About Infernals and Other Such Things

Blizzard, stop it. You know what you’re doing, and you know you’re going to piss off your players with changes like this. Go ahead and screw it up being dumb and making unnecessary changes, lying, or being quiet about them. I’m sure there are many more people than myself that haven’t subbed much at all since WoD that came back for Classic and are having a good time. People will leave again if you keep messing with things. And these things you have changed, you need to fix them back the way they were.

This is EXACTLY why people don’t want you changing anything. You just change stuff that doesn’t need to be changed and then you are quiet on the matter and think your customers are too blind to notice.

I want Classic, and even Retail, to do well. Don’t mess it up. Things like this are doing just that. You have some “creative” employees that should have been fired a long time ago still messing with stuff. You’re going to eventually flush the whole thing down the toilet for no reason other than people not having enough sense to just leave things alone.

I hope that doesn’t happen.


You’re making a post based on nothing but conjecture. If you think something is bugged, report it. But here you are calling out Blizzard for changing things without any evidence.

You’re just trolling.

They made a change to Infernals with their AOE and made them so they don’t run off and go on rampages.

This is not what they did in Vanilla.

They also made it so priests cannot MC on boats.

I think he’s complaining that the new Classic devs promised to keep things the same but they are in fact listening to small qq’s


No I’m not. And it’s not “bugged,” it is “changed.” There is a difference. And every post you do not like is not a troll post. Learn the definitions of the words you use before speaking.


The change that’s being described for Infernals does not sound in any way whatsoever like a bug.

I can’t confirm that it’s happening, as I’m only level 50 right now (need 55 for the quest chain), but if the Infernal has in fact been nerfed in this way, I’ll be incredibly disappointed and probably quit Classic.


And so it begins.


Is there anyone that plays a Warlock that’s a high enough level that can confirm this change was made?

You’re just trolling bro

it’s been reported in other threads.

Another ninja change: you can’t graveyard corpse walk, despite the fact that this was not removed till Cata. Why it matters? Dunno about you but many of my hunters traveled to other faction land for pets.

FD does not work anymore;
Vanish does not drop aggro
I read that the Doomguard also was nerfed…

So much for the “authentic” Vanilla experience.


Here’s the thing about that, people have reported that as a bug and to my knowledge Blizzard hasn’t said one way or another. They’ve stealth nerfed numerous things in the past and one of those things is fun. Given their track record it isn’t a leap to assume this is an intentional change.

If it’s a bug someone at Blizzard needs to open their mouth and say, “Oh yeah that’s a bug, we’re working on it.” How freaking hard is that?


this is why i have already cancelled my sub and will be waiting on the side for the next month or 2 to see if i want to keep investing time in classic. Making changes without even communicating with the player base is unacceptable to me.

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By “graveyard corpse walk,” do you mean rez at a different spirit healer than the one your ghost spawns at?

Because if that’s gone, once phase 2 starts, get ready for graveyard camping.

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Priests and warriors have also been nerfed. I knew Blizzard was full if it when they said they wouldn’t touch class balance. They can’t help themselves.

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So you’re just mad you can’t MC people off boats. Good change Blizzard, get rekt

Unless it was just broken, vanish has been working fine for me.

Didnt blizzard nerf those things early on in vanilla?

I specifically remember the inferno and MC changes happening prior to BC because people where using them to Grief

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That’s correct. I attempted to utilize it early on when I was level 20 to walk to Booty Bay easily and just res at the GY outside town. It lets you spirit rez at other graveyards, but teleports you back to the one you were originally at.

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Mind control 100% works on boats. I’ve seen it done 3 times already. Mostly done by annoying Dwarfs

No they did not. I tested this 5 minutes ago and now some poor shaman is having to swim and not get shark ate. Do you always believe what you read on the internet?


Could be worth holding out hope for a least a little bit that they’re unintentional side effects of something in the patch. /shrug