The Big Dig: Traitor's Rest

The Big Dig: Traitor’s Rest is bugged in that it will not give any tasks beyond the first one. And when I had that first task, it did not track what it was in the actual tracker (but I was able to figure it out based on the minimap). It also does not show a timer for the remaining time.


I’m having the same issue

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I’m having a similar issue in which it doesn’t tell me what task it’s giving me and there’s no timer showing up. I can still receive tasks and do them, I just can’t see what task I have.


I am having a similar issue. I never got the first task or a timer. I kept checking my mini map to see if something would pop up. But nothing ever did. Other people where getting task’s. I tried running away then running back, to no avail. The buff you get for standing next to him did appear on my character. All I could do was dig piles of dirt and kill mob’s that spawned from piles. Upon finishing piles/looting. I was looting pages. Was able to tag/loot the boss. Got credit for the weekly and was able to turn it in.

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Same, no tasks at all for anyone there, no timer. No one around me was getting tasks either. We all dug piles all until Doomshadow was spawned without any message. Killing him ended the event and completed our quest. Also of note, artifacts meter was at the top of the screen. Digging the piles did not add to the artifact meter, only when m,obs where spawned and killed from piles was any progress made. 3 of us digging were able to complete 1 artifact.

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Same issue.

No timer, no tasks. We all just dug in the dirt lol

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I felt a weird sense of camaraderie on the 8 alts I ran this in today lol

Same issue

Yeeeah. Eddie seems to be talking to himself, but not taking down what he said to whom. No indication of the event actually progressing on the player side, just random ‘X go do Y’ aaaand… event is borked. Ed does not seem to remember he asked X to go pick up his dry cleaning from Y or that Z needs to go toss hats on A.

Methinks Ed may need to have his airways cleared or maybe just let his assistants do their jobs, coz what he gives to players he ignored like a tenured professor ignores undergrad evaluations. Or is this like the Working as Intended like the Tenure System at American Universities has been for like, forty years?

Blizz, please advise if Ed is tenured, non-tenure-track, or if he’s actively holding a copy of the Chronicle of Higher Education’s want ad section. I mean, dude likes our ‘pages,’ so.

Seems pretty par for the course for American Academia. I play games to escape such. Pls fix Ed nao, as his being broken is way to realistic for me and I might like, go photocopy something 213 times just to take my mind off of the doldrums of being a grad student.

Which I can’t be, coz Edd won’t give me rep.

Srsly, it’s like undegrad all over again. Surely, devs, one of you completed a college degree and like, actually tried to go higher? Like, one of you. Chad? Dudebro? Are you there? It’s me, Margaret.


This was a hilarious read lol.

Unrelated-related but if you are trying to finish up rep with this guy, complete the dig on as many alts as you can. They stack now! I finished mine in no time. And if you aren’t working on rep, please disregard!

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Oh, its giving tasks, its just the UI isn’t working to display them


having exactly the same issue.

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I spent a lot of time running around and clicking on whatever I could to try to Sherlock Holmes my way into finding out what my tasks were. Nothing ever triggered. On my first character of the week, I was able to clearly see the first task. After that, nothing. Even when I swapped to different characters.


The main thing missing is any kind of visible quest objectives in the quest tracker. No objective name, no progress tracking.

There’s no visible timer or status displayed for the overall event, either. You have to pay close attention to what Eadward is saying to know that the event is ending and Doomshadow is approaching. Made me miss out on a kill the first time I tried the event after pre-patch hit.

Makes it a lot harder to do the event, overall.


I’ve experienced the same issue this week. (No problems last week.)

-There was no overall timer on the event
-No timer on tasks (if you received one-most players doing the event with me did not receive any)
-Those that did receive tasks had no objective listed in quest log
-The only way to know the event was ending was to pay close attention to where Doomshadow normally spawns, otherwise won’t notice


I went all the way through the introductory quests (that start with Edweard at Algethar Academy) with an alt just to see if that fixed it…nope.


As of the weekly reset, this is still bugged. Even if you pay attention to Ed’s dialogue and follow his instructions, there just simply aren’t any tasks to complete. Still no timer, too.


Same issue. No tasks are showing up.

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No timer, no objective showing up.

How many bugs does this game have?

Rehire your laid off QA FFS.


Today I did it and it kept giving me dialogue boxes from all the NPCs as if they were giving me tasks, but I never actually got one.