something into the game that is so poorly designed? Just don’t do it. We already had ground mounts. If I want to play a car game I’ll go play a racing game. But I don’t, because I don’t find them fun. It’s wow, not gran turismo.


You almost had me??? You never had me. You never had your cart.

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Sadly they have no intention to :frowning: this is korthia all over again…

That’s an option as well. No one is forcing you.

I wish people who said “this is poorly designed” actually ever tried to design something. Would alleviate a lot of issues with folks claiming this.

No, the thing isn’t poorly designed, but it isn’t optimal as there’s no physics to it. But it not being physics enabled (as I don’t believe that’s capable with WoW’s engine) doesn’t make it poorly designed.

A lot of it is a case of learning how to use it. Sure, it ain’t ever going to be as good as other dedicated driving games can do it. But considering folks said the same thing about Dragonriding/Skyriding of it being “poorly designed” and a whole other nonsense like that… that doesn’t make it so.
You not liking it is perfectly fine but you not liking it doesn’t mean it is poorly designed.

And folks said the same thing about Dragonriding/Skyriding. You not liking it is fine, but “Spinwin doesn’t like it” isn’t synonymous with “It is poorly designed.”

Why are ya’ll not able to just admit to yourself and others “it ain’t for me, hope others have fun with it?” If a majority of people don’t find it fun, then folks aren’t going to be using it. Yet in-game folks are using it - and with time, folks will get better with it as well. So we’ll see if folks keep using it because folks have learned how to use it, or not.

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You can compare this to other games. Why do I need to make a game before I can compare it to other games and see the quality difference?

Do you not have that ability?

But hey, only your opinion matters here. Let’s close up the forums. No more need for discussion. Shadybolt’s word is final. Wrap it up.

See. I can use your name too.


And I’m still not using it.

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I have to agree. I’m really not a fan. Zone feels far too small for the speed boots. So many turns are 90 degree turns. The car doesn’t do 90 degree turns. It feels kinda bad tbh. Having to slide around is fun for about 3.5 seconds and then it’s honestly just a little aggravating. It’s not relaxing at all unless you literally just don’t use the abilities. In which case it seems completely irrelevant. I love almost all other forms of travel as they feel smooth and connected to your character…dragon Riding was the best addition they e ever made but the cars are honestly just kinda underwhelming and bad feeling.


Going back to using a standard mount. This car thing blows.


Amen to that…can’t even make it though a water puddle it dismounts me…my dang Magic Rooster Egg :chicken: doesn’t do that…

I didn’t say that you have to make something. I said I wish folks would try to design something. The Massive difference between the two, and no - someone not liking something doesn’t make it poorly designed just on that basis alone.

… why are you on the forums to begin with if you cannot face even the most basic of pushback? Do you surround yourself just with yesmen in your life and this is the first time someone disagreed with you?

Grow up.

I don’t find the cart frustrating but I do find it to just be another poorly implemented WoW “vehicle” mechanic. Which is not at all surprising since they’ve never implemented vehicles well a single time over the course of this game’s existence.

Frustrating? No. Boring? Incredibly.

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People as consumers are entitled to opinions, even negative ones. A customer doesn’t need to have design experience to offer feedback on how the drive system feels to use (clunky, crowded, awkward). The microscopic obstacles bringing you to a halt at warp speed in a tiny, cramped zone is what many would call poorly designed

I just wish they would let me re-bind drift to a button that isn’t jump. x_x

This. Idk who had the bright idea to put drift and jump on the same key but it needs to change to shift or something.


Just use the standard mount.

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Sounds like you’re getting upset. I hope things get better for you.

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Definitely a polarizing feature and zone.

I don’t mind the zone too much, but can not stand the DRIVE gimmick. It’s obnoxious, and more to the fact, I am horrible at it!

I realize many love it and respect that, but GD, it makes me wanna defenestrate my entire PC! lol

On a more serious note… the new content would be much more fun without this god awful lag!!

Clicking stuff can take up to 10s to respond.

I hope they address the performance issues soon. This shouldn’t be occurring, as this isn’t the first patch in history.

Proper load testing needs to be done before a full launch, and clearly this keeps getting missed.

In my work in IT, load testing can be done with the full load, as you would measure the impact and performance a lower rate and simply do the math on what to expect with a full workload, based on volumes from previous patch releases.

Happy gaming all!


People have never claimed that the sky is a cramped design with polygons you bump into every five feet, forcing you to stop and go in the air or preventing you from flying fast in a straight line because of it. Nor have they said that the dragonflying turn radius is awful. Stop it—you’re being so disingenuous, it’s ridiculous.


I will always appreciate and respect Blizz for trying new things. There are certainly a lot of people that seem to love DRIVE already, much like dragonriding.

Frankly, it looks like it would be a blast.

For me personally, I’m not sure it’s going to work.

I despise the words handicapped and disabled, because I don’t feel like I am and for the most part in life, I have always figured out a way to make something work for me. I’m not one to accept defeat. I could never quite make dragonriding work for me, except on long distances where I am not running the risk of bumping into anything. So, I use it when I can and how I can.

Patch just dropped yesterday so it’s too early for me to be done with DRIVE, but trying to play with it today was physically painful and not really something I could push through. I’ll keep trying but it’s disappointing.

Best of luck to everyone.

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