The Burning Crusade Classic Beta Has Begun!

you have to start at asmoncopper and work your way up.


this 10 char

Will we be able to reserve a name on the TBC Classic server prior to launch like in Vanilla classic?

TBC servers will just be continuations of the servers that already exist.

Day 1 classic players that played every day all the way through and speedrunning naxx with a hardcore guild every week: no invite.
Streamers that quit in phase 2 and don’t even like classic: day 1 invite.

Just rename it to a streamer showcase instead of being dishonest and claiming it’s a beta.


I would love to play the beta but y’all never actually give out the beta to the little guys, it’s always the streamers and the big guys who ALWAYS get it. It’s annoying and frustrating. Ive signed up for every beta that you guys have had since WOTLK and not a single one I have ever got invited to beta test in. But TTVJOEBLOW gets it the second beta goes live. :confused: thanks for the boost of faith of hearing from people whose voices are normally silenced.

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Awesome, my body is ready!

So even before streamers were a huge thing, you lucked out and never got a beta invite and you’re blaming streamers for that?

Some people are just unlucky, I’ve only ever gotten 1 beta for WoTLK meanwhile my SO gets every single one they apply for and he doesn’t even play them most of the time.

Still waiting for my access :slight_smile:

How will they do the release? Will they follow up with the TBC original run and go in patches/phases. First with the nerfed pre-2.1 gear? Then the nerfs to SSC and TK and eventually the BOJ vendors which got updated/catch-up gear after Zul Aman and later Sunwell got introduced?

Would love to try it out. Did some testing for a few months a few years back in a server with the name of a certain bony dragon from Sunwell. Leveled three times from 60-70 twice as a warrior ally/horde and then as a Shaman. Also ran Kara about 10 times with pre 2.1 buffed gear.

Can’t wait to play TBC in 6 or more months cause I’m not getting into the beta I know that

14 years later, NEVER received a beta key, how is that possible?

Beta server pop is quite low currently. Need more people.

give me beta so i can play and test. beta has not begun for me false advertisement

Is any of us regular blood elves gonna get into the beta ? asking for a goblin friend.

Are we going to get the 58 level boost before TBC launch or when it launches? Kind of want to boost a Rouge and just level it two levels to 60 for TBC.

Of course the video content these streamers make don’t show anything other than I wonder if I can solo ramparts? Come on I don’t need to see that and really don’t care. Show us the areas, arenas, questlines and professions.

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I recently tested leveling JC some in beta.
The JC trainer in Outland is in Shat, on the Aldor Rise.

Do not do the quest to choose a faction and choose Scryers until after you level JC, or you will need to go to the Exodar for JC training instead of being able to do it in Outland.

Still here for it

Still waiting :sob: