The Best Relationship You've Forged in Warcraft

So I’ll say this off the rip that this is a thread I took from the GD channel so I take no creativity points in the formation of this little prompt.

But as the OP posted, with everything going on with Blizz lately it’s easy to forget that Valentine’s Day is literally tomorrow and Valentines day is about love. Love for your family, your friends, your significant other or whomever. So with that in mind I’d like to try to shake up the sour taste that Blizz has left us with and try to get people thinking and to share a bit of wholesomeness. Especially with how close and tight knit the WRA community is I feel like, this will be a fun prompt.

So what do you feel is the most important relationship you’ve made while playing Warcraft? Were you one of the lucky ones to meet your soul mate that you plan on spending the rest of your life with? Perhaps you found a wonderful community and social group that you enjoy being around. Or perhaps just a really good if not best friend and battle buddy.

Share your stories down below and lets share some love.


I’m not for specific stories but I’ve met a lot of really good friends through WoW and a few significant others to whatever extent things lasted.

Hi Conjurus!!

bae and I make fun of each other sometimes

This is not a good relationship goal.

I am not one to doubt providence

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… right so ANYWAY

Conjurus has probably been my Best Friend for a while now even though he makes me watch shows that he likes and sometimes I don’t but mostly do but he bothers me about them until I give in so thanks I think Conjurus

Kazimir/Kazimieras/whatever has been around with me for a while and while we aren’t super-duper close he’s a good and trustworthy person who I’ve literally never had any negative experience with whatsoever, which is obviously incredibly rare.

I think Azhaar and I still technically hate each other but I think if push came to shove I’d also trust Azhaar to do the smart/good thing in most situations.

Enekie annoys me to no end but that doesn’t mean she’s a bad friend. If I discounted people because I was annoyed by them I’d never talk to anyone ever.

Solafina has also been around A While like Kazimir but now we mod the Discord together along with Targai, Freya, Crowley, Wiggles, Cad, Khin and Radishes so that’s a big bundle of people all together that are cool for the most part (minus Targai, who is like the complete opposite of cool, and Freya, who is gross).

Spinesaw (who doesn’t even post on the forums) is someone I’ve known for like, half my life? And vice versa of course. Not really a WRA-specific thing, but it totally counts. His wife Phae is also around and cool but I’ve only known her for like 8 years as opposed to 15.

Kat & Pants (they know who they are) have also been very long-time friends here who totally count because I never knew them until WoW. Kat I met through some very strange circumstances while farming warbringers in MoP and Pants has always just kind of been in my periphery within some communities and we never talked until about a year ago. They’re both super good friends so it’s weird to think they were around so long and we just… never really interacted until relatively recently.

I’d say Rouille is a good friend but all she does is scream “mood” at me until I start crying so honestly I think I just need to quit while I’m ahead.

Liotuse and Dawnblood are also pretty good to me most of the time. Dawnblood got me into GHOST which rules and Liotuse, uh… mostly threatens to 1v1 me in Quake or Marvel. He also rescued a cat from a pipe, so that’s cool…


I met my roommate in WoW, ten years ago. And I got her back into the game shortly before BfA launched last year. I feel sort of bad about that, given how it turned out…

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I met my husband not really because of Warcraft – but we both played on the same server (different factions) at the time. We’re moving to another state in a few weeks, and we’re staying with a couple of our friends - who also met through WoW. It’s so strange - but also so right.

I know Baenura not from WoW, but she’s definitely someone I’d ride or die for.

Also if it wasn’t for my entire guild I would be unsubbed at this point. They’re all good people, and we operate as a dysfunctional family and I appreciate it.

Solafina’s a good dude, so is Bruticus.

I’ve met a lot of good people in the past like, year or so. Shoutouts to the Wyrmrest Discord, y’all are wild.


Well, I’ve been with SfE since Draenor, and they’ve been a real rock. Probably would have quit the game this past year if I didn’t have them. Absolutely the best place for me for years now.

I met a lot of folks through the now-defunct WRA Discord that I consider great people and friends (and still get to hang out with in other Discords). I’m not good at putting feelings out there, but phae, Spinesaw, Radishes, Khin, Baenura (even if I’m not cool enough to make HER list), Solafina and a bunch of other folks put up with me and I couldn’t be more grateful for it.


You’re a good dude.

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Baenura, Solafina, Cad, and Conjurus are all cool and awesome and nice people who I enjoy chatting with even if we don’t interact a whole lot. Y’all are rad and exactly the kind of people that make and have made WrA the best server I’ve ever played on in any MMO.

I don’t think I’ve ever really spoken with Enekie but I’ve always appreciated her posts.

Oh and I met my boyfriend on WrA while pretending to be a fat wizard. 4+ years, baby!!


I met my wife 13 years ago in Vanilla. She was a friend of a friend I made in my first wow based rp guild. I initially thought that they were dating but came to find out that they were just old friends irl. She came to visit me in 07 and we’ve been together ever since.

For myself there are quite a few individuals whom I’m grateful to have met. Some of whom I dont get to talk to nearly as much as I used to in days past but still just as important to me now as they were then.

Zalayn and Engorak are always solid guys who I consider brothers. I met these two chaps back during WotLK and I’ve considered mself fortunate enough to have met them. I’ve had a lot of late nights with these two in discord doing PVP, PVE, RP you name it and we’ve been there together and honestly some of my most fond memories are with these two.

John and Brandon (They swap characters often and I can’t pin point who their mains are anymore) are also really good eggs. We met on Alliance side and though I’ve since left team blue for red we still talk and I value their friendship like no other. Even have branched off with them to experience different games together and hanging with the squad is always a smashing good time of belly aching laughs.

Everyone in Hope’s Fate guild are especially awesome individuals. Laid back, super chill and just honestly individuals whom I couldn’t have a more time with even if I tried. They gave me a taste for the PvE life and its always a pleasure to team up with them whenever.

I literally have only so much room to type and you owe me monster hunts.

I know I’m sorry. I’ll ping you this evening, if you’re not doing anything else

You don’t actually owe me because I don’t need anything, you’re the one that needs 500 nergigante buttholes.

Hoodoo booooiiii let’s hope I remember all the names (apologies in advance!)

Thorough the years playing WoW, I really appreciated Salem, the best (online) grandma ever for being there when I didn’t know whom to turn to, I hope your kids and everyone’s doing fine.

Friendships on WrA came and went, due to RL and because the darned timezones shakes fist but I’m happy to have found a solid squad now in our little discord:
Alex - I love you and it’s whatever, but awesome. So good that you didn’t purge me from your friends list muahaha!
Anja - I love you like, how are you so stronk with conviction and your imagination is so precious also haha same birthday! Kek.
Cereal - I’m just going to call you that. But pls, your puns. YOUR PUNS. You belong to us.
Grey - I love you like. When you’re yourself and needing out. YOU’RE SO LOVED.
Luc - I love you and gdi how, I’ll forever be indebted to Alex for introducing you to me, best friend + rp partner 12/10
Pix - I love your selfies and how, you’re so wonderful and loving and a treasure :star2:
Ren - I love you even when you’re a bit distant and I’m sorry if I’m annoying but I NEED YOUR LOV-- I mean attention, let’s rp :weary:

…there’s so many more I want to mention, that maybe don’t even want their names on here. But really know that ily :heart:

And last but not least, people that are cool but I’m not talking to often: Bae, Cad, Crowbey, Eledriss, Froyo, Targ, Void, Wiggles and.

I said I’m probs forgetting someone.

To the people I lost contact with. To the people I once called friends. I hope we see again. Let us talk.

I am here.


  • Ana
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…also special mention to. My friends who. I’m so embarrassed now. THANK YOU FOR BEING THERE. After all the years. cries

The best relationship I made in WoW was definitely Colepain.
Back in the day in LK, I used to sit in WrA Horde side trade chat and troll the trolls. I’d been doing that on Llane for years and I always liked chasing off troublemakers. Sometime in the Fall, Cole started popping into trade all the time by announcing himself like a character on Fairly Odd Parents:


I don’t know why, but this cracked me up.

A few weeks later, I was trying to get a raiding coalition together to get some of the guilds who had a few raiders to combine into a raid team and he volunteered some people from The Fallen. And then he left there, joined my guild and managed to make himself indispensable to me while at the same time, being someone who never hit on me or made me uncomfortable. At some point, we started RPing together and he posted Cole outside my log out location for 4 hours, guarding it ICly while he waited for me to log in. We’ve been together for years now.

My other srs bsns friends from WoW are Janzar, Balder and Odium. We’ve all known each other since LK and hung out IRL this past Labor Day weekend. I got to see giant spiders in SC that jump off their webs in Odi’s yard and watched Balder cut up a gigantic fallen tree like a B/A.

I also <3 a lot of people I met in the Meadhall: Davonna, Moddy, Bathildis, Brigeda, Ramrath, Tairneach, Flux, Ornaud, Gilna and Tormod are all awesome. I enjoy bugging Kiethoo from time to time and think Topsail is the best shot in Azeroth.

Other than that, people from my original guild, Spetsnaz, Azrikaar, Zaristus and Zarreon are all cool and I wish we hung out more than a couple times a year. I miss you, Tinarys, Balrik, Ellebere and Xara!

I’m probably forgetting some people since I’m at work :frowning:

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