The bad decisions never end do they

It just seems like all the forums are is in a constant state of uproar over every decision blizzard makes. Like the whole Pi issue and the circular arguments that caused.

Then the slime cat issue that’s mad some people become obtuse over it. Instead of being a well rounded experience had once again divided the forums.

Hopefully blizzard will learn to take a step back and think before they do, given they seem to be falling into the same trap over and over again.


Omg I know, right? Get a clue, Blizz!


If random email polls are to be believed, Blizzard is more intent on learning how much you’re willing to spend on microtransactions than actual content / playstyles in the game.
Referring to the email some alpha tester got on overwatch two about how the first 3-5 question or so was their willinglyness to spend $45 on some mythic skin. So no, i don’t think Blizzard really cares, I think they actively enjoy pissing on us.


With nearly ten different versions of WoW that have existed, that’s ten demographics of players to have to appease.

It’s been their business model of redesigning the game every two years since vanilla, so they have only themselves to blame for the hole they’re digging themselves into.

You just gave me an idea for a new thread I would like to make though.

I think you greatly underestimate how many decisions are constantly being made.


Pretty sure theyre actively trying to sabotage the game so they can move on to new projects.


This makes sense as long as you dont actually think about it.


Well it was hyperbole so thats the point

Other than the fact there are plenty of people that do take that line of thought seriously. Combined with I am not sure what point you are trying to emphasize?

That the devs make stupid decisions. What are you trying to accomplish here?

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What is any of us trying to accomplish here?

He’s defending them because without World of warcraft he has nothing, just like many blizzard shills do. Their identity, personality, and anything else that they can consider uniqueness and purpose is tied to the game. Not that I can say for sure as i haven’t really seen much of his posts, but it is the most common occurrence for anyone who defends blizzard and insults people who call them out.

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I guess something more insightful.

In every single video game in existence, the devs make decisions you don’t agree with. And this thread is based on every decision being bad. Coupled with your “hyperbole” agreement statement…


I think people greatly over estimate how many decisions are made they deem as “stupid”. And just want to generically pile on, because its cooler to be edgy and whine.

As I was saying. People like to whine like little children.

“I havent seen this person post much, but he doesn’t instantly hate blizzard, so he has nothing in life. And is a shill”


For me, I don’t remember seeing anyone who was pro- slime cat restriction to normal+. Some people gave good tips like looking for community runs, pugging specific bosses at a time, etc. I don’t think including players who run normal and excluding players who run lfr makes much sense, there is considerable overlap between those groups anyway. And depending on who you are grouped with, lfr is probably harder than normal.

With the slime cat, I was more surprised they just didnt give a new color of it for each difficulty. That seems more their style. Didn’t see the point in any limitation.

by insulting me and defending blizzard you only reinforce what i say as true. There was nothing insightful about your comment. If Blizzard wasn’t making actual stupid decision, the majority of internet feed back wouldn’t dub BFA and Shadowlands as 2 bad expansions. World of warcraft also would of never had a mass exodus of players who left the game either if “bad decisions” weren’t actual bad decisions.

Sorry, I guess only you get to insult others.

Get over yourself and grow up.

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My first comment insulted you even though it wasn’t directed at you, hence you fell under the catagory of “i attacked the game, thus i took it as an attack on me” then proceeded to insult me. Then after the first insult which you threw, i returned it and now you’re playing victim. You are also not contributing anything to this thread other than “people are babies” which again is a general insult. You’re the immature one who should grow up.

Who is the “he” in your statement, as you responded to someone talking to me.

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