The Burning Crusade is Coming to WoW Classic!

yea Paid Boost are gonna be bought by MANY casuals and its gonna hurt them cause there gonna be plaaying a class they dont understand and will only make there expierence worse and for the Hardcores idk why you would even need a boost , i have all my 60s rdy to go and if i wanted to i could have every single class lvled and rdy for TBC classic … So the people the boost is aimed at like i said Casuals who work a 9-5 will get kicked from groups often for playing a class they dont understand and they will prob not play miuch after a few times of getting booted… And for The botters sure they will get a boost too but this on its own is a WHOLEEE other issue blizzard refuses to deal with but they sure in the hell are gonna develope a Cash shop for TBC classic … Sad as F

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So much whining, so little reason for it. If you don’t like what Blizzard is doing, go play a private server where your voice is more likely to be heard. They are doing what they can to attract all players, not just hardcore macho champion min/max tryhards. Guilds will be around to help new players and min/max hardcore players can join the guilds that are focusing on that style of gameplay. Instead of trying to “cancel” TBC or whine until you get your way. Just be happy that Blizzard is giving this opportunity and enjoy it the best you can. Peace and love to all.


Remind me again why blizzard wants to put in boosts which inherently kills off old content population AND removes farming of low level mats which are HEALTHY for an economy which also allows for ESPORTS TWINKING… Why the heck does Blizzard have an ESPORTS TAB ON THE TOP OF THE PAGE… If they INHERENTLY are AGAINST IT… #StopTheBoost #OrWeWillKILLClassicWithPrivateServersAGAIN


TBC Server Suggestion

Requiring payment to play on Classic while simultaneously advancing to TBC is a negative. We would better promote maximum play and population across all the servers, rather than move characters away from servers, thus depopulating them. Better yet, here’s a new mechanical idea to do that, maintaining server continuity and promoting cohesive community.

In-Game Mechanic for switching between Classic and TBC experience

Imagine traveling to the Caverns of Time in Tanaris, venturing inside, and finding at the bottom of the spiral way a gnome who tells of a disturbance across space time, that at some point in the future, the Dark Portal will have opened, with all kinds of dire results. To combat, the Bronze is sending adventurers forward in time to combat the invasion and enter Outland.

So the player clicks through the dialogue and is able to move into the TBC universe, thus accessing the TBC side of his server. Post-60 characters may always return to the Caverns of Time in order to return to their previous temporo-spacial reality.

This will be ideal for server integrity.

The money making model may be based solely on paid character boosts.


question …so I can start a new blood elf or draenei from lvl 1… in tbc… or I have to play classic first.

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Races will come out in the prepatch and youll have time then to lvl. There will also be a XP squish so it’ll be faster to level as well.

Bro how are u into tbc but not classic that just sounds stupid as hell. So would you go play the witcher DLC and not the base game? If you dont have time for classic you dont have time for tbc and ull just ruin the game for actual players with problems that come with level boosts.

Yeah just adds more community when 1 person has all these toons maxed in prof,etc

Same, the boost ruined it for me.

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its about time :slight_smile:

For the love of God get the prepatch out already! This game is in a limbo right now

Is it really though.

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Why do people care if people that they do not know use a boost that they likely will not notice? I am not going to boost a char, but I don’t care who does either. The argument that casuals won’t be able to handle the complexities of their class are overselling the difficulty of any wow class/spec. Worst case scenario they could watch a video or read a guide.

Soo it’s officially official

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Very much so

Two weeks for pre patch is way too short ;(


As I recall, original TBC had a longer pre-patch (4-5 weeks), but you could not level Draenai or Blood Elves. You had to wait for the TBC release. This would be 2 weeks you didn’t have before.

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Can we get 100% drop rate on Ateish splinters for those still trying to complete it before TBC?

No duh we aren’t prepared, you are giving us 2 weeks to.

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Thanks for giving me no time to schedule off work. I really appreciate it.