Hello, everyone!
The citizens of the Four Realms are proud to announce an upcoming three day festival, the Green Leaf Festival, which will take place May 5th to May 7th in the evenings. The schedule is as follows:
Spring Glories Beauty Pageant
Date: 5-5-21
Time: 7:30pm server (MST)
Location: The Eventide (the fountain), Northrend Dalaran
Contacts/Event runner(s): Uluion-CenarionCircle, Lithliana-CenarionCircle, Adassos-CenarionCircle, Brandwyne-SistersofElune, Maxla-SistersofEluneother volunteers TBDBlushing Roses Date Auction
Date: 5-6-21
Time: 7:30pm server (MST)
Location: Near the Antonidas Statue, Northrend Dalaran
Contacts/Event runner(s): Inien-SistersofElune, Maxla-SistersofElune, other volunteers TBDGreen Leaf Gala
Date: 5-7-21
Time: 7:30pm server (MST)
Location: The Purple Parlor, the Violet Citadel, Northrend Dalaran
Contacts/Event runner(s): Inien-SistersofElune, Nikruun-CenarionCircle/Zaranae-CenarionCircle, other volunteers TBD
If you would like to sign up for either the Spring Glories Beauty Pageant or the Blushing Roses Date Auction, please stay tuned for sign-up forms, which will be posted here and on the Four Realms discord!
If you would like to volunteer your services, ideas, or time to the cause, please contact one of us on the Four Realms discord and we’ll add you to the planning server!