Hello, all! As part of the Green Leaf Festival (Announcing the Green Leaf Festival 2021! (May 5th-7th)) I’d like to introduce the Blushing Roses Date Auction, an in-character date auction, which will be taking place on May the 6th, 7:30pm MST, near the statue of Antonidas in Northrend Dalaran, MCed by Lady Inien Lightmourn.
For those of you who have never been to a date auction, this is the premise: basically, the general crowd will be presented with a selection of eligible people one by one. As each comes up, the crowd will bid on them. The highest bidder will win a date with that person, to be scheduled at a later time.
All proceeds will be split between the Stormwind and Orgrimmar orphanages, so you’re dating for charity! To become a bidder (someone who will bid on the eligible people), all you have to do is show up and bring your gold! The winners will be identified and logged at the end of the night. All gold during the auctioning process is purely in-character. No actual gold or real life currency of any kind will be exchanged or used.
To become one of the eligible people auctioned off, you must be of majority age relative to your kin-group. You must sign up here: https://forms.gle/UYNJpcqsU9SHDbxU7
If you don’t sign up at that link, I might not see your application! Contact me if you have any problems with Google Forms and we’ll sort it out.
After you’re done, please feel free to ask to be added to the Green Leaf Festival planning server on Discord; this is where most of the information on changes or additional information will be found.
Again, the auction will take place on the 6th of May! The linked Google Form is not the auction itself, only a sign-up sheet for the people willing to be auctioned off.
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: It is your responsibility (bidder and biddee) to follow through with the scheduling of your date. HOWEVER, you are not on your own! If you EVER feel coerced, threatened, or otherwise uncomfortable, contact me or any of the other coordinators and we’ll sort it out immediately. Should you feel uncomfortable for any reason, you are not obliged to follow through with your scheduled date. This is simply for fun and in-character charity!
FINAL IMPORTANT NOTE: You are not required to participate in a romantic date! These dates can be purely platonic (there’s a field to opt in on the sign-up sheet). If you DO participate in a romantic date, your character is not obligated to go on a second date with the bidder, nor are they obligated to do anything else. Bidders and biddees, please respect people’s boundaries!
Thank you for your attention and have a pleasant day!