The best coffee creamer/flavor thing

Oh I like that one as well! It doesn’t overpower the flavor of the roast but gives a nice sweetness to it that I want.

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:astonished: You take that back right now! Are your taste buds broken? Caramel is the best

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Don’t knock it ‘till you’ve tried it.

I prefer red paint chips, with a high lead content. Bellissimo!

all those flavored creamers are super yummy but are crap ingredients, and I’ve said my peace

I’m not really a fan of flavored creamers. I will however make my own usually with soy milk or heavy cream whipped with a hand emulsion blender mixed with Torani syrups. They have tons of flavors. My favorites are salted caramel, pumpkin spice, hazlenut, and french vanilla. I don’t need sugar since the syrups are sweet and two jobs in one.

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The only kind I’d use is vanilla/hazelnut, though personally I tend to use heavy cream instead.

surprised no one has mentioned sweetened condensed milk like Vietnamese coffee

whipped with avocado, chocolate syrup and ice. Yum!

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Bailey’s Irish Cream. From the alcohol aisle not the dairy aisle.

Sadly, I am relegated to almond or oat milk instead.

Black or half-and-half. Everything else is inferior.

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Heavy cream.

No flavor added at all.

McDonald’s Ice Coffee
No liquid sugar
Extra cream

It’s the stuff dreams are made of. I go every day just for one of those coffees.

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If I’m not getting a type of mocha, usually go for Costa Rican blend with a tiny bit of french vanilla creamer!

1/2 & 1/2 + chocolate + chai concentrate

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Half and half, no sugar.

Plain half & half. I don’t want any artificial chemical flavor crap in my coffee.


Only black.

All else is Vulpera folly.

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One extra large cappuccino.


Tastes like drinking a snickers bar.

A mutant turkey is ok as well. Though it gives you some fearsome gutrot.

8 shots of espresso passed through a Turkish grind twice with nothing added. You get it free the first time if you can drink it all in 1 hour with nothing added.

17 oz. of full body dark roast
3 oz. oat milk
1/2 tablespoon raw sugar
Made in a French press

I gotta the Chobani sweet cream. Stuff is amazing, I plan on trying the caramel one too soon.

French vanilla or black