The blame should not be shifted completely

Tbh should be a two way thing if blizzard is gonna lay arthas at the alliances feet (which they did).

Not a misconception. Oh hay horde what are your important npcs doing? Picking up trash in westfall ‘making amends’. Really compelling story for the horde player right?

So sure youre not making the players do that, but still hurting them in one way or another.

Neither do I. But we’re not developers. Just gotta endure this gracefully - or as gracefully as we can - because there’s no other option for us.

But I hope we see a lush world in resurgence once the Old God business is taken care of, as presumably it’s going to cause even more damage to Azeroth and that’ll have to be repaired somehow, right?

Right… ?


This is how the players feel. And we’re not going to get anywhere if we keep having measuring contests.

This is going against my nature as well as yours, I assume, but narratively - and for players, too, it seems - it’s the kind of attitude required to avoid ending up here again.

Oh God, no. At least, I don’t want the Horde anywhere near the civilian Night Elf population.

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Hemming and hawing about “Oh gosh this is a dark path we’re going down” is equally immaterial. The Horde’s spent enough time JUST feeling bad. It’s time they do something about it.

Show shipments leaving orgrimmar of lumber to help rebuild homes. Have some Horde/Alliance reps in the opposing faction’s embassies discussing recovery efforts. They could do SOMETHING.


It was a hyperbolic example.

I don’t want Thrall painting fences in Stormwind or anything. But if you’re keen to have something more realistically specific, then how about this:

There are Horde troops helping escort Alliance caravans loaded with supplies as they travel through dangerous Horde or Horde-adjacent territory that don’t have an Alliance military presence.


Something along those lines, yeah. I’m not vying for anything specific, I’m just criticizing the fact that there’s been nothing. I don’t understand why not liking an outcome requires me to have a detailed plan for an alternative complete with execution and gameplay implementation. I’m not a game designer.

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I don’t want the Horde’s help, I just want them gone. If not from the world, at least from our sights.

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The Horde got Azhara and other zones in Catalclysm for meta reasons. Basically the devs admitted that they finished Alliance zones and questing experience first and the Horde was worked on later- while they were still polishing Alliance content. As a result, there was an imbalance in questing, where the Horde had fewer zones to wander around freely and Orgrimmar was surrounded on all sides by contested territory.

They used the Cataclysm and “Garrosh is taking the Horde on the offensive” as the story justification for the re-balancing.

They never actually got Azhsara in terms of gameplay. It was a contested zone in Vanilla, remained a contested zone in Cataclysm, and remains a contested zone in BfA. Any control the Horde has over Azshara is only implied.

So when BfA rolled around, they tried to make the actual losses gameplay-wise even. Teldrassil and Undercity and the surrounding territory.

Darkshore was changed from an Alliance zone to a contested zone for BfA content, but the assumption is that it’s going to be returned following the events of the battle for Darkshore. Also, Tyrande is operating out of Nordrassil, so we’ll see where that leads.

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The Alliance already tried that after MoP, and it took like two years for them to go rabid. It has to be more this time.

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Lore-wise, Azshara is fully under Horde control, I believe. It just hasn’t been updated in-game (like everywhere else). I don’t mind getting the same treatment for the zones that I think the Night Elves should get as “reparations”

Well to be fair, the war campaign just ended, and we haven’t even started to seriously explore what peace between the two is going to actually look like. We’re still in the transitional period.

Yeah, my bad. I meant Ashenvale. Sorry. So many A’s and sh’s.

Azshara is indeed now a Horde questing zone. Ashenvale is the one that remains contested and always has been since the days of the RTS, really.

I meant in Lore terms. Azshara has Night Elves fighting off the Goblins IIRC?

Ashenvale was Kaldorei land, and then was contested between Classic and MoP. After MoP, lore-wise, the Horde left it I believe. They just never updated it because gotta make those ALTERNATE WORLDS and BROKEN ISLES and whatnot instead of updating the good ol’ continents.

Ashenvale is indeed historically Night Elf land. However, back in WC3, the Warsong set up operations and never left. There’s been fighting, with both sides taking and losing ground since then. The Horde was never actually expelled in MoP as far as I know.

If there are Night Elves still fighting in Ashzara, I imagine they’re just NPCs, like how the Elwyn forest quests have you fighting Horde NPCs despite it being an Alliance-only questing area. I don’t believe Alliance has any flight paths, settlements, or quests in Azshara post-Cataclysm.

Not in-game, gameplay-wise, no, nothing changed. But in the story there were no more Nelfs in Azshara and no more Horde in Ashenvale.

Oh hay horde why arnt you helping us defeat nzzoth? Where are your armies? Oh helping the alliance rebuild. So you’ll just take a back seat again like you did in legion.

And what? Thoese npcs just gonna magically appear or are you gonna waste development time on thoese story quests where those efforts could be placed into other arenas of the hordes story?

Speaking of which I dont see you trying to make amends for the purge either.
Arthas was laid at the alliance’s feet. Like it or not. I dont see you jumping trying to make amends for that.

Just how sylvanas was laid at ours.

You understand now why im not jumping at the idea?

What you ask does nothing but attempt to make the horde feel bad and will do nothing to satisfy the alliance.

Its a lose/lose.

Sylvanas wasn’t laid at your feet, Sylvanas was yours, 5 minutes ago. She used your Horde, the current Horde we have right now, with all its Tauren and Trolls and Forsaken and Mag’har and Zandalari and whoever else to assault the Alliance and commit all manner of heinous crimes.

Arthas was what, 15 years ago, and he had nothing to do with any of the current members of the Alliance. No one in Stormwind, or Gilneas, or Iron Forge, or wherever else, supported the Purge of Stratholme, or what came afterwards.


Hey man I dont make the story but anduin just claimed alliance responsibility for it.

And you’re wrong he had something to do with jaina, speaking of which, I dont see ya’ll trying to make amends for the purge either.

I don’t recall either of those being stated in the actual story. I mean, Tyrande mentions the idea of Orcs being allowed access to lumber in Ashenvale in exchange for a full withdrawl being something she and Varian talked about when you speak to her in the Warchief’s throne room in MoP, but it was obviously never actually followed up.

I also don’t recall anything about every last Night Elf being expelled from Azshara- although there is apparently one flight path and a handful of friendly Alliance NPCs who offer no actual quests/services to Alliance players and exist solely for Horde quests.

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Because the writing in BfA is downright asinine.

Oh so you dont think a faction should be held accountable for asinie writing then.

Got it.

Inb4 but… but…