The Battleground Clan recruitment thread

Honestly don’t remember :sob:

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It has begun…

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Wait a sec… Is that THE forums??

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to try and hunt each of us down. One by one.

This thread will self destruct in 5 seconds.

Edit: Alright who’s been fiddling with the countdown timer?!


I know someone else who may be guilty of that. Not mentioning any names (but it started with Squeek and ended with toy). Questing the elite dwarves at Dun Modr 1 or 2 at a time as a 2 person worked fine til the blueberry chased a runner and brought 7 more.

Party chat:
oh [censored] RUN!


wow JD, now you’ve done it:


Wait, so they patched it already?

I meant to test this last night after seeing that other thread but I was never around bb or ratchet. I still can’t help but speculate it’s another typical the sky is falling forum threads.

As suspected, people are talking out of their butts. I just logged in and went from Hinterlands to ratchet to walk a poor 43 sham into the water. If not for these forums, he would not have to swim this morning but here we are with him somewhere in the ocean.

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Awesome, I still have a chance to do that.

Shadowmeld makes it awesome. I’ve seen a couple alliance priests get on the boat and it’s just screaming obvious what they are up to. The horde target them and keep going los of their casts or even just attack.

In retail if someone starts casting at you when you don’t have anything targeted it auto targets. I don’t think it does that in classic until you take damage from them. It makes it easier to get mc’s off.

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We’re still missing people. I see Mauden has a guy on Grobb but I never see him.

Darville needs a NE too.

That’s likely because their instant curse, that they use to open, doesn’t do damage until it’s first tick. They complain about it a lot in areas with lots of contested mobs

Yea it’s just that the wand I’ve been using is 1.8 sec and I see the dot on the mob before I ever hit my wand.

You guys still playing retail also?

How many in the Grobb Mobb?

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There’s about 32 in the guild and majority are from the forums. We average 8-10 during EST primetime.


I have forgotten how to log into retail

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No tremor totem for shamans in Classic ?

Classic Shaman, level 18.

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Yea it’s there. Or are you referencing us being alliance instead of horde?