Besides the lip smacking and breathing into the mic, the questions as usual with Q and A’s were mostly nonsense fake questions, I refuse to believe an actual human asked.
But we got 2 answers of note
99% of us knew was going to happen, Layering will be in, they would rather have players able to log in and play with layers, than sit in a queue.
They are strongly considering moving the Season 1 Start date to be sometime in Phase 1, and have the arena seasons line up with the tier releases.
So, get ready for 3-5 months of Karazhan, Gruul’s Lair, and Magtheridon’s Lair, before SSC and TK releases.
you never really stop running Karazhan though. I dont think there was a week I missed it, besides gearing people out in the raid, your alts and getting badges (when that comes in, if not from launch) you are always running it.
You forgot to mention the part where she said “for a short while” meaning layers probably only at launch.
Layers were only on for a prolonged period during the summer because of Coronavirus restrictions causing server populations to swell far beyond expectations. They still tried to remove them multiple times even then.
Except in the second half of the expansion lol. ZA gear was better than Kara gear, and the IQD badge gear and heroic Magister’s Terrace gear also trumped Kara gear.
Since a lot of people are planning to level exclusively through dungeons, it would have been nice to know if the daily 30 instances cap is staying or not.
That is a complete denial of history, my server didn’t get rid of layers until March, then brought them back again soon after because of the virus. We had layers for 7 months before they brought them down. They were brought back for about 2 months after that.
Too much Shadowlands lore, I guess that’s what those players want. I did like seeing the question from Fasciae on there since he’s one of our frequent Classic forum posters.
What I got out of it that is important for us:
They will probably change the original S1 arena announcement due to the gearing concerns etc to line up better.
No expectation of adding battlegroups, everyone together for arenas/BGs.
Fresh servers are not announced but being strongly considered. They will not happen with the TBC launch but sometime after (so probably no TBC fresh but “Classic Era” fresh).
They are considering for the Classic Era servers to do a grouping/merge similar to Retail due to low population concerns.
Layering as already said and suspected.
Everything carries over, gold and items, no restrictions
They removed layers from Herod twice over the summer the second time being for good.
Regardless she said “for a short while” literally her words and another Herod situation won’t happen again because there’s actually way more servers for people to choose from on day 1 this time and people can’t use the same excuses.
People will come back to herod who quit. Outland is sooo much smaller than Azeroth. You’re going to have layers for a while. They’re already underestimating tbc and I’m gonna laugh when “the response to classic tbc blew us away”.
Well, they put your question up and said they are willing to make adjustments for population issues like they did with black lotus spawns. You can go watch their answer on Youtube if you didn’t see it yet.
Ever Q & A consists of questions anyone with the IQ above that of a headless chicken can answer, questions already answered, and meme questions. This is not a new thing.