The Best Tip For Hardcore

I have an optimization proposal for Warcraft of World HC mode, I hope you can find time to look at it.

This project is an attempt to demonstrate my understanding of the Hardcore gameplay of World of Warcraft and my innovative thinking.

By introducing survival mechanisms, lowering the barriers to entry, increasing the drop rate of important items, and designing class-specific skills, the aim is to try to keep the hardcore mode challenging while reducing player frustration, improving the game experience, and attracting more players to join.

Who like to actually play some action games without being Hardcore users.
This design concept has led to the success of the Elden Ring:Shadow of the Erdtree and the Black Myth Wukong.

I think this design concept will also help the Warcraft HC succeed.
In the existing game market, the only way to achieve great success is to surprise.

1. Game content improvement suggestions

Magic Campfire

Add a tent function item similar to the Turtle Warcraft, temporarily called “Magic Campfire”.
Provides social interaction and accelerated level ups, reducing the negative impact of character deaths.

This suggestion is intended to enhance the game experience for players, especially in the HC mode, where the cost of character death is very high, so this mechanic can help players better cope with the challenge.

Flask Of Petrification

Replace black lotus with a lower grade material; Each character can only use the CD once or once every X hours, reduced compositing difficulty and increased usage limits so that more players can use this item.

It is very important in hardcore mode because it can provide an extra chance of survival.
By lowering the bar, the average player can also enjoy the benefits of this mechanic.

Lower price for junior mounts & Deal-spec

These changes are designed to lower the barrier to entry for new players and increase the flexibility of the game.

The dual-spec opening allows players to better cope with different battle scenarios in hardcore mode.

Max bonus
Provides advanced mounts and exclusive survival skills for classes to motivate players to reach full level.

These rewards not only add to the game’s sense of accomplishment, class features, but also make up for the effects that Flask Of Petrification cannot achieve, providing an additional means of survival.

Career specific survival skills are inspired by what designers have already published, disposable life-saving items that will be added to hardcore NAXX copies in the future --Malfunctioning Life Amulet.

I think to change items into skills that would improve the game experience for the average player.

2. Equipment drop probability adjusted

Because of the particularity of the hardcore mode of gameplay, obtaining top equipment is no longer the biggest goal of the game, and can not become the biggest motivation for players to continue to play.

At the same time, in order to adapt to the game needs of current players, I think the drop rate of blue and purple items on all copies should be increased to 99%, blue and purple equipment drop rate for wild treasure chests and NPCS has be increased to at least 30%.

This change is intended to make it easier for the average player to get all the featured equipment and reduce frustration in hardcore mode.

While the drop rate increases, it doesn’t make the game any less challenging, it keeps more players in the game and encourages them to take risks and explore.

&& exclusive survival skills for classes

Each class has a dedicated life-saving skill that is automatically triggered when the character is about to die, provides an extra chance to survive.

These skills are designed to be fun, fit with the class characteristics, and add to the strategy of the game.


Warcraft Classic HC life saving skills simple declaration. CD: 1 day.

Paladins: Ardent Defender skill effect.


Block attacks that will kill you and activate the ability Protection effect— Warrior’s soul.

Damage is reduced by 100% for 5 minutes, temporarily suppress all damage taken until you have accumulated more than 99% of your maximum health, or all damage absorbed after exiting battle erupts immediately.


Arcane guardian:Block attacks that will kill you and activate the ability Protection effect—Mana Shield. Gain β Mana per second for Y seconds.

Warlocks :

Block attacks that will kill you and activate the ability Protection effect— Soulstone. Instantly restores 50% of max health and mana, and gain the Sacrifice skill effect of Void Walker.


Block attacks that will kill you and activate the ability Protection effect—Prayer. Instantly restores 50% of max health and mana;Force hostile targets attacking you into a state of Repentance for 10 seconds.


Block attacks that will kill you and activate the ability Protection effect-- Instantly restores 20% of max health and mana;Gain the effect of skill Earth Shield.


Block attacks that will kill you and activate the ability Protection effect— Dragon of gift. Trigger the highest Regrowth spell, and make your shape-shifting spells do not cost mana until you exit battle.


Block attacks that will kill you and activate the ability Protection effect— Hunters heart amulet. Instantly heal for 10% of Max Health, reset Healing Potion cooldown immediately.

Summons a Spirit Beast and unleashes the Challenging Shout, causing hostile mobs within a 30-yard radius to attack it for Y seconds.


Block attacks that will kill you and activate the ability Protection effect— Contract of Death, all damage taken during the duration of the effect is absorbed by the barrier, and you cannot inflict any threat,last β S.

After exiting the battle, you are affected by the Breath of Death DEBUFF, all the effects of the treatment will be absorbed by the breath of death and need to heal 10 times the damage absorbed to remove it.


I know that the above optimization does not change the fundamental problem of Warcraft Classic Hardcore :too little is gained, too much is lost, and the cost of starting over is too great.

The above solution only solves the problem that it is too expensive to reopen.

Not many people would have the courage to stick with a painful game for long without the added bonus of being “uniqueness” .

I was very lucky to get a game-changing idea, maybe make core gameplay as important and fun as the Vanilla Classic.

It transcends the value of money, therefore, I believe it can attract people who once liked and loved the Vanilla Classic of World of Warcraft to come back.

This video is to illustrate the number of vanilla players and its influence, just give them what they want and they will come back again.

I can’t find detailed statistics on the number of players, but there are rough statistics from the game media, and the number of players around the world is about 4 million to 5 million after the Vanilla Classic is relaunched.

So, I think the new version of hardcore mode will start with around 200W, it will probably stay between 50W and 100W, with a game mode life cycle of about 3 years.

Marvel Rivals Games executive producer had to say : Whether or not they will appear on the future pipeline is highly depending on what kind of gameplay experience our players would expect in our game.

So, I really want people in the community to get involved and work together to make the hardcore mode more fun.

Although the Hardcore of gameplay is doomed to be unable to operate for a long time, it will bring a large number of new players to World of Warcraft and strive for more development resources and time.

More players like LoLtyler1 will be drawn in; when that day comes, I believe that old players like Asmongold will also return and make their last journey to Azeroth, because he has said that he will return one day in the future, and that day will be the moment when this plan was realized
, my friends and I will return to Azeroth.

All of these will push World of Warcraft to the top of the global hot list again.

I am confident that I can do it.

Are you Blizzard Games willing to try this change — an opportunity to benefit all of us?


I’m sorry I couldn’t write down the most important event, because it was so important, it could have changed the history of the game, and I had to be careful.

I’d like to talk to the designer first.
Hope to understand, thank you again.





To keep the response short, HC is fine the way it is, the last thing it needs is to lower the barrier of entry to attract people that aren’t really hardcore and won’t be happy in the end, honestly there are to many people that don’t have the right mentality to play HC, and most really aren’t happy. HC is a niche play style that appeals to a very small group and for a very good reason as few people are ok with losing all their effort when their character dies, and thats really what HC is about.


For those of us never having touched a Pserver this explanation explains nothing.

And no, I would never play your version of HC. I love Vanilla WoW with the added one life challenge. Leave it alone.

Why would you want to attract more, make HC easier and dumb it down? Make this mode, but please, don’t call it HardCore because it is not.


I think OP used AI for this

Also funny in general that the title is about tips, the topic is about suggestions and it ends with linking a video of an old wow dev telling Blizzard they should make Classic WoW

Anyways, time to start signing OPs email up to random crap

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I appreciate the time you have taken to write such a detailed and in depth post. After reading it I understand where you are coming from. My feedback will ultimately echo others though.

Hardcore WoW would not be better with any of these improvements. Hardcore WoW, it its purpose and function, means that if you actively play the game, at any level, you will most likely die.

That is the key to the game. It is not designed to funnel people to max level so that they can raid and do dungeons. That is the other game modes. Hardcore is meant to be crushingly brutal. It is meant to punish mistakes severely.

The whole point of Classic HC is to Die and Go Again. Also, people are going to eb and flow playing it. That is largely how modern gaming works.

Another issue is that there isnt endless repeatable content at end game to funnel people to. Once they gear through the dungeons, all that there is left to do is raid log once a week. Funneling more people there, means less people playing the game.

And if there is further evidence that Hardcore WoW in spirit and purpose is designed to be punishing, and you are supposed to die, is the addition of Self Found. Which was a player addon, that was adapted to Hardcore WoW, which makes the journey even harder.

A large portion of what you are suggesting is just classic WoW, with 1 death a day. Cheat death once. Then log off till the CD is up. Then continue. And the other suggestions, just make the game easier, and the leveling shorter, and conflict with what Hardcore WoW is. In essence just playing Classic WoW is more similar to what you are asking than playing Hardcore WoW.


I agree with you about the real point.I didn’t try to change it, and if you read my plan, you’ll see that I didn’t do that.
Because I understand the true meaning of HC, I know how to attract more people to come in, which is a win-win for us and Blizzard.
In the scheme, I said that I have A way to make old players like A return to V, which is not simple simplification can be done, do you understand?
I hope it can go beyond money, leave unforgettable memories for all of us, happy memories, hope HC can become a game art, I don’t know if I say this you can understand, but, I think, this program, when you know what it is, you will certainly like me, because our team HC feelings are the same.

All the changes you want diminish what hardcore is, they seek to add safety nets and prevent deaths. Thats the worst possible thing you can do to HC, it also is bad for players. If anything they should remove Petri, but I realize thats simply not going to happen. The key that makes HC work is people dying, nothing should interrupt that. Also it’s better that people die early and learn to really understand what HC truly is about, then to get to a high level because gimmicks were added, where then the deaths are much more painful.

Finally the population on HC is where it should be, it doesn’t need to grow, the only real problem right now is Blizzard made the poor decision to create the fresh servers which split all the populations, so Defias is not as healthy as it used to be and would have been without the new server, that is 100% because of the fresh server though. That said, there are tons of people on it, if anything it needs to see its population drop a bit and will be healthier once the FOTM players jump ship to something new.


I basically agree with you.

But there are a few points of disagreement I’d like to discuss with you.

1、Flask Of Petrification
I found that this item is very expensive in every part of the world and difficult for ordinary players to obtain, do you agree with the strategy of increasing the CD of this item or replace B with a lower level item, so that the price of the item is lower for the convenience of ordinary players? If not agree, please answer why?

Cruel punishment should not be added to the injustice created by some people, don’t you agree ?

2、I want to admit that I am old, not sure if I can complete the journey in the current HC, and friends who have been gone a long time, and then, also hope that more young people can be attracted to play, so I do this.

If let Blizzard choose(Revenue maximizes and stays the same), I think this is also a difficult choice.

3、I forgot to mention that without the last and most important thought, the one I can’t talk about here, none of the above would matter, because the friends who left wouldn’t come back because of those changes, and I think you think the same, right?
Please tell me what you think.

So, if I don’t have a good idea to attract friends who have been gone for years to come back, I don’t do the easy, simple measures, which I found out in 2017, but didn’t think of a solution then.

Because now that I’ve found a way to get them back, that’s why I’m doing this now, you know bro?

As crazy as it looks, I think you’re going to love it, I’m sure.

Because we both feel the same way about Vanilla HC, the idea is the same.

Reading the responses. 100%. AI generated. They read like those horrible AI voice adds for mushroom tea, or weighted sweat suits.

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Today, I came across a problem that has happened many times:An error occurred: Please wait for other users to participate before replying.

I don’t know why I’m restricted, so I can’t reply to everyone individually, please forgive me.
By the way, I’m from China.

I didn’t change it for the challenge of a single life, never tried to change this and never will, and I know that’s what makes HC different from other versions.

I want it to be easy, not stupid, I want it to be easy, because I wish I could go back to Azeroth one last time with all the friends I’ve ever had, because that’s the only way it’s going to work.
Don’t you ever want to go back to Azeroth with your old friends?

This is crazy. I’m being judged like this?

That’s enough evidence to put a man on trial? It took me five years to write a plan, and then you kill it… This is crazy.

Don’t die.

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I’m sorry to see you feel that way, Since I can’t read or write English, I can only use Microsoft Translate software to help me.
I’m not an AI.
If I don’t, what else can I do?
Please tell me?

This happens to everybody trying to post more than 2 replies.

Yes, I would very much like to go to Azeroth with my old friends - or rather with new friends, as my old ones do not play any more.
… BUT …
I like Hardcore to be a challenge like The IronMan Challenge has been for me and my friends since 2012. Not a walk in the park. Your idea is not Hardcore, your idea is not a challenge.

if you “want it to be easy, not stupid, I want it to be easy”
You can play on the normal servers with your friends and your own a death a day rules using an addon. Don’t ruin HC for the rest of us.

Thank you for your reply.
Yes, I don’t think the new service is a good idea either.
All the changes you want diminish what hardcore is --you’re right, but… why would I do that?
Blizzard why not open TBC HC is related, If you understand this, you understand one of the reasons Blizzard doesn’t have TBC HC.

What I want to do is try to find a balance between the two (Revenue maximization and HC difficulty),Make TBC HC or WLK HC a possibility.
From this point of view, our goal is the same, do you think so?

The most common last words are “ty” so my best tip is: don’t give people things, or do them favors unless you want to condemn them to death.


Oh, I see, thank you for your reply.
You’re right, you guys like real challenges, and that’s really cool, and I love watching your challenges.
I’m sorry about that.

However, I want you to understand that there is a high probability that Blizzard is not willing to open TBC HC because of the small profit.

If you are willing to compromise such a change as this plan, so that more people can come in and Blizzard can get more revenue, could this make Blizzard consider changing their decision?

As an old Chinese saying goes: it is harder to reach the interests than the soul.

This entire post is like some kind of fever dream…

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Blizzards choice to not move the Fresh HC server to TBC likely has nothing to do with difficultly, as neither TBC or even WOTLK were difficult expansions outside of pre-nerf raid content t, and most of it would be very manageable post-nerf.


Yeah, I just want to try more possibilities, when most of you stop playing the current HC and there are new players willing to come in, you know one day you will be AFK.

If there are not enough people, HC will still exist?
If I remember correctly, HC is limited in time, right?