The Best Relationship You've Forged in Warcraft

I am now a crowbar.


Maiby :wink:

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Ah yes I know Balder and Odium as well. Have PVPd with them on more than one occasion. Even have Dusty on my FB. Not sure if Balder has one or not

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I met my wife, Khin, through playing the game, back when we were both horde-side. Throughout the years I’ve met many wonderful people, communities that I’ve stuck with for years.

My current guild has been something I’m very thankful for, it’s one of the few guilds I’ve joined and been comfortable enough to stay for the couple of years I’ve been on board (wow it’s been a while).

Meeting new people and eventually becoming a moderator of this server’s discord has been a blast. Freya stinks.


Oh shid that’s me.


Be careful of the friendships you forge in this game. Things you once thought were lifelong and irreplaceable could soon turn to ash in your mouth, and ice in your heart. Trust is hard won.

I do thank my guild for being a great family and keeping me going through even the rough times, and all the cool people I’ve met in the past 6-7 months as I’ve taken my tentative steps back into the community.


He does - they’re friends. He’s the Viking looking guy with the long beard.

Most of the people from WoW that I’ve met IRL no longer play. There are a few that I’m FB friends with, that I’ve talked to almost daily for probably 8 years now, from this server. They’ve gotten me out of so many unhealthy situations, such as being homeless.

Some of my favorites that do still play are Kopperschott, Mystfire, and Jarclair!

Kopper and I go way back. He’s very good people and kind enough to check in on me, seemingly knowing when I’m at my lowest and need to be checked on.

Mystfire and Jarclair are newer friends, but I wouldn’t have made it through my last suicide attempt or quitting drinking without them. Literally. They called the cops and got me the help I needed that night and went alcohol-free to support me. They talked to me on the phone every day while I was in the hospital, and have been there for me every step of the way since. I love them with all my heart.

There are far too many others to list, so I’ll say The Vol’kar Legion. Again, there’s no way I’d make it through life without them. I’m not even subbed anymore and they’re still like my family.

Otherwise, all you forum people! Although I don’t really know you, I enjoy reading about your lives and opinions, and hope you’re all doing great. :slight_smile:

TBH, I don’t know if I’d have made it this far in life without the people I’ve connected with through this server.


I became very good friends with the only deader worthy of the name, Vinterson, via WoW.

11 out of 14 people (excluding me) in my primary Discord are all people I’ve met myself through Warcraft. I’ve known them for either 10 years or only a few, but they’re all folks I want to continue to know for just as long and longer.

Also because of the community Discord and just bantering there (when I’m paying attention) and using the realm forums, I think because of that influence that 2019 is gonna be the year I probably get in touch with the community and RP in-game again.

real friends dunk each other

And since today is the day, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY WRA!

Sharing all of my love (but not my candy. Thats mine) with you all :partying_face::heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Hoo boy. I don’t know about deep friendships because a lot of my 10+ year friends quit/were on their way out when Karma was a persona. So shout out to Viscosity/Lhorr and Nephitsia/Jaura who are off in the nether somewhere. Pip, my favorite gnome who is still somewhere. Chellice, my favorite not-warlock.

There are a bunch of people I admire from contact over the years, or if not admire, have some semblance of friendly relationship with that kept me in the game far longer than was conceivable to me now.

Bridges and I were in like for a while on the forums apparently, he is a pretty cool dude from my brief interactions with him. Kazimir and Conjurus, for a very brief time when I became aware of them I thought they were somehow related because of their avatar but they are not, and that is okay because they post things with thought and reason and have been a general good that I enjoy seeing. Poor Conjurus has to put up with me memeing supernatural at him because of some joke he can never remember.

Vexonia and Odelas were both very supportive and generally cool people who made in game things more fun.

Banrok, Cannibal, and Nahku have always been my favorite orcs though we’ve interacted little.

Rouille, though I haven’t talked to/seen her in a while was always sweet even with her 'mood’ing. x.x

Oh. :chipmunk: That’s all you get. Not listing me. Hmph hmph hmph.

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There is a character limit!! Blizzard only wants you to have so many people listed, you see.

Does it have something to do with pie? Supernatural memes always seem to fall back on Dean’s great love of pie.


So Conjurus and I were talking about misha collins(who is da best) and his videos Cooking with west. It led to talks about Supernatural and the Supernatural musical episode, and inevitably to the comment about Dean and Sam BM(Boy Melodrama) moments. So I just started posting pics of Sam and Dean staring at each other with watery eyes every once in a while at him.



God that episode was so funny.

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Those are sooooo cute!!!

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I’ve been playing a long time. I’ve only been on WRA since late WoD and even then I wasn’t very active until legion was in full swing… But I’ve made some really good friends. No one is gonna be surprised when I list Crowley first. It’s no secret that we work closely on the guild together and he suffers through my pitiful attempts art world domination, but the dude is an incredible friend. For real, dude, I’m gonna keep saying it: you rock. It’s no exaggeration to say that you pulled me through my lowest points.

Wyrmrest has brought me some amazing friendships. Caelaise, Freya, Targ, Jess, Wiggles, Ras… And if I keep going I’ll run out of space. You guys are more loved than I can tell you. Thank you for putting up with my cat picture spam.

There are a ton of others too who aren’t on this server (my Laveaux, who’s moved to oceanic servers… Aedinus, who got me rping AND got me to go blue. Or the 30 horde guildies I still have on Facebook from wrath and cata) all told, WoW has introduced me to some phenomenal people!



Obviously, my boyfriend, who also told some guy bragging about being a jerk in the WoW tags on tumblr that he was being a jerk, so I followed him and a year later launched a now 5 year long relationship with. My co-GM and metamour, and my fellow RF members - 2019 marks 7 years of friendship!

My dear darling Rykadiel, who I’ll never stop tagging in photos of adorable spiders.

phae, without whom I would have missed out on a whole array of friends who I can’t imagine not having now, and who delights me constantly (and tells me to put pants on my Xaela). Spine is also a delight.

The friends who first brought me in on Alliance RP, barely knowing me, taking the chance on me, and who meant that Mierette got genuine development - Kalad, Lietta, Huvi, Dorien, Pro, Nath, Masek, Khay, Viletta, some others who have moved on.

My fellow Discord mods and former fellow Discord mods - Radishes, Khin, Wiggles, Crowley, Bae, Cad, Freya, Targai, Ana, Thokk, Bruticus, Minzel.

My Horde RP friends, who’re too many to name and I’d be scared of leaving them out, but especially Favrielle’s adopted brothers Lukel, Theron, and Melaeth, none of whom I think check the forums but without them my stories would be so much less precious.

Enekie, who I don’t talk to anywhere near enough but I still always enjoy seeing.

Lily, gone but never forgotten, my dear friend.

I think that’s enough? I could be here a while.

ETA: mind blipped and missed someone, whoops


Let’s not say anything we can’t take back, now.