I understand this is a topic spoken about regularly, and with quite a bit of pruning coming in TWW I know I’m not alone in saying I hope Shaman gets the same treatment.
I heal in PvP, but I’d like to play Enhance or Ele in PvE or Delves… But I can’t make it work and I find it impossible due to the bloat. This is utter insanity. LOL
I just spent an entire evening trying to figure out binds that will translate, but I failed.
Like Resto has 11 possible totem combinations. They are about to add a 12th……. Most of these are specific and niche use cases too….
I want to play the class… the whole class.
Please for the love of Thrall, fix this insanity.
massive disagree, the complexity is what makes classes fun and rewarding. Keep asking for pruning and you’ll get a BM Hunter, a 4 button boring spec where jumping is most fun during combat.
Learn to play the class, adapt.
There’s uh, a massively wide gap between rsham and BM hunter. You could toss a bus in there and still hit a pretty good mark. Not everything needs to be extremes.
For example, they’ve actually been secretly pruning some classes and you probably haven’t noticed. In the talent trees, they’ve lowered the priority of some of the active skills so the effect is you’ll have less buttons. Rsham falls into this but only for PvE. I don’t think rsham has ever used less buttons in M+ than now if you use the “meta” specs. Doesn’t apply to PvP tho, probably because alot of the skills are utility so you’ll still need them.
Ive played shaman since vanilla (shaman war and mage)
The most loved iteration of shaman was wrath era where we had easily programmable totem buttons to drop all totems together, and a more streamlined, non piano rotation. There is absolutely zero reason why we need to have abilities added to our rotation like frost shock and strike, when the damage profile can be less RNG based between storm strike, lava lash, maelstrom and maelstrom spenders while still offering a rewarding proc based generator/spender type class
Paladin rework and prune feels great. Range damage and melee mixed, similar builder / spender structure. Half of our toolkit is used when gcd locked or only when we have a specific buff. Id rather commit to muscle memory and watch my screen than watch my buff tracker
See what you are looking at is a pool. It has a shallow end, a deep end and everything in between. The deep end too deep for you? That’s ok you can stick to shallower waters (pick passive talents over abilities) till you are more comfortable to go deeper. No need to change the pool just change where you are in it.
Lol I like the bloat gives my ADD brain plenty to pay attention too, I always end up returning to Enhance because classes like SV Hunter and Feral just feel extremely simplistic and braindead in comparison.
I don’t understand why people immediately hit you over the head with “I don’t want it to be BM Hunter”…
Yeah nobody’s asking for that. The problem I’m trying to illustrate is that it’s near impossible to come up any sort of action bar layout that makes it remotely feasible to play all 3 specs in the class…
That’s all I want to do.
Resto has more binds than the other two sham specs and it’s not even close. I’m not sure how you are struggling to switch over.
Shaman is an odd class because they do have a lot of keybinds but they are all useful for something and not redundant. I would be okay with them pruning primordial wave but other than that I can’t even think of an ability I would be okay with losing.
Classes dont even need pruning. Most classes would benefit greatly by removing 1 or 2 buttons. Of course you say that and people go straight to comparing BM Hunter
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I am hoping you are quite alone on this.
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I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily pruning shamans need but more compression. Enhance for example, pre pull you need atleast 3 globals if you want your flame shocks spread properly - Pwave, flame shock and lava lash (for 6 targets). I don’t see why this can’t just all be one global.
For class spell talnets like totemic recall and totemic projection, these are more niche spells hogging up more space on your hotkeys. If enhance wants to take WF you need Totemic Projection too and it’s just so utterly stupid, mages/DH’s/etc… get to have their buff just be there and not have to worry about it. But with us, we have to take WF totem and keep track of it, and it’s also limited by a radius, so we have to take ANOTHER talent/ability to counter act that, while already dealing with twice as many hotkeys as a DH.
Shaman is just loaded with so much unnecessary garbage, making them take 3 steps to accomplish something whereas superior classes only have to take 1 step.
It’s not a mystery why this is one of the least played classes, most players get completely overwhelmed by it, so they reroll into something easier.
I play multiple classes and set up my screen the exact same way for all of them- except shaman. The shaman requires an extra action bar over the rest. A little streamlining wouldn’t hurt my feelings.
Look at what they’re doing for monk. Monk is also a high button class and they are being streamlined next expansion. They aren’t removing abilities so much as they are combining them. For example Rushing Jade Wind is being tacked on to another ability instead of being its own button- stuff like that.
For monk they are pruning one of their defensive buttons because they had so many. Shaman can’t afford to lose a defensive.
They also pruned chi-wave, which was a great decision because chi wave was the definition of button bloat. But I can’t think of anything shaman have that equates to chi wave where it’s just a button you press that does damage or healing and doesn’t interact with the rest of your kit at all.
Everytime i play another class, i get so bored and return to shaman.
Shaman is an amazing class, only stuff like earthshield and watershield charges stuff should be streamlined.
Yeah they are going from 4 to 3 defensives, but one of the remaining was buffed significantly. For shamans I think the best bet would be to buff what we have instead of adding more. Make Ankh a 5 minute cooldown, make EE a 2 minute cooldown and make it a choice node with Shamanistic Rage.
No, its still there. They’re just making it cast off another ability so it doesn’t require a button- same with RJW and Expel Harm. That frees up 3 buttons and they lost nothing.
For shamans they could do stuff like:
-Have Lava Lash and Lava Burst apply and spread the Flame Shock dot. Remove Flame Shock and reduce the cooldown of Frost Shock to 3 seconds to compensate. There’s a button gone and a smoother opener.
-Combine Healing Stream totem and Poison Cleansing into Blessing of Water totem that has both effects.
-Combine Tremor Totem and Stoneskin totem into Blessing of Earth totem that has both effects.
-Make Earth Shield last for an hour. It would still need a spot on the action bar, but it would open up globals during gameplay and nobody needs to keybind something they press once an hour.
There is a lot they could do to streamline this class without it being spayed/neutered.
This is the problem… This stuff snowballs over the years and we are left at our current state…
Please justify to the community the need for Primal Strike on a resto shaman… I’m all ears.
Problem is people are advocating for taking some of the more niche and absurd things and just toning it down a bit. We like complexity, that’s why we play the class. But this is beyond that. But as someone else mentioned… People go straight to saying it’ll make it like a BM hunter…
This is a good move. Probably the right move.
Primal Strike.
Another example of streamlining… We need this thought process and feedback.
Primal strike isn’t needed on your bars though. Sure it sits in your spell book but there’s no reason to hot key it ever except maybe a super niche use in killing enemy shaman totems. Removing primal strike wouldn’t really change anything but they may as well I suppose.
Remove icefury for ele !!!
You could always play ele fire build and then you’re mostly just pressing 1 button.
I was going to leave this thread alone but this is the most extreme cherry picking I have ever seen. If you are binding primal strike as resto you already have enough problems you need to work out.