The Burning Crusade Classic Arena Season 1 has begun!

You guys still havent addressed the awful honor gains in BGS, meanwhile pve’rs are bursting everyone down clearing kara day 1

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Yeah thanks for starting the season before fixing the Honor problem and while people can’t even farm honor gear 10/10 - Multi billion dollar company btw


Yea the honor gains right now from battlegrounds might be the dumbest thing I’ve seen in any game, ever.


Organizing AV queue right now for ally/horde rush meta no smearing queue right now please

Pillar wars

Because classic tbc isn’t everyone’s taste. I found it awful and slow. Bored me.

Then get a tastebud transplant, simple.

Lol, are you lecturing someone about prioritizing their time for a video game?

I don’t understand why you guys are rushing to “complete” TBC classic. You do realize you’d make a lot more money delaying things like this? The majority of players aren’t ready for arena, nor were they ready for the prepatch to be rushed. Oh well, your loss.

Not at all. I’m saying they have poor time management.

Epic fail starting season 1 only two weeks after the game launched… epic fail…

Blizzard let the streamers grind out their honor and afterwards nerfed the honor per hour to the ground. Streamers didn’t want competition in arena because they are scared. They also didn’t want to put in the work. Blizzard wanted more views on twitch. More views more subs more money. Heard this from my friend who is a programmer for blizzard, and from another that competes regionally every season.

Ask any streamer how long it took them to grind their pvp set. Disgusting bias Blizzard.

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Because Tbc is still old content, it is the Recycled Crusade from pixel to pixel to drive up Quarterly sales :rofl:

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Do you plan on addressing the massive disparity in BG queue times? TBC already had an massive grind to get all of the honor gear. Now if you play Horde, the queues at this very moment are 47 minutes minimum. A lot of classes really need the honor gear before they can be competitive in arena.

I started playing tbc classic primarily to do pvp with my friends. If I have to do > 100 BGS to get blue gear and epic gear and the queue is > 45 minutes, i’m probably just going to stop playing. I’m sure i’m not the only one thinking this.

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Want to bet you can’t

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2: Double click on Bookmarks banner
3: Click on preferences
4: Left side under accounts click on users
5: Go to ignored and add player.

Nice going Bliz… I mean Activi$ion.

S C U F F E D S E A S O N.

TBC arena is awesome and I’m loving it!

Just two problems:

  1. Please add a wow armory arena ladder like there was in TBC.
  2. Remove the Merciless gladiator honor gear that streamers and their friends bought due to a bug. Having unobtainable gear is a ridiculous advantage and they are sitting at R1 in 3v3 at the moment.
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Okay now remove the unobtainable items from all your beloved streamers who used exploits to obtain it, or risk losing the player base that is actually paying out.

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That’s what happens when all the pvp’rs pile onto one faction for the OP racials. Trust me it’s pretty lame on alliance when every horde is undead, mage, same build , items, everything, Meta the game to death. Reeee.

Enjoy your ques.

I see a blue post 21 days old on top of the boards. Then I see his message has 4 likes. The number one focus on TBC with gear hidden behind it, and nobody very few like or participate in it.

Like MDA, the arena is getting all the attention with little player desire to have it. The whole BG same side release was to try to promote this arena. In all the outcries for either side I didn’t see any of the ire was about arena problems.

Why is Arena, or MDA for that matter, taking away from the majority that pay for the game for a few.