The car is much easier to operate after you figure out how to drift. The car must be actively turning when you press the space bar.
They make you put turn buttons back on keyboard too. It’s impossible to control with mouse. So you have to wasd it. The whole drive system feels like it has no place in the game. Especially in the new overcrowded zone
The controlled cruiser does not make this much better.
Regular ground mounts are still way better. Drive is just annoying.
I would be happy if the entire game didn’t play like I had a 2k ping. Granted I haven’t been on yet today but yesterday was incredibly frustrating to say the least…and I pick and play on low pop servers precisely so I can be on ideally dead realms/shards for things like expansion launches and big patches.
Tried it with slower boost, slower engine and better grip drift wheels. Doesn’t change a thing, it’s still horrible, just at slower speeds. Same bumper car design but at a slower speed doesnt change how badly designed it is, and how narrow the streets are, and how you bump into and off of a tiny polygon like a bumper car. It’s turn radius still sucks regardless of what things you put on it.
Imagine if players had gotten on the PTR and given this feedback when it could’ve made a difference.
The problem for me is the slowing down/stopping. If it stopped instantly like ground mounts it would fine and having to exit it to attack instead of it auto dismounting like normal mounts (using the slow load out even).
There are engine options that reduce your top speed.
I can’t imagine trying to control it with keyboard buttons. That sounds awful. It’s perfectly easy to control with the mouse. And if you mess up now and then, who cares? There aren’t consequences – you don’t build up repair bills on your car from running into walls or off cliffs.
As an avid Mario Kart Need For Speed gamer, D.R.I.V.E. is missing at least a billion key features. The most important being Rainbow Road music Static X in the background.
It as still pretty laggy, especially “loot” lag. For me, at least, about 2 hours ago.
D.R.I.V.E. can be fun but the city is dense enough that it gets annoying.
I really wanna try it in like open azeroth. It’s so fast. Lemme floor it across the dragon isles or something.
Can you complete the races with this engine?
The zone is tiny. I don’t understand the point of this mount. Vehicles in this game are still bad. Super Sprint did it better.
Off-topic, why did they move the rope neckpiece on the Monk Tier to the chest when it’s clearly intended to be a part of the Helmet? It really kills the ability to use the baked in Tattoos on the Chest-piece, and looks terribly out of place. Could we get a chestpiece variant that does not have it, much like how Mages often are accomodated and get a Robe and Tunic version of their sets?
Alternatively perhaps could Monks have shirts that serve the same purpose and allow the Dragon Tattoo? Because that looks wonderful but it is completely overshadowed by the rope around the Monk’s neck. It’s a beautiful looking set, but this one design choice really handicaps it.
Or you can learn to drive.
Because it is fun, and extremely Goblin-thematically.
I’d rather trot along than D.R.I.V.E. and the oppressive vibe of the entire zone is unpleasant. Plus, I WANT THE GREEN ARROW WHEN I WANT IT, not when the game wants it. It legitimately gives me a twitch and makes me want to stay OUT of undermine altogether.
Can’t wait til the theme pivots to elves!
Why not just have mythic flying then…?