The Burning Crusade Classic Beta Has Begun!

Bro sameee

Blizzard, please give us one new 25 man raid in tbc, just one, maybe release it around the same time as za even a small raid with just 3 or 4 bosses would suffice. Just something to shake up the fact that the strategies for existing bosses have been known for 15 years thank you.

Heard on a stream recently, “If you haven’t gotten into the Beta and you’re a streamer with a decent number of views, let me know and I can help you get a key.” Great priorities, Blizz. Never mind that I’ve played this games since 2004, owned my account since 2006 and actually played TBC. 17 year-olds with 1,000 viewer > loyal customers. Didn’t get in the Classic Vanilla beta either, I’ll remember this…AOC is looking pretty good…

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Would love to get my hands on this beta. I’ve heard there are lots of people falling off, sounds like time for a fresh group to come in. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Still waiting for the invite on Beta, 15 years, you guest I should not have to ask anymore lol

Did you sign up?
Did you fully exit the launcher and relaunch it to see if you did get in this last wave?
Do you honestly think the years you have played matter to RNGesus?