The best coffee creamer/flavor thing

I add a little ground cinnamon to the coffee grounds before i brew it.

Captain Morgan’s Rum.

French Vanilla always gets me, especially from 7-11. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

splash of real cream

For a 12 Cup Carafe put 30 grams of cacao butter, 25 grams of coconut oil (MCT oil) , 3 tablespoons of heavy cream powder, 3 full droppers of stevia and 25 drops of food grade peppermint, spearmint or cinnamon oil in a commercial blender. It makes a rich, keto coffee that tastes awesome. The cacao butter adds chocolate flavor without cacao powder grit and bitterness.

…Are you seriously trying to gatekeep coffee?

As for me,I’m not too picky as long as it keeps a bit of strength after I lightly sweeten. Definitely do grab pumpkin spice in the fall,peppermint mocha in the winter. Though if I wish to fancy it up then half&half with a bit of toasted marshmallow or caramel syrup.

I prefer a bit of whiskey if your going to go with a nip of the Irish.

Just black coffee. If it’s good coffee, you don’t need flavoring. Just like a good steak needs no extra sauce.

Seconding this. Coffee itself is good. Though sometimes I get bored and throw cream and sugar into it. Sometimes I’ll add whipped cream over top of that with a bit of chocolate sauce. Coffee is just good regardless.

Creamer is for girls and effeminate men. Rich, black coffee is the only way to drink it.

You know you’re insecure when you gotta gatekeep coffee and make dudes feel bad for enjoying something sweet rather than tar thick coffee miners had to swill in 1849.

Nope. It’s a joke. Relax.

So having an opinion is gatekeeping? Gotcha champ. Double finger guns

Real talk, I brew a pot of dunkin french vanilla roast at dinner and pop it in the fridge overnight.

Pour it over ice, add a splash of almond milk, and a pack of sweetener of your choice (I go with sweet-n-lo)

You will never pay for iced coffee again.

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I have coffee flavour in my coffee… anything else is heresy.

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It’s one thing to have an opinion, and another to claim those who disagree with yours are “girls and effeminate men”

Half & Half. Or frothy milk.

Normally French Vanilla… Tried M&M’s the other day, it was amazing.

The candy or a creamer?

The creamer, its really tasty. I forget which brand it is though… Coffee Mate! So good :yum: