The biggest omen of Dragonflight

Last patches are usually crazy, but continuing to ignore certain specs like affliction would tell me they still cant put in the bare minimum for an aura buff.

For me its how big of a gap will they allow? Because at the end of the day there will always be a mathmatically optimal talent tree.

Or better yet, how easily can we swap load outs? Can i have my “trash pulls” load out and instantly and freely change to my “boss dps” load out when we get to the boss?

It is going to be interesting, and will probably be the make or break point of the xpac. They can have the best story content ever and the coolest raid designs yet, but if the actual class gameplay is garbage none of that matters.

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i’m still on some hopium that Microsoft will can all the Activizard employees after they take over after they see how bad a job they’re doing.

Then again i haven’t been keeping up with how good MS has been doing with their gaming projects/teams very closely, so they could very well be about as bad for all i know.

That would be more fun than now, at least.

The damage is irreversible.

We’re talking about 12 years of butchering of the talent and spell system that began in Cata with the transition of pre-Cataclysm WoW to post-Cataclysm WoW.

In these 12 years, too much has been lost, changed. Spells that I cherished in vanilla now long gone, abilities that work very differently, etc.

They thought that building onto the 71-talent point system was too difficult and convoluted, but it’s exactly that formula why I play Classic and not retail in the first place.


Oh, if they wanted to revert everything to MoP-like classes, they could.

They won’t, but it IS reversible.

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Agree to disagree.

Actually, no, not agree to disagree, you’re just wrong, lol.


I agree, and if makes the problem of build A being 20% better single target dps than build B a little less painful because build B could be 20% better in AoE.

Assuming there is no cost to swapping load outs, and no restrictions like needing to be in a rest zone or something stupid.

Assuming actual talent variety exists and its not the same cookie cutter build surrounded by meme talents, it should be fine.

Otherwise, they dont actually address the problem with MoP talents without glyphs, and just wasted the whole point of talent trees.

blizzard’s motto is reinventing the wheel.

Talent trees are probably just the new borrowed power system. Just uses a single interface.

The big test will be how the points are awarded. Borrowed power was never really a problem any more than if all the abilities were put into a talent tree. The problem was always the time gated / RNG mechanics in which it was awarded.

I doubt it, seeing how its been presented.

But I’m not going to give blizzard any benefit of the doubt till I get my hands on beta.

Based on what i have seen so far, they are definitely playint to niches in each spec.

Druids in particular, feral and bear, seem to have “berserk”, “arcane”, “bleed/physical”, etc… in over all styles you can do.

Boomkin was a little tougher to figure out the niches on, but i am less versed in the spec so i might be missing something.

Honestly until we can see numbers and do testing its impossible to say “definite success” or “definite failure”. I am looking forward to the testing phase and other classes.

Im really looking forward to seeing my new main, evoker, talents.

Talent points appear to be rewarded by level. Unless you think there will be bonus talent points? God I hope not.

This hot take melted my face. But if I still had a face, I’d hard disagree.

Good. I want the balancing issues to be dealt with in a week. Move on to cool stuff. None of this 4568 iterations of possible problems we need to have 18 meetings about.

I’m not sure what the point of this is. Could you provide a definition for “morph”

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Relax my friend, you have valid concerns but the talent system will be great!

Must have faith, the DEVs know what their doing, DF is looking great in my opinion. :blush:

Level cap and done? While it would be nice not to have some sort of gated power progression system I’m very skeptical of them not coming in at the last minute with a freakout about how they’ll keep people subbed for two or three months.

Nah. Some things, sure, but not this. People gave loads of feedback on Torghast. Most people I watched playing through it were having a blast, then at the last minute they just gutted it and made it feel like just another chore.

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the don’t even have enough class devs to balance anything yet trees will be awesome sure. sorry i’m not looking for rehashed garbage from shadowlands i’m looking for something new this is a new dev team so show me what you can really do instead of copypaste everything. so worried about inventing new flying instead of actually hiring people who can get the job done and truly balance this game so i can have actual choices not the same old cookie cutter garbage you failed covenant balancing proves it all. the balancing in this game sucks and you know its going to ruin trees yet your doing it again while not hiring people to make this same old problem go away. who did you hire to fix these problems that you been having since forever. it ain’t very exciting just changing a few talents so i fit a niche. blizz needs to learn how to reinvent the wheel again like did when wow first came out cause what were sitting with now and even classic just dies off in no time besides the ones who just don’t unsub no matter how bad it is.

Let me start with I think the Blizzard development team has a crippling lack of imagination and should have abandoned the Legion borrowed power model after seeing what a mess they made and the clunky balancing that took an entire expansion to just get okay.

The idea is not terrible. In fact it is pretty vanilla, literally. Talent trees are a tried and true way of such power distribution not just in Blizzard games. Bringing them back is a recognission that they made a mistake getting rid of them. Will they be a fluster cluck out of the box? Certainly. 100%. But this is an evergreen system that once it is pretty good, it will stay pretty good, instead of dealing with the cycle of messy borrowed power that by the time it is approaching workable, the expansion is pretty much over.

This is what we have now and how borrowed power has worked for 3 expansions. Popular bonuses get recycled into traits or legendaries or whatever the system is, rather than just have a permanent talent tree that you can invest your “I want this” point into. It is a massive simplification that won’t require fighting with auction house pricing, grinding torghast type cointent, and waiting on time gates to acquire.

Right. We get to keep some of them this time, rather than reach into the mystery bag and hope we don’t pull out a turd. We will still have sets which is probably the best way to experiment with overpowered talents that may or may not become a talent someday.

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The true test will be 10.1. From what we’re hearing now, 10.0 won’t have set bonuses supposedly, so focus on the core class gameplay, which I think is fantastic, but opens the door for 10.0 to screw things up majorly. Time will tell.

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