The blame should not be shifted completely

It shouldn’t be held accountable for a thing that got pinned to it solely because of asinine writing. Arthas has absolutely nothing to do with the Alliance. Stormwind didn’t rally behind him and help destroy Quel’Thalas and Lordaeron now, did it?


The Horde is very likely to offer some concessions or give up something. The Night Elves and Forsaken do need a new home, after all. And if the two factions are going to continue cooperating and not just ignore one another’s existence, then the interactions/conversations are going to come up.

And Thrall, Baine, and Lor’themar are the big players on the council and all have already expressed regrets about what the Horde’s done. Calia’s on the way too.

I don’t think it unreasonable or even unlikely to see Horde and Alliance NPCs working side by side to mend fences and recover from the war.

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Oh he very well did he made his first steps as a member of the scourge as the alliance, with jaina and uther there to stop him along with his lieutenants.

Everyone is going to be making concessions. Like iv said what they’re asking for is one sided though, not working side by side.

I just want the them to reflect in game the alliance getting back some of the stuff they have lost. We have lost so much to the Horde in game and told we rebuild but then blizzard simply forgets that they said that.

If they phase the world to show the us atleast rebuilding and having a strong presence back in these zones we can atleast feel like something has changed.

None of the text establishes that the Horde attacked first. Both sides have text indicating that the other side is to blame for the hostilities. The Horde side implies that the Alliance is trying to find a super weapon but they secured it first.

Ashran is a PvP sandbox and using it in discussions of lore is dubious at the best of times. But it is also deliberately written to be totally vague as to the sequence of events, so using it to place blame on one side or the other says more about the biases of the person making the claim than about lore.


Just saying that when those NPCs start talking, I’m pretty sure some form of, “I’m sorry about what happened at Teldrassil,” is bound to come up.

I was never arguing about that. See this post of mine,

Guess they shouldent happen then, and its best we stay out of each others way.

Here’s the difference;

The Horde followed Sylvanas. Willingly. For a long time.

The Alliance didn’t, and once things went off the rails, tried to stop him.

It’s not the same thing and the fact that you’re pretending it’s close is very telling.


No one tried to stop him at stralthome. I dont recall the alliance trying to stop him while he rampaged through quel’thalas.

Point still stands.

Worth noting that those that followed him, if there are any at all, are either scourge, or…



Tell you what.

Get the Night Elves to go two expansions without either mass murdering lumberjacks or trying to unleash a continent-wide apocalypse over a family spat, and we’ll talk.

Of course if that were ever accomplished, 90% of the conflict would be resolved already, then it’s just Gilneas.

The Alliance literally did the exact opposite of this. Like the word-for-word opposite. They set the High Elves up to be slaughtered by hte scourge, and when that didn’t pan out (thanks to the naga) they imprisoned them instead, on charges of treason against the Alliance, with a sentence of death.

The Alliance did nothing to help Lordaeron, either… instead, it sat back and let the kingdom die to plague and Arthas’ purges. Only after the freed Forsaken sought out the Horde did the Alliance “help” - by funding and arming extremist terorrist cells (The Scarlet Crusade) to try to purge the Forsaken from Lordaeron… so that the land could be “reclaimed.”

The Alliance did crap-all to stop Arthas or the Scourge. The alliance’s MO in hte Third War and its aftermath was to sit back, let arthas slaughter everyone, then come in to mop up after him and take all the land and wealth that remained for themselves.

it wasn’t until a decade later that a bunch of floating pyramids started dropping plague and ghouls on top of Stormwind that the alliance went “Oh yeah, i guess that’s still a thing, but now it’s affecting ME!”


When Arthas went to Northrend, Terenas, under Uther’s advisement, ordered him to come home. Arthas knew he couldn’t ignore the order, so he burned his men’s ships and blamed the mercenaries.

Your timeline is way off. By the time the scourge was attacking Quel’thalas, Lordaeron was a failed state and the closest Alliance-aligned kingdom was Dun Murogh, half the length of the continent away from Quel’thalas.

  1. Stop invading their lands and taking their trees. Then we will talk.
  2. When was the last time the night elves caused a continent-wide apocalypse over a family spat.

I think she’s just swinging wild and seeing what sticks.

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Ah yes, King Terenas, who ignored calls for a quarantine, thereby allowing the plague to spread further and faster. Why ? Because he was more upset that a handful of orcs had skipped out to sea.

Under the advisement of Uther, who, let’s see… literally stood by while Arthas murdered an entire city.

Is this your king?

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your so wrong its not worth the effort pointing out all the the issues with what your posting.


You’re right but imma try.

Uther didn’t stand by, he left to tell Terenas about what was going on… After being stripped of rank and dismissed from service for treason- because he refused Arthas’ orders

How dare Terenas ignore calls to flee to a continent he probably never heard of from a raven man, and prioritize orcish uprisings over a strange sickness he had no way of knowing the details of.

You’re making things up, or I think you need to re-play WC3.

  1. Cutting timber and committing mass murder are not equivalent offenses. Sorry, I know that messes up the Poor Innocent Widdle Elfie-Welfies narrative, but, that’s how it is.

  2. When Fandral “MY SON IS DEAD!” Staghelm decided to help Ragnaros the Firelord manifest in Hyjal. My mistake on the “spat” part, but still, familial melodrama leading to attempts to incinerate a continent. As you do when you’re a night elf or Draenei.

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You are a very confused low-poly gnome.