The Best Tip For Hardcore

No, the HC servers are just like the ERA servers, they are here and wont be going anywhere, they aren’t temporary servers. That said its extremely unlikely that Blizzard will ever invest a large amount into the servers, both because its unlikely it would attract any new populations, and it would pull them further away from the core platform which would add significant maintenance cost.

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I’ll just do a personal HC Challenge for TBC if Blizz won’t put it in.
I am not wanting to compromise on the HC rules - only to make them more in accordance with the rules from the old IronMan Challenge* … and as said, I would never play on a server with your suggested rules.

*) IronMan Challenge:

No gear with stats.
No groups - Guilds allowed
No dungeons
No buffs except for your own class specific ones
No help from other - also not your own alts
No Talent Points
No Professions - First Aid allowed
AH allowed
All bags and mounts allowed

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Yes, once people thought that flying in the sky was a dream.

I,m sorry but you don’t seem to understand the concept of this game mode at all.

Very bad. The whole point is that dying NEEDS to be painful otherwise it’s not hardcore, don’t transform this into a rogue-like.

Should be deleted from the game entirely.

Very bad, the whole thing needs to be hard and risky otherwise there’s no accomplishment.

More on that at the end.

Nope, just bad, the whole point is to learn the game and become good enough to not get there. Regardless of how long this takes you.

Everybody goes into this knowing the amount of effort and what’s at risk. There is no reason to change that. If that doesn’t sound like a good deal to you, it only mean you shouldn’t play, it doesn’t mean the game needs to change.

These W’s mean weeks? No way any HC server last that long, Doomhowl is over and it lasted far beyond it’s expiration date. The moment there’s alts running around with fiery is when the game is over. The entire point of this game mode is to start with nothing, risk it all, and try to reach the end. Any transformation in this process is a straight reduction in quality.

It’s not meant to last a long time. It’s meant to die when it becomes bad, and come back later with a new server to force everyone to once again play by the rules without having silly rogues with double fiery running around having it easier than they should.

Why do you have a scam bot email?

Yes, I think so too. I mean, it could be a lack of revenue, staffing constraints, multiple factors. Therefore, I propose that if the difficulty of HC is moderately reduced and the revenue brought by HC is increased, can Blizzard consider changing their decision.

“the HC servers are just like the ERA servers, they are here and wont be going anywhere, they aren’t temporary servers. That said its extremely unlikely that Blizzard will ever invest a large amount into the servers, both because its unlikely it would attract any new populations, and it would pull them further away from the core platform which would add significant maintenance cost.”

That’s the root of the problem, if there’s not enough Profit, it’s not going to push them to reopen the Vanilla Classic, is it?

None of the changes you are proposing would help HC bring in more players. Most people don’t like losing their characters, those change wont change anyone’s mind in that and really nothing will. The only thing I see those changes doing would be to help gold farmers/bots, where their automated systems would have an easier time avoiding deaths as they farm for materials, which they can then transfer off server.

As for the current HC players, it’s possible that some of them would actually leave potentially cancelling their subscription if those changes were implemented, as HC players don’t want the the leveling process turned into a joke, which those kinds of changes would do. Ultimately if implemented those changes would likely greatly increase bots, and decrease actual players.

Classic ERA (Vanilla) never closed, Whitemane and Mankirk both have solid populations even with Fresh, and they will recover more when the fresh servers move onto TBC.

Hi man, you’re like a brave warrior with an
“Heroism” , fearless, really good.
I hope you stay that way.

I wish there was a vanilla HC for all of us, the only Vanilla HC, that extreme sports players can use the hardcore WOW plug in to play, or rule IronMan Challenge, it’s not in conflict, is it? I remember Turtle WOW had simpler rules like this.

I just want Vanilla HC, and my friends to cross Azeroth one last time, and then leave.
If not, I’ll never come back.

I hope you guys have TBC HC and WOTLK HC.

I bet you’ll like my idea, because it will be a kind of game art, with you and me in it.

No, I do not like your idea.
I think you and your friends should play on the Classic Era realms and use the HC addon. That would give you the version you’re dreaming of because then you can pick and choose from many rules.

& - W is the wrong way to use it, sorry, don’t care about it.

& - The end point? If that’s the end point for you, great.
Leave Vanilla HC to ordinary players, let them know the fun of HC, enjoy HC, OK?

You’ve already enjoyed it, can you let those who don’t have the game talent to enjoy HC?

& - I’m sorry if that makes you feel bad. Because the reality is that running a game is a business, and it needs to be both fun and profitable, right?

& - I think it will last a lot longer, about 3 years, because it’s not your game, it’s not just a game for people who have a talent for games, it should belong to everyone who likes HC.

& - I think they’re compatible, it’s not a conflict, just like now you can choose IronMan Challenge in HC.
This will keep HC alive and better,

Just like the USA has always been number one in the world, in culture, technology, etc., all because of enough inclusivity, what do you think?

&- Doomhowl is over?no NAXX?or does no one care if there is?

& - That’s not a scam bot email. That’s my email, my real email address.

I think your thinking is a little strange, a normal email address, why would you think that’s a scam bot?

Is it just because so many people tell you that mental hospitals are full of lunatics and prisons are full of criminals? so you say, yes, they are?

I love WOW, research WOW, in addition to work and life, is to study WOW, has been 5 years.
Don’t worry.

your tips make HC mode easy. im like you i hate dying but at the same time i wouldnt have it any other way. sucks playin HC with a friend and he dies when u are logged out.

only suggestion i think would be a nice bonus added is if you like lets say make it to level 20 then if u die u get a little exp boost from quest and mobs until you reach the death level again.

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You can’t. HC has two options: Normal or SF, no IronMan mode.

Please stop trying to make HC easy mode. Go to the Era servers and download the HardCore addon. This wil let you choose your own restrictions.

OK, maybe you are right, maybe that will change in the future, when the TBC HC is going to open, I will wait until that day comes

Maybe what will change?

And HC TBC is not going to open according to Blizz.

I will reply to you now after careful consideration of some details content:

"Hardcore WoW, it its purpose and function, means that if you actively play the game, at any level, you will most likely die, that is the key to the game. "

“It is not designed to funnel people to max level so that they can raid and do dungeons. That is the other game modes. Hardcore is meant to be crushingly brutal. It is meant to punish mistakes severely.”

“The whole point of Classic HC is to Die and Go Again.”

I think you should have seen it, if you read most of the discussion.
I also think “The whole point of Classic HC is to Die and Go Again.”
Without this, all my plans are meaningless.

"Another issue is that there isnt endless repeatable content at end game to funnel people to. "

Yes, theoretically, this is the case.
However, we have to look at the specific statistical analysis, how many people are playing, enjoying the game, not for raids or game equipment; how many people push the envelope? do crazy things like Xaryu.
Maybe it’s half-half.
Everyone is playing the game in their own way.

last: In most games, many players don’t do the same thing over and over again, do they?

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It looks okay,but I don’t know if it’s any more fun than the original.

Yes, the simplified version is the same, if u not get a little exp boost from quest and mobs, u will die, that is the key to the game.

If someone wants to cheat, before, now, or in the future, they can cheat, can’t they? But you can lie to others, don’t lie to yourself.

The normal mode and simple mode can exist at the same time, it’s not a big technical problem, isn’t it?

Oh bro, I figured out a way to make everyone happy, and show off the hard work, bravery, and glory of extreme challenge enthusiasts like yourself, let the regular players have fun.

I should have thought of that, yeah, this is gonna work, we’ll all get more than a hundred fold.
I was excited, but I couldn’t share the joy, it makes me feel sad…

When can I talk to the designer about this plan ? I know it won’t be easy, and I’ll be waiting and hope it’s not too late.

You figured out a way to make YOU happy, not everyone. I would be extremely UNhappy with your version of HC.

I can only repeat my advice: Download the HardCore addon and go play on the Anniversary PvE server.

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I was talking to my friends about this yesterday and they weren’t too interested because they had already tried it and thought it was too hard, they want to play games, not be played.
If this plan really gets my friends who left to come back and play it, I’ll come, too.

As I say. If HC servers are too hard the solution is not for Blizz to water down the HC servers, but for you and you friends to download the Hardcore addon and play in a normal server.

And this was my last time replying to you. You just keep on repeating the same foolish message, misusing whatever I say to pretend we agree, which we explicitly do not.

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Thanks for replying, I think you and your friends will definitely enjoy this idea.

Yes, I was repeating something, because you guys have always said that HC is hard, and I can understand your reasons for insisting and try to look at every aspect, the benefits of doing this, and the needs of all players to the best of my ability.

Finally: I think we’ve said enough, leave it to Blizzard game administrators to decide. Thank you all for your responses and good luck.

Supplementary Content:

While watching the 11.1 promo just now, I realized that I did the same thing as the designer, our design philosophy in this regard is almost the same…
Oh god, great, it’s so cool, it excites me again, lol.

we just show it in a different ways, which style will the player prefe?

I’m looking forward to the new version of the gameplay, people’s real experience and popularity, I’ll keep an eye on it.