The blame should not be shifted completely

But what does this look like in practice? Just some NPC text?

Ziridormi is already in every zone that’s been affected by BfA, actually.

I would take it. Ideally it would be something we could go and visit, but I think there needs to be something.

I know, so add her to Ashenvale or the Barrens or whatever zone is affected.


There have already been acknowledgements, more so than ever. Heck even look at the last cinematic.

And no you havent really suggested anything.

So at best what you’d be asking for would be redundant, and achieve nothing.

I don’t think we have much to discuss anymore. You want one thing and we want another.

I think I’m gonna bow out of this now. I’ve voiced my piece.

You have an nice night.

I’m pretty sure that’s going to come part and parcel with the Horde and Alliance working together. I mean even all throughout patch 8.2 all the Horde members of the resistance were expressing their regret and patch 8.2.5 saw Saurfang delivering a whole monologue about how terrible he feels about the war.

If they’re really intent on making the peace stick this time, I can only imagine that we’re going to see more conciliatory dialogue as Horde/Alliance NPCs actually come into contact with one another.

And for what’s worth, nobody so much as mentions Undercity either.

Ashenvale and the Barrens weren’t affected by BfA. They both look and function exactly the same as it did pre-BfA.

This is kind of showing your hand, then. The fact you feel slighted for not being able to occupy a core Horde capital city shows that you’re starting this discussion from a rather unreasonable position.

It would be like Horde complaining we didn’t get to occupy Teldrassil. Which was our initial war goal, mind you. Sylvanas set it on fire on a whim after having lead us all to believe this was a war of conquest rather than extermination.

Sylvanas set us all up. She legitimately is the primary party to blame for this war. She sold the Horde a bunch of lies and now the Horde and Alliance are working together to hunt her down and bring her to justice.

Still sucks for any Horde players that were fans of her. They’re being forced to hunt and potentially kill one of their favorite characters that they saw as an ally and a friend for over a decade.


Yes, I have. Help rebuild Night Elf homes, re-cede Ashenvale to the Alliance. Just because you didn’t like the suggestions doesn’t mean I didn’t make them. This is exactly what I mean by bad faith.

Because that wasn’t the Alliance’s fault. It was Sylvanas and the Horde.

I’m speaking about potential changes, and adding Ziridormi so that the Horde players wouldn’t be affected. Please stop being so obtuse.

And the Horde was complicit until 8.2 . Well after how much damage she was doing should have been obvious to any Horde citizen with a brain.


Me, particularly, I don’t want the Horde to do anything for the Night Elves. No rebuilding, no support. I just want them to leave the lands they have no right to occuppy. Darkshore, Ashenvale, Felwood, Azshara, Stonetalon, Feralas. Begone from it.


As nice as that might be for the Alliance, I think it’s unrealistic.

You’ve offered nothing beyond that. You say you dont want horde players to feel bad, but you want this to happen. Well you have not suggested how this will happen.

There is no point in doing what you suggest unless you can come up with a solid reason to have the horde players not feel bad part. Which you havent answered.

Either way. What you’re asking is unreasonable.

To contine to drag this out further then it needs to be. Would be extreemly deteremental. The horde side has already given acknowledgements to the fact that they were not totally innocient. Thats what you seem to actually seek and you’ve already gotten that.

I guess youre just gonna have to get over it at this point. Its unreasonable to ask to continue to ask people to do unenjoyable this in this game.

Again its a very arguable point that the horde has had it much much wrose this xpack.

Because literally anything I suggest apparently hurts your feelings. It’s ludicrous.

Saurfang having a case of the feel-bads is totally immaterial.


Oh, I’m sure it is, but I’d least like some of it. Doesn’t even have to be shown in game (like the Nelves letting the Horde keep Azshara after MoP)

Actually, I guess the Horde could keep Azshara after defacing and ruin it. Just so that Orgrimmar’s backdoor isn’t immediately hostile to them.

I knew you’d come around Emmett!

Who’s a good dog?


Stonetalon is all yours buddy.

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Iv skimmed back you really havent suggested anything really beyond what iv stated above.

You should go play the horde storyline and pay closer attention then.

But only if it is explicitly mentioned that the Bilgewater Cartel ruined the land to the point it’s the Night Elves that don’t want it anymore!

And also throw in some steaks.

I would say they should certainly give up Darkshore, Ashenvale, and Felwood (let night elves heal and rebuild that place) but I don’t ever see Azshara ever being given up and I don’t see the necessity and need for that really.


Well it was more because it was explicitly given to the Horde in exchange for peace in Ashenvale.

Then the Horde slaughtered their way through Ashenvale later anyway.


Yeah, I just don’t see Blizzard screwing the Goblins like that, not unless they get back the Lost Isles and that seems about as likely as Gilneas coming back at this point.

No, I didn’t mean in order to blame the Alliance. I mean they don’t bring it up in any context. Not even blaming Sylvanas. Like of all the things the Horde’s lost in the war, Undercity doesn’t even come up.

I’m not being obtuse. I was legitimately confused as I was referring to the zones that have been affected by BfA’s war campaign- as that would be reverse the Horde’s gains in Darkshore. Any gains they might have made in Ashenvale during the war are not actually represented in game.

Hence my confusion at the two being lumped together.

What changes are you envisioning that would require Ziridormi needing to be placed in those zones? Horde settlements being completely removed from Ashenvale in exchange for the Alliance completely pulling out for Barrens? I’m trying not to assume here.

NPC dialogue seems to suggest otherwise. Some of them are still in denial about her true nature and all the terrible things she’s done and still need to have sense knocked into them by those who realize they’ve been manipulated and misled as to the true nature of the war and Sylvanas’ plans.

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If anything, this would be Horde NPCs. There’s no reason to make Horde players grovel or beg forgiveness for a story that none of us decided on.

Though I think with both factions needing to rebuild, asking the Horde to help us do so at this time might be a bit much. Contrition, whatever form that takes, can come later but an acknowledgement would go a long way in the immediate future.

Edit: Though leaving Darkshore and Ashenvale can happen in a hotfix tomorrow. That would be cool.

Maybe Alliance and Horde work together under direction of the Cenarion Circle to help cultivate forests in The Barrens to avoid the resource shortage that’s caused the Horde to attack Ashenvale before.

I don’t want to put too much thought into a simple example, but I hope you get where I’m going: do things that help ease the tensions between sides and positively impact Azeroth and Alliance and Horde citizens.

Why would the Horde withdrawing from Darkshore and Ashenvale affect leveling at all?

Those zones are already phased to progress as your character does. Just make it so that after reaching level 120 (or finishing Battle for Azeroth content) the zone phases to it’s ‘current’ state.

As interesting as something like that might be as role-reversal, please, no. I don’t want any more Alliance vs Horde expansions. And I think playing WoW should improve someone’s mood, not make it worse.

It’s dumb that we keep trying to kill one another when Gods and Demons are trying to annihilate us already.

Geez. That doesn’t feel great either but I hope it’s also the worst case scenario because the other worst case scenario is not even in a book.

Books are great for providing detail. Ideally everything would be in the game and we wouldn’t have key story elements in outside sources; it doesn’t feel great being told one thing, but being shown and experiencing something else in-game.

But most players probably don’t care about the game beyond the art and moment-to-moment play.

A misconception. There’s no need to make Horde players collect trash in Ellwyn forest to show the Horde is making an effort. NPCs would be fine for this type of role.

Battle for Azeroth has already shown that Blizzard is willing to tell stories both sides don’t experience or experience differently.