The Big Dig: Traitor's Rest

This is affecting me too.

I was hoping to grind out the set while I waited for TWW. I hope they fix this, otherwise it’ll be a really long slog of digging :confused:

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Still bugged for me, too. It was bugged last week, too. I missed out on killing the boss because I was too busy trying to figure out what job I’d been given. Very frustrating.


The dude gives me a task (no objectives on quest log or minimap or anything), I go to the NPC he mentions and there’s no prompt of anything or any extra button or nothing to do. All I (and people around me) can do is dig rocks around the questgiver.

It’s incredible they released such a buggy mess and never bothered to fix it. They don’t even say anything about it. Of course, at this point they won’t since they sure are busy with the expansion release…

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I was really hoping this would be fixed after this latest weekly reset.

As I’m sure we’ve all seen, there’s no timer and quest objective tracker for the event, but you still get text dialogs from the NPC’s giving instructions.

Sometimes if it’s like, “bring this box to Nirobin”, you can still complete it, but if it’s “See if Roska needs help”, nothing further happens.

I’ve found if you fly away from the area and come back, you can get a new task to complete.

Either way, it’s a pain and quite annoying. Only have a little bit left to farm out.


Yeah, I ran this again last night. I got a couple of tasks early on that I could complete, but then I kept getting a task to go get something from Zenata (?), only she never had anything for me.

Also, some of the tasks require you to collect an X number of things, or fill a completion bar, and it’s really annoying not knowing how much you have to do to finish the job.


Same experience for me. Eadweard will talk to me, but he usually says something obscure like, “Oh Maerlyn, take this to my friend Nirobin!” And then nothing appears on my minimap, no indication of what “this” is or where to take it. I also don’t have the countdown timer like I had when I did this event before 11.0 dropped.

I can still kill the final boss to complete the quest, but otherwise I’m just stood about waiting.

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I learned that I leave too early in frustration and if you stick around for the boss you’ll still complete the quest

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This is still happening. No timer, and Eadweard eventually stops giving assignments to anyone, so we just dig until the sky turns dark.


8/6. Still happening. Was so engrossed by digging (yay fun! not) that i missed the bird so no completion for me. How something this big can be overlooked for so long??


Same thing for all events in the maw, no task at all !!!

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Still broken, no timer, no tasks being handed out


Same issue for me

Same issue. Been like this for months. Blizzard just doesnt care. Imagine how bad it will be in the TWW events. Complete failure.

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8/16 and still broken. Not acknowledge on known issues page either.

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Still an issue as of today the day before TWW launch LOL

Still bugged as of 8/23/24. I see the quest giver giving me the quest through the dialogue, but the quests/tasks do not show up on my map, mini map or quest log.

Buggiest event of all

Still bugged.

9/16/24 still bugged

9/17/24 still bugged.

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