The borked state of scaling in TW dungeons right now

The scaling will make more sense they said. It will be better if the dungeon scales to the player level rather than the other way around they said. No more impact from TW twink sets they said. It’ll even out the performance of players they said. (actually IDK if they said any of this. All I know is TW dungeons are even more borked than they were before they changed the scaling):

Context: The massively over-performing ww monk was a level 30-something. There were other leveling characters and a couple level 80’s. I was the level 80 BrM monk.


I mean.

Does it really matter in the grand scheme of things? If the bad monsters go away and you clear the instance all is well.

I’ve had maybe two TW runs be a bit rough but outside of that I don’t really mind if a level 30 is wiping me in meters.


It does matter.

Because having a lvl 10-15 makes everything faceroll. Lets all forsake our lvl 80 characters and do only 10-15 when tw drops since everything can be melted in seconds.

It complete negates any sort of progression the scaling system. Timewalking used to be something to not be “serious”. Now these devs in their wisdom think that timewalking dungeons should be considered serious… but the elephant in the room is there… their own reasoning is also their own downfall.


It’s…not though? Every single TW I’ve done, even the rough ones, were still pretty faceroll. I’ve accidentally pulled and Lust’d a few times while learning the Gamepad control scheme I set up and still no complaints or issues.

TW has never been serious, and it still isn’t.

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If you can’t see what I’m talking here. I’m done here. Have a good week.

I mean, let us just 1 shot everything then according to your logic.


Buddy is talking about character progression in timewalking dungeons :dracthyr_shrug:



thats nice and all if they could balance the crap
leveling dungeons themselves have been scaled horribly since shadowlands
df they doing touching things w/o fixing the other? typical blizz lol

The alternative is low levels sitting around helplessly as 80s in their fancy gear and talents go ahead and faceroll in their stead.

They’re just throwback dungeons for folks that may have missed them originally that give good leveling gear. They don’t offer any meaningful progression beyond the weekly chest that you may or may not get lucky with. To me they can be as easy as they want.

If you want a rougher environment for dungeons, M+ and Cata Classic is around. I just don’t think it matters for TW dungeons.

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False dichtomoy.

Who said those were the only 2 options??? This thread is about the borked scaling since the most recent TW changes blizz implemented. Ostensibly those changes were to stop these kind of situations from arising. It’s not about not having a level 30 do the same dps as a level 80, as should be the case in a TW dungeon anyways…

This thread is about the ridiculous discrepency between the scaling for the different levels. If everyone was doing similar damage, I wouldn’t have had to make this thread.

There’s a difference.


I mean, nothing sounds less serious than

if blizzard hasnt cared about it since shadowlands what makes you think they care now.

They changes to tw scaling basically made it a dead game mode for me. I didn’t need the gear or even badges; most of the fun I had with it was building tw sets. But, I’m content to participate as the forums throw Blizzard’s lame excuse for the change back in their faces.

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Because a LVL 30 doing 5-6x the damage of anyone else is definitely better than taking away my ability to use my somewhat-OP Timewalking gear set, RIGHT BLIZZ??


Been warning about this since they announced the changes.


If not why mess with it in the first place? I’m sick of hearing about poor Indie company Blizz with no resources to do nothing when they waste them fixing things that weren’t broken.